I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 903 I’m Overwhelmed by the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire

Chapter 903 I’m Overwhelmed by the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire

"You boy, what kind of monster is it!" The shock in the hearts of Zhang Menglong's friends couldn't be added.

No wonder he dared to use such an attitude towards the masters of the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire. People who are more powerful than him are here to be his slaves.

"Hazy, can you explain this to us? We are really a little confused when we clean up." Elder Zhou's head was already in a mess. He could understand what happened just now individually, but He really couldn't understand the connection.

According to their understanding, Zhang Mengyu is just a person who escaped from the first-level civilization. How can he do such a thing?

"This actually started a long time ago," Zhang Mengyu said. He doesn't plan to hide it now. After all, he has already grown his wings. Even if this secret is told to the whole universe, who can do anything to him?

Even Gane, Makabaka, and the slaves all pricked up their ears. This is what they most want to know. What is the origin of the young man who turned the entire universe underground fair upside down?
"Five or six thousand years ago, my ancestors got a treasure, which is my super seminary," Zhang Mengyu briefly talked about the history of his family.

Every time a piece of history was told, their expressions became more and more surprised.

No wonder Zhang Mengyu's family is as rich as an enemy country, no wonder Zhang Mengyu has countless knowledge and power that this era should not have.

No wonder those ancient ruins are all related to Zhang Mengyu's family. The ancestor of this dog got a legendary system!
"I always thought that this thing was written in a science fiction novel, but I didn't expect it to happen to you!" Wang Ling's face was full of envy and hatred.

Thinking back to when I first met Zhang Mengyu, he, a rich second-generation player with top reincarnation skills, was actually competing for more money with a guy who opened a cheater, and he was somewhat insane.

"This is too incredible." Elder Zhou and the others were amazed.

"Later, an ancestor of my family named Zhang Kai found the spacecraft left by the explorers of extraterrestrial civilizations on the earth, and drove him to fool around in the universe for thousands of years," Zhang Mengyu said, "Relying on those far more than With the knowledge and skills of the highest civilization in our universe, he has flourished and laid some foundations."

"How much foundation?" Wang Ling asked impatiently.

"A top deposit account with the largest bank in the universe, a bunch of legends, and the most powerful woman in the universe so far." In a few words, Zhang Menglong summed up the world that Zhang Kai conquered.

"No wonder you were able to bring back a fleet of a level five peak civilization. I wanted to ask you just now whether it was stolen or cheated." Qin Feng finally understood everything.

"Tsk tsk tsk, with you here, isn't our earth civilization about to take off?"

"I dare not say whether it will take off or not," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "If a civilization develops too fast, it is actually not a good thing. I don't think I need to explain too much about the reason why it is counterproductive."

"That's right," Mr. Zhou and the others nodded. If they wanted to, they could live on a planet with a fifth-level civilization, but even if they live in a world of advanced civilization, their science and technology, sociology, worldview, etc. still cannot be improved. To the corresponding level, it becomes a salted fish.

"But I can guarantee that in the entire universe, no civilization dares to shit and pee on our earth civilization casually, come and do it!"

Zhang Mengyu's words also did not avoid Gane, Makabaka and those slaves.

In fact, they have been speculating about Zhang Mengyu's background. In their concept, behind Zhang Mengyu is either an invincible cosmic boss, or a mysterious and powerful civilization that no one knows.

But he found that his structure was still small!They even found that their worldview had been subverted.

At present, all they know about this universe is that there are other parallel universes in theory, but so far, there are no facts and evidence to prove this.

No wonder Zhang Mengyu, a small fourth-level life form, can refine such an incomparably powerful Daliwan Shenli Wan that even seventh-level and eighth-level life forms are flocking to.

He can even have that mysterious flame, easily reforging a failed work of a master alchemist into a seventh-level martial arts weapon.

Even the martial arts cheats he took out at random are treasures in this universe.

It turns out that he has already come into contact with the universe beyond this universe!

Since there are high and low civilizations, there must be high and low in the universe. If there are other universes stronger than them, then they should not use the standards of this world to judge Zhang Mengyu.

Looking at it this way, all the miracles he created seem to be taken for granted.

"Did you hear that?"

"I heard it all!" The slaves began to whisper, "This kid's luck, I have to say, is really good!"

"I actually thought that one day I would return to my own freedom and kill him. I was just trying to die!"

"Brothers, I suddenly feel that being his slave is not a bad thing!"

"Shit! You like to be a slave and you do it. I don't want to be a slave for a lifetime. When 1000 years come, I will leave!"

"Idiot! Is there a pattern?"

"I also think that your structure is too small. Think about it, he has so many good things, and he can easily create a top life form. If we are loyal and become people he trusts, even if it is Servant of a loyal minister, what do you think we can get?"

"That's right! Maybe we can break through to the eighth-level or even the ninth-level life form. Now we can't rank at all. If we follow him, we may be under one person and above ten thousand!"

"Makes sense!"

"Everyone, do a good job in the future. If you have the opportunity, you must express your loyalty to him. Maybe our status will be far higher than it is now!"

In an instant, the slaves behind Zhang Menglong seemed to have a new look, not their appearance, but their hearts, their beliefs, and even Zitiff, the eighth-level peak life form!

"Wuhu!" Zhang Mengyu suddenly spotted the private spaceship in the sky, "That Otiz is here, let's meet him!"

The Stargazer brought them to the fleet command center before Ortiz.

Otiz immediately used his artificial intelligence to search for the language on Earth, and learned it thoroughly at the fastest speed.

"Mr. Zhang, hello. I'm Otiz. I'm taking the liberty to visit this time. I hope you won't be offended." After stepping out of the spaceship, Otiz bowed deeply to Zhang Mengyu. awe.

"No wonder, even if you don't come to me, I will go to you." Zhang Meng said with a smile, "What's the matter this time?"

"That's how it is. Since you live in my dual-whale cosmic empire, I am obliged to take care of your civilization and you. What orders do you have?"

"Oh, it's nothing," Zhang Mengyu said, "As long as we don't let those messy civilizations bother us all day long, I now hope that my civilization will develop rapidly and not be affected by external wars."

"I understand, I will check the situation of the civilizations near you immediately when I go back, put an end to all wars, and create a peaceful environment for your side, and I will not interfere with anything on your planet. If you see which civilization does not Just tell me, just tell me."

"Very good," Zhang Mengyu nodded in satisfaction, "As long as you do your best, I will cover the entire Twin Whale Cosmic Empire!"

(End of this chapter)

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