I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 904 Purchasing Power of Earth Currency

Chapter 904 Purchasing Power of Earth Currency
"Yes! Thank you for your care!"

This is the best news Ortiz has heard in millions of years!
Although it is a fifth-level civilization, the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire is only a fifth-level elementary civilization. There are as many fifth-level civilizations in the universe as the Ganges, and they are simply inconspicuous.

Even among the surrounding five-level civilizations, the strength of their dual-whale cosmic empire is only at the lower middle level, and their situation can't be considered particularly good.

In fact, the nearby civilizations are not very powerful. The most powerful is only a fifth-level medium civilization. Its strength is about ten times that of the dual whale universe empire. It can be regarded as a fifth-level civilization just getting started.

However, in order to compete for more resources and create more favorable conditions for development, many civilizations will form alliances in groups to support and develop each other.

For example, there is an organization called Oria United Civilization, which is a civilization united by 13 nearby fifth-level elementary civilizations. Their strength can even compete with the only nearby fifth-level intermediate civilization.

As these 13 civilizations support and support each other, their development speed is getting faster and faster, and even the fifth-level medium civilization sometimes has to avoid the edge temporarily.

But there will always be wars where there are interests. Among the 13 fifth-level civilizations, the civilization that called for the formation of an alliance at that time has gradually mastered some rights of the joint civilization. They also began to have some ideas of expansion, so they began to call Surrounding civilizations join them.

In fact, if everyone simply develops together, it is of course a good thing, but the current joint civilization is different from before, and has begun to deteriorate. Their real purpose is to annex, unite, and then further self-strengthen.

Those participating civilizations seem to have enjoyed the dividends, but to a certain extent, their economy, technology, military power, etc., are no longer completely up to them!
Who wants to lose control of their own civilization?

After realizing this, many civilizations began to reject them. This rejection caused accidents. The United Civilization began to interfere with the normal development of other civilizations in various names, and even maliciously created conflicts and frictions, causing the surrounding civilizations to complain.

And the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire is also one of the quatrains united civilizations.

At first, they didn't dare to go too far, but later, their revenge gradually began, and many external forces gradually penetrated into the Twin Whales Universe Empire and began to try to split them.

And in many resource areas began to create malicious friction. Not long ago, a resource development company of the Double Whale Universe was attacked by space pirates in a mining area belonging to them. As for whether this space pirate is a real pirate, I understand everything naturally.

But this situation almost made Otiz feel a little sleepless!
But now that he had Zhang Mengyu's words, his back straightened up in an instant.

The so-called measure of the strength of a civilization is force!

Even in a first-level civilization like the Earth, the great people of China long ago uttered the famous saying "a weak country has no diplomacy". A strong army is the foundation of everything!

And now Zhang Mengyu not only has 100 standard battleship fleets of the fifth-level peak civilization, but also the most powerful Zhouda fleet in the universe. May I ask which civilization around dare to provoke them?
"Mr. Zhang, can I borrow an army from you first?"

"Is there still a comparison?" Zhang Mengyu said, "Didn't I give your legion commander Augustus a sum of military expenses? You can also equip a strong enough fleet, oh, no, it should be far away." More than one!"

"Augustus?" Otiz just rushed over and didn't ask him what he had said to Zhang Mengyu.

He made contact with Augustus immediately.

"Augustus, Mr. Zhang said he gave us a sum of military expenses?"

"Yes, my lord, I wanted to tell you just now, but you were in a hurry and didn't give me a chance to say it." Augustus said.

He glanced at Zhang Mengyu cautiously, "How much did he give us? Do you have 100 star universe coins?"

If he has 100 stars, he can build a fifth-level medium civilization warship, and even the alliance will not dare to trouble them easily.

"My lord, you are too small!"

"Did you give us [-] stars?" Otiz was bolder this time.

"A full 100 million stars!"

"What?" Otiz almost crushed the communicator in his hand, "Aren't you kidding me?"

"Master, with Mr. Zhang's wealth, do you think this is a lot?"

"This" Otiz naturally knows Zhang Mengyu's ability, 100 million stars is really not much for him!
But according to the development of their civilization, even after another 1000 million years, they may not be able to accumulate so many universe coins.

"Mr. Zhang, thank you!" Otiz bowed to Zhang Menglong again.

"You're welcome, it's just a matter of little effort," Zhang Mengyu said, "I, Augustus, said that the surrounding five-level civilizations are a bit pretentious. You can buy some good things with this money, and force me to pretend this!"

"Yes!" Otiz was extremely excited, and the big knife in his hand was already a little hungry.

"Oh, yes, there is one more thing." Zhang Mengyu said, "You all know that I am too timid. The fleet I bought now can't give me enough sense of security, so I plan to buy more At one point, it will be directly listed under the name of the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire, please help me deal with it."

"Of course, it's a trivial matter!"

Otiz is even more happy. If warships are purchased in the name of the Twin Whales Cosmic Empire, even if the actual manipulator of these warships is Zhang Mengyu, they are also recorded in the Cosmic Alliance on the Twin Whales Cosmic Civilization.

For example, if Zhang Mengyu asked him to buy 100 battleships of the fifth-level peak civilization, then if someone inquired about the military reserves of the Double Whale Universe Empire, there would be these 100 warships.

This is naturally very powerful as a deterrent to other civilizations.

"How many do you plan to buy? I'll let Augustus take care of it," Otiz said, "100?"

"I don't think it's enough," Zhang Mengyu thought for a moment, "Get me 10000 pieces, you go find this!"

Zhang Mengyu handed him Tila's business card, "Give me my name, I should be able to give you a broken bone!"

"Ten thousand fleets?" Ortiz's heart was about to stop at this moment. Even the most powerful fifth-level peak civilization did not have [-] fifth-level peak warships.

"That's right, it should be enough for the time being, if it's not enough, add more!" Zhang Mengyu said, "You can use my secondary card when the time comes, and I'll pay directly!"

"Yes! Yes!" Ortiz nodded repeatedly. This time, the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire is definitely about to rise!

"By the way, there is one more thing!"

"Please order."

"Well, since our earth has also joined the cosmic civilization, we will inevitably deal with you often in the future. Doing business always requires money. I want to discuss the purchasing power of this currency with you!"

Zhang Mengyu is very clear that under normal circumstances, the purchasing power of the earth's currency is very weak, and the difference in the level of a civilization may be hundreds or even tens of thousands of times.

If the people on earth now do business with others, they probably can't afford to buy anything!
"That's easy to say," Ortiz said, "Although I can't help it if I'm taller, I can guarantee that the purchasing power of the currency on your planet can be the same as the purchasing power of the common currency of our dual-whale universe empire, but no matter how high I am, I can't help it." Yes, there is still a gap of about 10 times between our current general currency and universe coins.”

"That's fine," Zhang Meng said with a smile. At least in the Twin Whales Universe Empire, this ratio is completely sufficient. After the rise of the Twin Whales Universe Empire, the exchange rate will rise very quickly.

"Wait!" Zhang Mengyu suddenly thought of something, "We have a lot of currencies on the earth, and there is no need for each currency to have such a high value, such as the US dollar and the Japanese yen. Just measure it by the purchasing power of an elementary civilization!"

(End of this chapter)

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