I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 908 You try to move me?

Chapter 908 You try to move me?

"Okay, I don't have time to fight with you. I'll give you time to sing a song. You can either surrender or become space junk. You can choose!" Zhang Meng looked at Lu Neid indifferently. .


"It's on fire, brothers! There should be a bgm here!"

"Yeah, I still remember that year, and it was also the same live broadcast. Our so-called space fleet was directly defeated by someone else's spaceship. Thinking about it now, it's still a bit embarrassing."

"I'm so proud, my family, we humans have stood up, and it's all thanks to Academician Zhang."

Once upon a time, they trembled in front of extraterrestrial civilizations, but now, they can smash the heads of the invaders without a single soldier.

"We surrender!" Luneid's lips trembled twice, and finally he chose to surrender feebly.

What else can we do if we don't surrender?

As Zhang Mengyu said, the strength gap between the two sides is too great. Surrounded by this fleet, the chance of them escaping is even smaller than that of Mars hitting the earth.

As slaves, they still have a chance to live at least, but if they choose to kill the fish and break the net, I'm sorry, the fish will die, and the net will not be broken.

"Drive some warships over here!"

This fleet has a full 2000 warships. Each fleet has hundreds of operators and combatants, and the total number is close to 50. This is not a small number.

Zhang Mengyu led a group of people to land on their battleship. It was the first time they had contact with aliens. Many soldiers looked excited.

"Legion Commander, what should we do? Do we really want to surrender?"

"Huh, surrender?" Luned sneered, "Didn't you see the display of our detector? The soldiers on those battleships are just ordinary people. I suspect that this civilization has stepped on some shit and lucked out to get some valuable resources. Or treasures, and then found a way to buy a batch of equipment."

Is it possible for a first-level civilization to be upgraded to a fifth-level civilization in a short period of time?This is absolutely impossible, and this is the most likely guess.

"Then you want to."

"Hmph, when their commander comes to accept our surrender, our fighters will launch a counterattack immediately and control their important members. By then, this fleet may be ours!"

"But Legion Commander, have you ever thought about what we will do if they embrace some kind of civilized thigh?"

"Don't worry!" Luneid said confidently, "All relationships in this world are maintained by interests, even if the Blue Stars have a high-level civilization, that high-level civilization is only based on resources or treasures It's just for face, as for who gave them these treasures and resources, would they care?"

"It makes sense!" As long as they control Blue Star, then everything about Blue Star will belong to them, so they won't have the final say then?This is a good opportunity to turn around!
If they get the secret of Blue Star and contribute it to some big person, maybe they will have the opportunity to own such a fleet in the end!
Thinking of this, everyone became excited.

"Listen to my order later, they may have very powerful weapons on them, we must see the timing!" Luneid said, "As long as the young man is subdued, I think we will be safe."

"it is good!"

"What kind of broken spaceship is this?" Zhang Mengyu walked to the spaceship cursingly. This batch of warships is obviously the kind that has been battle-hardened. Not only are there signs of battle damage everywhere on the outside, but the internal facilities are also very old. , "When the time comes, it will be melted and sent to other planets for construction."

"Yes, Academician Zhang."

"Go, go to the cab and meet these people." Zhang Menglong took the lead and walked in.

"Wait!" A soldier took the initiative to walk in front of Zhang Mengyu, "Academician Zhang, be careful, I'm afraid there is an ambush among them!"

In the eyes of these soldiers, Zhang Mengyu is just a rich man and a great scientist, who has no power to protect himself.

"It's okay, they don't dare to do anything." Zhang's hazy smile was calm and confident.

"People inside, open the hatch!" Zhang Menglong let Goudan scan it to know the situation of the command ship.

There are more than 500 people on this command ship. Except for the pilot and logistics personnel, the others are all commander-level figures of this army. Luneid is a fifth-level medium life form, and there are two hundred fifth-level elementary life forms. At this moment, they all gathered in the cab in accordance with Zhang Menglong's request to surrender and disarm.

The cabin door opened, Zhang Mengyu walked in slowly with his hands behind his back, "The cameraman is following up, the live broadcast is here!"

"Hahaha, is Academician Zhang so out of control?"

"That must be done, but now we have the final say, we must raise our profile!"

"There will be no danger, right? Academician Zhang is just an ordinary person after all, in case there is an ambush inside."

"What to do, I'm suddenly very nervous."

In the cockpit, all the people on this command ship have arrived, and they didn't play tricks, because they don't have the ability to play tricks in front of the detectors of the fifth-level civilization.

"All here?" Zhang Mengyu walked in front of them, "Let me introduce myself first, my name is Zhang Mengyu, these battleships, and mobile suits, all of them were brought by me!"

"It really is him!" Lu Neid secretly gave the people around him a look.

He glanced at the weapons of the soldiers behind Zhang Mengyu. They were commonly used by special fighters in the fifth-level civilization. Even a fifth-level living body would be injured if hit head-on.

There are hundreds of soldiers with such armed guns and live ammunition behind Zhang Menglong!If the spaceship wasn't big enough, it wouldn't be able to hold so many people.

"I have to say that it is very unfortunate for you to come today," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "To be honest, we have received news that your fleet is coming a few months ago, but you are too rubbish, it is not worth our time to deal with it, So I accidentally forgot about you!"

"Hahahaha! Academician Zhang, what are you talking about!"

"The aliens don't want to lose face?"

"You've cleaned them up, and you're still humiliating them, isn't that somewhat murderous?"

"Oh, by the way, you are actually quite unlucky today. Our Earth fleet is conducting a military exercise here today. I accidentally hit you. I am sorry!"

"Tsk tsk, old hermaphrodite."

"Laughing to death, remote control car toy car, remote control toy car, I don't know if I accidentally run over them."

"Ms. Park is very angry. After so many years, can everyone forget this ghost?"

Luneid gritted his teeth angrily. He originally thought that this fleet was here to intercept them, so he could more or less accept it. After all, the fifth-tier fleet of this size is here, which can be regarded as giving them enough face.

Who knew they were just conducting a military exercise here, which is indeed quite insulting.

"You are their leader?" Zhang Mengyu walked in front of Lu Neide.

"Do it!" Lu Neid didn't expect that Zhang Mengyu would be so courageous, and walked directly in front of him without any precautions. Could it be that he really didn't know that they were a group of high-level life forms with extremely strong fighting power?
"Academician Zhang! Be careful!"

"Fuck! What's wrong with you?"

But it was too late, the abilities of the fifth-level lifeforms were beyond their imagination, and even Zhang Mengyu himself had no time to react.

Of course, he didn't intend to react. If he didn't have a plan in mind, would he dare to go up so directly?
"Hey! Pain, pain, pain!" Zhang Mengyu screamed, he was directly controlled by Lu Neid, and other fifth-level life forms immediately surrounded them.

"Lanxing people, listen up, I know this person must be very important to you, from now on, if you want him to live, then I have the final say on everything here!"

"Let go of Academician Zhang!"

"Speak well if you have something to say!"

"Don't be nervous!" Zhang Menglong endured the pain of his arm being pinched, "Threat us? If you have the ability, try to move me?"

(End of this chapter)

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