I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 909 I Can't Hold It Anymore

Chapter 909 I Can't Hold It Anymore

"Damn it! How could it be like this?"

"Academician Zhang will not have an accident, will he?"

"Fuck! These people don't talk about martial arts!"

"Why are they so fast? I didn't see anything clearly just now, and Academician Zhang was controlled by them."

"I heard that we also cultivated a group of people like this on Earth. Have you forgotten? When the spaceships of the Durando civilization invaded, a large group of people who could fly appeared."

"Yes, there are such people in such a backward civilization on our earth, how could those advanced civilizations not have them? Maybe their super fighters are more powerful than ours!"

"It's over, Academician Zhang is under control, and the soldiers will definitely throw their hands at him. What should we do?"

The live broadcast continued, and all the audience broke into a cold sweat for this scene.

They managed to acquire the armed forces capable of defeating extraterrestrial civilizations, and everything was developing in a good direction. Who knew that such a change would appear.

With Zhang Mengyu's importance, it is absolutely impossible for them to give up Zhang Mengyu and choose to open fire, but if they are threatened in this way, once these rescuers of the Duranduo civilization control the Earth's fleet, the consequences will be disastrous, and even their previous efforts will be completely destroyed. waste.

"Let go of Academician Zhang!" A young general said, "Don't forget that our fleet's weapons are still pointed at you. If something happens to Academician Zhang, none of you will survive!"

"Hahaha! I'm relieved to see you so nervous." Lu Neid saw their nervousness, and his confidence suddenly increased. "You go ahead and attack, but I want to see, you guys Do you want the life of this blue star!"

"Let your fleet's weapons leave our fleet immediately!" Luneid ordered.

No one dared to act rashly, and no one wanted to see Zhang Mengyu get hurt.

"All fleet leaders listen to my order and turn off the weapon system!" The general ordered immediately. When Zhang Mengyu was unable to command, he was currently the highest commander of the entire fleet.


"Academician Zhang is used to threaten us!"

The people in charge of those warships gritted their teeth with hatred, but there was nothing they could do about it. In their hearts, Zhang Mengyu was almost like an existence of faith, and no one wanted to see him get hurt.

The weapon systems were turned off one by one, and the particle cannon that was entering the charging mode and could be fired at any time was gradually extinguished.

"Very good," Luneid nodded in satisfaction, "Now, let those mobile suits retreat!"

"Withdraw!" The human general also recovered all the mobile suits according to his request.

"Now, give me the control of the battleship!" Luneid said, "Don't play tricks, a battleship with a fifth-level civilization, this kind of thing can be easily done!"

At this moment, the general hesitated. He could do it by giving up the attack, and he could do it by recovering the mobile suits, but if he handed over the control of the battleship to the other party, he would undoubtedly hand over the butcher knife for the destruction of mankind directly to the other party.

Jiangnan city base.

Today is Lu Yiyao's birthday, and she specially invited her to visit her home while she was studying. Originally, after the practice ended today, Zhang Mengyu would also go home to celebrate her birthday with her.

But no one thought that such a change would happen.

Under normal circumstances, if the husband is in danger, how can the wife sit idly by?
In the eyes of Guo Yuqian and others, Lu Yiyao should be very panicked at this time, because in the live broadcast, the person who was taken as a hostage, whose survival depends on the other party's thought, is Zhang Menglong!

But Lu Yiyao in front of them not only didn't look panicked, she was also watching the live broadcast with great interest, and even wanted to get a bag of melon seeds!
"Don't just stare at me, eat melon seeds!" Lu Yiyao greeted her roommates, "Aunt Xu, help us get a few more bags of melon seeds!"

"Yiyi, are you agitated? It's okay, we are worried about you like this, Zhang Menglong will definitely turn the crisis into safety."

"I'm not worried about him!" Lu Yiyao pointed at Zhang Mengyu and smiled while nibbling melon seeds, "Hahahaha, look at him, the expression on his face is so wronged, he's too good at pretending."

"This Yiyi, does Zhang Menglong treat you badly?"

"Yeah, Yiyi, is it because he ignored you this time to develop this batch of spaceships? But you don't have to be like this."

"Yiyi, we don't know how to persuade you like this."

"You don't need to persuade me, it's fine," Lu Yiyao still didn't change her face, "He's not a regular person, he just likes to play this kind of excitement. Look, I doubt the expression of fear on his face." Did he go to Beijing Film Academy for further training recently?"

"Yiyi, are you really not worried?" The roommates looked closer, "He was taken hostage!"

"Don't worry, what is there to worry about?" Lu Yiyao slurped another half bottle of drink, "Auntie, get me some sparkling water besides melon seeds!"

"Is this a couple on the surface?"

"Zhang Mengyu must have cheated, otherwise Yiyi would never be so indifferent!"

"Is this indifference? This is all gloating!"

"What are you still hesitating about? I'm giving you the last 10 seconds, give me control immediately!"

"Don't give it to them, shoot at me!" Zhang Mengyu said, "It's fine if I die, but the human fleet must be preserved and avenge me in the future!"

"But academician Zhang, we human beings can't do without you!" The general's eyes were full of tears, Zhang Mengyu was still thinking about all human beings at this time, could this be the spirit of Chinese people who regard death as home?
"Fire! Don't make me look down on you, pull up your Italian guns!"

"Italian artillery?" The general was taken aback for a moment, where did they have Italian artillery?This weapon has been eliminated for an unknown period of time, who can still take it out?
"Wait! Something's wrong! Why does he seem to be talking about it?"

"Italian cannon? Is this Li Yunlong possessed?"

"Why do I suddenly feel that Academician Zhang doesn't seem to be panicking at all?"

"How the hell is he still in the mood to joke?"

"I don't understand!"

According to their understanding of Zhang Mengyu, they would never joke about their own life and death, as long as they are a normal person!
People from extraterrestrial civilizations don't know it, and foreigners may not know it, but many people in Huaxia know that the two sentences Zhang Menglong said just now are classics that appeared when Li Yunlong attacked Ping'an County in the TV series "Bright Sword" Lines!
You are going to die, you still have the mind to imitate this thing?Isn't this funny?

For a while, the barrage in the live broadcast room was flying.

"Although I don't know what's going on, I suspect that Academician Zhang is pretending."

"Be a little fresher, remove the word 'doubt', he must be acting again!"

"Academician Zhang, stop pretending, you must have some secret weapon, right?"

"Look, he's laughing, he's shameless and still laughing!"

"Fuck, I can't hold back anymore!" Zhang Menglong didn't know what was going on, so he burst out laughing with a poof.

"Hey, you don't really think I'm an idiot who dared to walk in front of hundreds of you fifth-level life forms without any preparation?"

Lu Neid's face changed, he actually knew that they were all fifth-level life forms!

Then why did he dare to come in? Does he think he has the ability to escape surrounded by hundreds of infinite life forms or does he think they dare not touch him?
"Blue Star, what kind of trick are you playing?" Luneid tightened Zhang Meng's neck.

"You guys are so courageous, you really dare to touch me?" Zhang Mengyu's neck was strangled, and he was really out of breath, "Makabaka, Laozi is almost suffocating, why don't you do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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