I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 910 Stay on Earth and Work for the rest of your life

Chapter 910 Stay on Earth and Work for the rest of your life
"God, the next scene may not be suitable for children, please stop the live broadcast first!"

"Yes! Dean!"

The moment the signal was cut off, people on the earth immediately lost the live broadcast, and then the camera flashed, and the live broadcast changed to an angle in space.

The command ship of the Durando civilization is in the center of the video. Everyone can imagine that something very exciting is happening there, but no one knows what it is.

"What's the situation? What happened? Why is the live broadcast gone?"

"I don't know, did someone really attack? Didn't they die together?"

"Amitabha, I hope that nothing will happen to Academician Zhang."

"I just heard Academician Zhang say a name, Makabaka?"

"I thought it was only my ears that were sick, but it turns out I'm not the only one!"

"A bunch of idiots, I'm still Lucy Dixie!"

Time seemed to be forbidden at this moment, and all the fifth-level life forms of Antilla civilization felt a kind of death-like suffocation.

At this time, the people in the battleship realized that at some point, a burly man appeared in the center of the cockpit. His appearance was obviously different from that of the people on Earth, and he gave off an indescribable coercion.

"Level six or six life forms?" Luned wanted to speak, but he found that his voice was out of his control at the moment, and even the muscles in his vocal tract no longer belonged to him, and his body had been completely destroyed A powerful force was suppressed to the point where he couldn't move.

"Impossible! Why is there a sixth-level life form in this kind of place? In the entire dual-whale cosmic civilization, there is only one sixth-level life form, and that is their king. This blue star actually hugged him. The thighs of other fifth-level civilizations?"

"No, this can't be just a sixth-level life form!" Luneid immediately ruled out this idea.

A sixth-level life form entering another fifth-level civilization, without the consent of the master of the universe empire, would be regarded as a malicious intrusion.

He hadn't heard of any cosmic empire's lord visiting their two-whale cosmic empire recently. If such a thing happened in Ruyi, their lord must not have known about it!

If such a person really appeared here, then there were only two possibilities.

The first type is that this person has a higher level of life than the master of the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire, at least a sixth-level high-level life body or even a seventh-level life body, so he can enter without anyone noticing.

The second possibility is that this person is far superior to the master of the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire in terms of power and status. Even if he shits and farts in his palace, the other party dare not say anything, let alone in the universe. The empire can come and go freely, does he dare to control it?
But no matter which one it is, this person is very likely to be a sixth-level advanced life form or even a seventh-level life form!
Zhang Mengyu broke Lu Neid's arm easily, "Mmp, you are still holding on so tightly, Laozi's arm and neck were almost broken!"

"I've already told you, how dare you fight me?" Zhang Menglong twisted his numb wrist.

"No, we must strike first!" Luneid tried hard to regain control of his body, and finally he could barely make a sound.

"My lord, we are people from the Antila civilization. I don't know what this Blue Star person promised you, but what they can give you, we can also give. If there are precious resources on Blue Star, we It can be mined for you, and we can earn less than them!"

"If there is any treasure here, we are willing to destroy the one on Blue Star and dedicate it to you directly!"

Lu Neid directly showed the greatest sincerity he could, and he believed that this adult would definitely choose them.

Under the same conditions, who would choose a small level [-] civilization instead of their peak level [-] civilization?
But he would never have imagined in his life that all the assumptions he just made were only made by himself. There are no special resources on the earth, and there are no resources that can impress advanced life forms. From the beginning, his wishful thinking The abacus is empty.


Under Lu Neid's extremely surprised eyes, Zhang Menglong slapped Makabaka on the head.

"He dared to slap the head of a higher life form directly!" At this moment, Lu Neid felt that his world view had collapsed.

He can clearly feel that Zhang Mengyu is only a fourth-level life form. Such a life is serious in a life form that exceeds the sixth level. It is almost like an ant. Even for them, this kind of life has no value , is not worthy of respect.

If there is any fourth-level life form in the universe who dares to stand and talk in front of a sixth-level life form, it is already a fierce person who is not afraid of death, let alone hit a sixth-level life form directly on the head.

Don't say whether you have the ability to hit someone on the head, this kind of behavior is looking for death!
But in the next scene, his world view had disappeared. That high life body was slapped by Zhang Menglong. Not only did he not show any anger on his face, he even showed a trace of grievance!

"Brother, you can't blame me for this. You said you wouldn't let me make a move. You said you had played enough. How can you blame me?"

"What's going on? How dare you talk back when you say something to me?" Zhang Menglong slapped it down again, "Then listening to me depends on the occasion. If he kills me, you are still there. Waiting for my order indifferently? Look at my hands are swollen!"

"Big brother? A living body above level six actually calls this Blue Star man big brother?" Not only Luned, but all the people from Antila civilization were dumbfounded. What the hell is this doing?
"Go back and deal with you!" Zhang Menglong kicked Makabaka to the side.

"How about it, do you think it's strange?" Zhang Meng looked at Lu Ned and the others, "Let me introduce you again, his name is Makabaka, an eighth-level medium life form, and he is my younger brother. I just ask you how handsome he is." Not handsome!"

"Eighth-level life form?" The news seemed like a bolt from the blue.

Let alone such people, even the master of a super-large cosmic empire might not be able to offend them. What is the origin of this Blue Star man?

"Tell me about you, I just asked you to surrender and disarm, can't you just do it? Then at most I will lock you up with those Durandians, and then punish you to mess with our earth for hundreds of years The building or something, right?"

"But what about you guys? If you insist on rejecting my kindness, and attack us without any martial ethics, do you think I can bear it?"

Zhang Menglong seemed to be a teacher giving a lecture, and the group of fifth-level life forms could only listen obediently, do they?In front of an eighth-level life form, what ability and qualification do they have?Isn't that to die?
"Blue Stars, what are you going to do with us?" Luned said, "Our civilization is included in the Cosmic Alliance. According to the regulations of the Cosmic Alliance, you must treat the captives well!"

"I didn't say I was going to abuse you guys!" Zhang Mengyu spread his hands, "And even if I abused you, do you dare to bet with me, no one dares to do anything to me!"

"Take control of these people!" Zhang Mengyu ordered, "Take them back to Earth, and arrange for them the hardest, most tiring, and most unhuman things on Earth. Let them stay on Earth and work for the rest of their lives!"

(End of this chapter)

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