I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 915 I'm a dictator, don't you agree?

Chapter 915 I'm a dictator, don't you agree?

This wave of verbal battles almost ended with Zhang Mengyu's perfect victory.

Do you think it's inappropriate for me to buy the earth?No problem, why don't I sell it to you?If you give me money, I will sell it immediately. I have no interest in being the master of the earth!

But you can't even take out a single universe coin, now you want to be a white wolf with empty gloves, and whoring for nothing?That's your fault, no one's money comes from the wind, except Zhang Mengyu.

As for moral kidnapping?Zhang Mengyu has no morals, who can kidnap him morally?
"Mr. Zhang, you are disregarding the interests of the entire human race!" Seans' lips twitched for a long time, and finally put another hat on Zhang Mengyu.

"Oh? Really? Hahaha!" Zhang Menglong smiled instead of anger, "Since you said that, then I can talk about it."

"Let's talk about your dilapidated space army first. It took a lot of money to build so much mobile waste, and finally it was completely wiped out by a non-combat exploration spacecraft. 200 of them beat one without even a single hair. You Are you ashamed of yourself?"

"Who dismantled that spaceship and captured all the invaders of the Durando civilization? Is it Zhang Menglong?"

"There is also the Antilla civilization. They are a third-level advanced civilization. The gap between us and our humans is millions of years. Without the warships brought back by me, Zhang Menglong, do you think we are using them as slaves or they are using them as slaves?" Use us as slaves?"

Everyone was silent. They couldn't even deal with Durando, the detection spacecraft of the second-level civilization. The opponent was the standard combat spacecraft of the third-level peak civilization, and the difference in combat power was more than a hundred times.

Without the fleet brought by Zhang Mengyu, I am afraid that the people on Earth would have no other choice but to surrender.

"Third, do you think that those extraterrestrial civilizations who came to visit us are really hospitable? You might as well open the trading market of the Cosmic Alliance and see what the specifications of the warship I bought are."

"Technician!" Seans immediately gave the technician a look.

After the network is connected, they can visit most of the websites of the cosmic civilization. After entering this system, he has no time to marvel at the power of this system and the all-inclusiveness of the cosmic trading market.

He imported the photo of the Interstellar Wanderer brought back by Zhang Mengyu to search, and sure enough, he found information about this warship in this huge database.

Star Voyager
Tier [-] peak civilization battleship
Standard selling price of naked distribution: 20 star universe coins
Another price unit appeared that made them feel very strange.

The technician immediately checked the unit, and the results nearly dislocated his jaw.

"One star is equal to all the assets of a basic five-level civilization, which is equivalent to 1 trillion universe coins!" His hands were almost trembling.

Human beings can't afford to buy an earth even if they empty their homes, and this spaceship is actually equivalent to the assets of 20 fifth-level civilizations, which can almost buy 2000 billion earths!

If there is no mistake, Zhang Mengyu brought 20 warships of this standard when he returned from the cosmic civilization this time, right?

The technician figured it all out at once!
Their knowledge is so poor that even the most expensive and most powerful mass-produced warships in the universe cannot recognize them!
With such a battleship, even if their earth civilization is facing a very powerful fifth-level civilization, they can easily slap him in the face!

What kind of civilization is a fifth-level civilization?They don't have a clear concept at present, but they know very clearly that the Durando civilization, which they cannot defeat and is so powerful that it makes people hopeless, is just a second-level civilization.

The fifth-level civilization should be a god-like existence to the current earth, right?

As for Zhang Mengyu's battleship, one can buy 20 of these god-like civilizations, so how terrible is this battleship?
What hospitality!It's all so fake!Those 10 civilizations probably heard the news and came to worship the earth!
"Fuck! Why does he have so much money?"

Zhang Mengyu's family existed on the earth more than 5000 years ago. After more than 5000 years of development, they have become rich and wealthy. Although it sounds a little outrageous, it can still be explained.

But now he bought something that the earth couldn't afford after hundreds of millions of years of development. Can this be explained by common sense?

He just said that he doesn't care about being the master of the earth at all. They originally thought that Zhang Mengyu was pretending.

But now that he thinks about it, what is there to pretend?Just a warship can buy hundreds of billions of earth, the status of the earth lord is nothing!

The technician put his mouth to Seans' ear, and Seans' expression was first surprised, then feared, and finally dull.

"Of course," Zhang Mengyu began to babble again, "I am not an unreasonable person, if everyone really thinks this is inappropriate, then I will directly return the Earth to the Cosmic Alliance. When the time comes, I will take us Huaxia people to buy another planet to develop at random, and you can do whatever you like."

"No! Absolutely not!" Hearing Zhang Mengyu's words, Seans finally started to panic.

If Zhang Mengyu took the Huaxia people away from the earth, it might not be very difficult for him, and he could even spend money to buy a planet that was bigger than the earth, better developed, and with a more elegant environment.

But what about the earth?If it loses Zhang Mengyu's protection, it will completely become an ordinary first-level civilization.

Even if the earth has joined the Cosmic Alliance now, other civilizations dare not invade openly, but the kind of petty behaviors and oppression and bullying will inevitably come to them. What do they rely on to resist?Baba with one mouth?

"I have done so many things for the earth, and you are still here shamelessly accusing me of disregarding the interests of the entire human race? I raise a dog and know how to wag my tail at me, you group of hungry people White-eyed wolf, won't your conscience really hurt?"

"Oh, by the way, obviously, you have no conscience, I'm sorry, I shouldn't compare you with dogs, I apologize to you."

Zhang Menglong's words seemed to be slapping their faces with cold slaps one after another. It had to be admitted that what Zhang Menglong said was true. At this moment, the entire venue was silent.

"Okay, I don't bother to push you too much. If you admit my identity as the master of the earth, then I, Zhang, will have the final say on everything. Put away your politician's routine and create The human community, then don't play tricks!"

"Does anyone have any opinions?" Zhang Mengyu asked, "Those who have opinions stand up, I think you may need to carry out labor reforms, and our recent Dyson ball construction plan still requires a lot of manpower.

threaten!A naked threat!But Zhang Meng said that I was threatening you, and they had nothing to do with the attitude of what you could do to me.

Someone once said that any individual is a paper tiger in front of the state machine.

Now they just want to hammer this person. If you say this person has cheated, who do you want to reason with?

"It seems that you don't have any opinions," Zhang Mengyu showed a satisfied smile, "Starting today, this bullshit Earth Planetary Council will be cancelled, and the Earth Civilization Administrative Center will be established, with Huaxia as the representative to carry out diplomatic activities with other civilizations !"

"You are a dictator!" Seans said through gritted teeth.

"That's right, I'm a dictator!" Zhang Mengyu shrugged, "But so what? If you're not convinced, come and bite me!"

(End of this chapter)

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