I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 916 Put away your little thoughts

Chapter 916 Put away your little thoughts

"The Planetary Council of the Earth was revoked, and the Administrative Center of Earth Civilization was formally established. This organization will be fully responsible for the cultural and economic exchanges between the Earth and other civilizations in the universe."

"After much communication and negotiation, the Earth will welcome the first batch of visitors for the first time. They all come from the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire, the civilization of the third-level civilization Galaxy under the Laniakea supergalactic cluster, and it is also the civilization closest to us humans! "

"Our first contact with extraterrestrial civilization, what kind of sparks can be produced by friction, please wait and see!"

Overwhelming news is flooding the various media. The first contact between human beings and extraterrestrial civilizations has filled people all over the world with anticipation. This time the reception process will also be broadcast throughout, representing an important milestone in human history.

"Unexpectedly, I can still see aliens in my lifetime."

"Upstairs, don't you know that you can see aliens for only 200 yuan of tickets? There are also various alien talent shows."

"Hahahaha, I'm sorry, I instinctively treat them as animals, I will punish myself for my recklessness."

"I don't know what they all look like, so I'm looking forward to it."

"I heard that this time we, Huaxia, as the representative party, made contact with those alien civilizations for the first time. It will definitely be very exciting."

Not only the high-level human beings attach great importance to this contact, but other people on the earth are also looking forward to it.

Early in the morning, human representatives were already waiting at the alien civilization reception point transformed from the former American Taiwan Air Force base.

"Qin Feng, are all the security work okay?" Regarding this contact, Mr. Zhou and the others, as representatives of human beings, attached great importance to it.

"You can rest assured that all the warships are already in place. Once any unsafe factors are found, we can implement orbital strikes as soon as possible."

"Mr. Zhou, don't worry!" Zhang Mengyu said while gnawing on rice balls, "It's just a group of second-level civilizations, and they wouldn't dare to behave wildly on the earth even if they had ten guts."

"You," Mr. Zhou nodded Zhang's dim eyebrows, "Even if this is the case, you should be a little more formal, and don't let people think that we earthlings are too bullying and impolite."

"Don't care about such details," Zhang Mengyu said, "Officially, it is based on the premise of equal status between the two parties. Now our status is much higher than theirs. They are also here to hug their thighs this time. If we If the posture is lowered, maybe they will not correct their position."

"Old Zhou, what Mengyou said is not unreasonable. We must be fully prepared in terms of etiquette, but we must also have some airs that we should have."

"The layout is huge!"

"They're here!"

A luxurious passenger spaceship slowly appeared in the clouds, and those visiting civilized spaceships were temporarily parked at the moon base, which is also an unwritten rule of civilization in most of the universe.

This time, about 10 or so representatives from each civilization came, and they were all chief diplomats in their respective civilizations.

Usually they are domineering and sloppy giving advice on diplomatic occasions, but at this moment, they dare not speak in the spaceship like children who keep their own way.

They don't know much about the civilization of the earth. This is a first-level civilization that just appeared in the dual-whale cosmic empire. Even if the head of the dual-whale cosmic empire hadn't specially emphasized the warning, they would not know when there was an additional civilization.

But after some investigation, they found that this civilization is really terrible.

For a first-level civilization, the Huaxia currency, which is their common currency, has an exchange rate of 1:1 with the currency of this fifth-level civilization in the currency market of the Double Whale Cosmic Empire!
Even the largest fourth-level civilization of the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire does not have such an honor!
There was even news that the 100 fleets that appeared at the border port of the Double Whale Cosmic Empire not long ago belonged to the owner of this earth!

With such power, even 1000 dual-whale cosmic empires will be destroyed. Do they dare to treat it with care?

They can even become the first civilizations to communicate with the earth civilization, and some of them are flattered.

"I thought those were just rumors, see?" the diplomats whispered.

"It is indeed a rumor. There are only 100 fleets of the fifth-level peak civilization, at least 1000?"

"And at the port of that satellite just now, did you see the group of workers?"

"I see, the detector I brought told me that these people are at least level [-] life forms, and there are even hundreds of level [-] life forms. How can such life forms be so low-level and cheap in this civilization? construction work!"

"Yeah, and those supervisors, even many of them are only first-level life forms, and they have to rely on the life support system to survive in the universe. I feel that my world view has collapsed!"

"It's more than that. I saw that first-level life form beating and scolding those people. If it is in our civilization, such low-level crimes will be judged!"

"Also, do you feel that there are many forces locking us all the time?"

"I feel it!" There were also some security personnel who came with these diplomats, and the weakest life forms of them were all fourth-level life forms.

"The soldiers on this spaceship only have secondary or tertiary life forms, but I feel that there are many terrifying forces hidden on this planet."

"There will be no sixth-level life forms, right?"

"I think there is, and there may even be more than one." A fourth-level life form took out a jewel-like thing, "This was given to me by my teacher when I was practicing in the Martial Arts Association of the Double Whale Universe Empire."

"what is this?"

"A natural detection device," said the man, "whoever binds to his energy communicates the degree of danger he is now facing."

"What do you mean?"

"To put it simply, he can reflect whether I am safe now. The darker the color, the more dangerous it is. I once encountered a fifth-level life form, and its color turned red."

"Why is he black now?"

"I once had the honor of seeing the Lord of our cosmic empire from a distance. This gemstone turned purple at that time! As for black, how dangerous do you think I am now?"


"There are no seventh-level life forms on this planet, right?"

"It's not impossible!"

"You don't need to guess, there are not only seventh-level life forms here, but also eighth-level life forms!" A young voice came from beside them.

"This is..." This young man suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

"I am the master of the Izek civilization!"

"Izek civilization?"

"Are you the master of the Izek civilization?"

Everyone looked at him in surprise.

In addition to Zhang Mengyu's incident, the biggest news in the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire recently is the marriage between the lord of the second-level civilization Izek civilization and the princess of Andromeda.

It is said that a group of sixth-level lifeforms and even seventh-level lifeforms appeared at the wedding at that time.

There was even news that the ruler of the Twin Whales Universe Empire made a special trip to that civilization, and the currency of their civilization was almost equivalent to the Double Whale Coin!

"I've admired my name for a long time."

"Do you know anything about this earth?"

"Can you tell us something?"

"The master of this earth civilization is my friend," Yrel said proudly, "I have too much to say, but I can tell you that even if you are an eighth-level life form, you have to bow your head in front of him. Super lifeforms and seventh-level lifeforms are not necessarily qualified to be his slaves, understand?"

"So, please put away your little thoughts!"

(End of this chapter)

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