I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 917 How happy they are laughing

Chapter 917 How happy they are laughing
"They're coming!" The spaceship slowly landed on the ground, and the surrounding reporters immediately swarmed up, picked up their cameras and clicked towards the hatch of the spaceship.

"Come out, come out!"

"My God, aliens actually look like this!"

"Is that man a man or a woman?"

"Look at how tall that alien is, at least two meters, right? What do they eat to grow so tall?"

"Eh? Did you say they eat preserved eggs?"

"Brother Zhang, long time no see!" Yrel stepped forward and gave Zhang Menglong a big bear hug.

It can be said that the two met by chance, but his unintentional act of kindness actually made him know people like Zhang Mengyu. The day when the spaceship of the Izek civilization docked at the port must be the luckiest day in his life!
Although the Izek civilization is still only a second-level civilization, but now, their civilization has a fleet that is more powerful than the entire dual-whale cosmic empire.

The last time Yrel got married, hundreds of life forms beyond level six attended the celebration, which gave him enough face, and even now the king of the Twin Whales Universe Empire wants to give him enough face.

All this comes from Zhang Mengyu.

"Long time no see!" Zhang Mengyu also responded enthusiastically to Yrel. As his first friend in the universe civilization, Yrel's position cannot be replaced by anyone.

"Hazy, who is this?" The representatives on Earth looked at Yrel curiously.

"Oh, his name is Yrel, and he was the first friend I met in the universe civilization. He helped me a lot at that time, otherwise I wouldn't be able to come back with a fleet so quickly."

"So that's how it is!" Many representatives of the earth secretly wrote down this person. It can be seen that the relationship between him and Zhang Mengyu is very unusual. When communicating in the future, we must pay attention to it.

"Welcome everyone to come to our earth from thousands of miles away. Let me introduce myself. I am Li Ensheng, the chairman of the Earth Civilization Administration Center." Mr. Li is also a highly respected figure. great man.

He had already retired to take care of his life, but for the sake of human diplomacy, he took the initiative to stand up again.

Relying on the translation system, those representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations can easily understand what Li Lao said.

Representatives of all civilizations also introduced themselves, followed by a rainbow fart.

"Mr. Li, your earth is a very good civilization. We hope to establish more intimate cultural, economic and trade exchanges with you in the future."

"Mr. Li, we hope to establish a long-lasting friendship with the earth, which comes from the highest sincerity of our civilization."

"Hahaha, this time we invite you to come here with a good vision." The attitude of these representatives made Mr. Li very happy. "In order to establish multi-faceted connections with more civilizations, we humans are also building a communication Center."

"What is the function of this communication center?" a representative of a second-level civilization asked.

"This represents a bridge between our earth and lower foreign civilizations. We welcome representatives of various civilizations to settle in for a long time. We hope that through this exchange center, the excellent spirit and knowledge of more civilizations will be passed on to our earth, and we will also export our results."

"Can you show us around?"

"Yes, Mr. Li, we want to go and have a look."

This communication center represents what kind of relationship they can establish with the earth in the future, and it also helps them understand how to better hug this thigh.

"Our construction is still in progress, but if representatives are interested, we also welcome everyone to come and watch."

"Let me introduce it to you." Mr. Li was very old and really not suitable for this kind of thing, so Zhang Mengyu simply took the initiative to do it for him.

This communication center was established in the hinterland of the Sahara Desert. For humans, the current desert is no longer a forbidden place for humans.

After some details were finalized, the construction of this communication center began immediately. Of course, for the sake of efficiency, Zhang Menglong drew a group of people from the Antilla civilization to do hard work.

It has only been a few days since the start of construction, and the communication center has already taken shape.

"Unexpectedly, elite fighters from our dignified third-level civilization would do such a thing here!" Several prisoners of Antilla civilization complained softly while working.

"It's all those bastards from the Duranduo civilization. If they hadn't lied about the news, how could we have come to this place?"

"That earthling is simply a devil!"

"Hmph, what can we do? Just complain and complain here. In this life, we are going to die of old age here!"

"Hush, the devil is coming!"

The appearance of Zhang Mengyun made the prisoners tremble all of a sudden, and they immediately stopped whispering, because they knew very well that once they were targeted by him, it would definitely not be a good thing.

"Everyone, this is our exchange center." Zhang Mengyu introduced, "In our current plan, the entire exchange center will cover an area of ​​200 million square kilometers, mainly composed of foreign economic exchange areas, cultural exchanges, and political exchanges. area and so on."

"Our worker team consists of 2 level-four life forms and 50 level-five life forms," ​​Zhang Mengyao shouted at the captives, "what's the matter with you? Everyone is lifeless? I haven't seen any visitors. Do you? Give me some positive attitude!"

"Where's the supervisor?" Zhang Meng shouted dissatisfiedly.

"Dean, here it is, I just went to the bathroom!" A student from the Super Seminary ran over while lifting his pants.

"What's the matter with you? That's how they do things? They look sad, are they unhappy here? I have so many guests from other texts here, and you just let them watch jokes like this?"

Being hanged by Zhang Mengyu, the student of the Super Theological Seminary was also very wronged, but there was no way, he couldn't beat Zhang Mengyu, so he could only vent his grievances on those workers.

"Crack!" He lashed a prisoner with a whip, "What are you doing? How energetic are you? Get me excited, don't look like your own dead mother, who will show you this look?"

The prisoner screamed, the student of the Super Seminary is just a third-level life form, under normal circumstances, how could they allow the other party to act wildly on them?

But they knew that in the dark of the construction site, there were supervisors of the sixth-level life forms, and they were all slaves of that devil Zhang Menglong. As long as they dared to resist, they would not dare to think about the consequences.

So no matter how these supervisors humiliate them, they can only choose to suffer in silence.

But their hearts are bitter. As captives, they will have to work on this earth for the rest of their lives. Can they be happy and come out with a positive attitude?

It's just that the whip fell on them, and only they knew the pain. This was not only a physical injury, but also a spiritual blow.

"Everyone put a smile on my face, whoever cries again will move another 200 truckloads of bricks tonight!"

In order to avoid being beaten and punished, they could only smile on their faces.

"Mr. Zhang, where do these workers come from?"

"Oh, they are all from the Antila civilization," Zhang Mengyu said, "They wanted to invade our civilization before, and finally realized their mistake when we understood it with reason and moved them with emotion. come from the great cause of earth civilization construction."

"Shit!" The prisoners scolded each other in their hearts, but they still had to put on an expression that really looked like this, and under the coercion and lure, they all smiled.

"Look!" Zhang Menglong said shamelessly, "How happy they are laughing!"

(End of this chapter)

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