I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 918 Pretendance Is My Specialty

Chapter 918 Pretendance Is My Specialty
The exchanges between humans and alien civilizations are proceeding in an orderly manner. Since the first exchange was successfully concluded, those civilizations have sent representatives to live on the earth for a long time, and established embassies of alien civilizations one after another.

Of course, as this trend continues, the land resources on the earth will become more and more tight, and the idea of ​​developing other planets will gradually sprout on the earth. Perhaps it has been a long time, and people who can still live on the earth should only Only the middle and upper levels of human society are left.

But these things don't have much to do with Zhang Mengyu anymore, enjoying life, doing nothing to pretend to be everywhere, this is his greatest pursuit in this life.

"Come on, Xiaoyu, come to Dad!" Zhang Menglong waved towards the distance. At the end of the 300-meter-long corridor, a child Pagani came towards Zhang Menglong with a beautiful tail flick.

This Pagani is simply scaled down from the real Pagani. The whole car is made of carbon fiber. It was specially customized for Zhang Mengyu by their chief designer. The value, if it is equivalent to Huaxia currency. Well, about 732 cents can buy a warehouse.

This child called Xiaoyu is naturally Zhang Mengyu's son. Zhang Menglong is not so boring and poor to raise him. Anyway, with the power of their Zhang family, even if Xiaoyu pokes a hole in the universe, they can fill it in. .

Of course, they still attach great importance to Zhang Junyu's ideological and moral education. It's okay to pretend, but you still have to be moral.

Lu Yiyao on the side looked at the father and son with a smile, "Don't let Xiaoyu drive at home all the time, the corridor is so narrow, accidents are easy to happen."

"It's okay!" Zhang Meng said with a smile, "I have asked Hong Yi to build a private racing track for this brat, and then he can play as he pleases. With Ye Yin and the others here, there is no need to worry about Xiaoyu getting hurt."

After Zhang Mengyu brought the batch of life forms that surpassed the sixth level, Ye Yin and others were almost unemployed. They have almost become Zhang Junyu's special nannies now. To be honest, there is no existence that can threaten them now. To Zhang Menglong.

"Dean, you can't go on like this," Goudan sighed, "Your father was already a seventh-level lifeform at your age, and you are still a long way from a sixth-level lifeform. Cultivation is almost ruined."

"Waste is waste, anyway, I'm still young now." Zhang Menglong said indifferently, for him, becoming a sixth-level life form, apart from having endless life, doesn't seem to be very attractive. Kill kill, which big guy did it himself?

In the past few years, Gane has become a fifth-level life form, and Makabaka has become a ninth-level life form under the infusion of a lot of resources!

Of course, no one except Zhang Mengyu knew about this, otherwise the addition of a ninth-level life form to the universe would be an earth-shattering event.

"Huh? I'll answer the phone!"

Zhang Mengyu picked up the phone. The number was from the Human Civilization Exchange Center.

"Excuse me, are you Academician Zhang?"

"Oh, it's me, what's the matter?"

"It's like this. A gentleman named Otiz came to visit. He said that he had an appointment with you not long ago."

"Oh, let him come," Zhang Mengyu suddenly remembered this matter, Otiz said that he had something to look for him recently, "you don't need to stop him next time, he is also the king of the entire Twin Whale Cosmic Empire , Give him a little face."

"Yes, I understand." The operator's back was wet all of a sudden.

He originally thought that Ortiz was a representative of some civilization. According to the current regulations of the earth, all those who want to enter the earth need to be approved, no one is an exception.

But he did not expect that this person is actually the king of the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire!As the earth penetrates into the civilization of the universe, the cognition of the people on earth is also improving. They know what the ruler of a universe empire represents!
It's just that such a big man not only visited the earth in person, but also his respectful expression when he applied for a meeting with Zhang Mengyu just now, it is really difficult for people to associate with such an identity.

Is this Academician Zhang?His ability is really terrifying.

"Little Ao, you haven't come to our earth for a long time, what's the matter?" Zhang Meng asked someone to pour a drink for Otiz.

"It's nothing, it's just that you told me last time that if there is anything interesting, I will come to you."

"Oh?" Zhang Mengyu's eyes lit up. In the past few years, apart from taking care of the baby at home, eating and drinking, he really didn't have any fun. To put it bluntly, he has already reached the old retirement state where he is eating and waiting to die. , "It seems that you came to me this time for some fun."

"I believe you will be very interested," Otiz said, "You must be familiar with the Zhouda Universe Empire, right?"

"Of course," Zhang Mengyu nodded. The strongest civilization that has ever appeared in this universe, and his Zhouda fleet came from this civilization.

"Then do you know such a powerful civilization, why did some people dare to jointly attack them back then?"


"Actually, if nothing happened to this civilization, they wouldn't dare to give other civilizations a hundred courage, because the ruler of Zhouda civilization is the only one in our universe who has reached the pinnacle of a ninth-level life form."

Zhang Mengyu chuckled inwardly, Otiz was still short-sighted, which one of his ancestors didn't surpass the peak of level nine?
"In their theoretical research, once the life body level breaks through the peak of the ninth level, it is possible to step out of a new field and enter a higher-dimensional world, so that country leader once made a breakthrough."

"He failed?"

"Yes, he failed," Ortiz nodded, "but he left a huge treasure house, which contains all the wealth left by their civilization, except for the Zeuda fleet, all The wealth is all in that treasure house, and it is precisely because of the fall of the country lord and the attraction of that treasure house, destroying this civilization and eliminating their threat is only part of the reason."

"It's more because of this treasure house?" Zhang Mengyu understood immediately.

"Yes, after they lost their civilization, they finally found that treasure house," said Ortiz, "but what a great existence the Lord of Zhouda Civilization is, before his breakthrough failed and fell, he passed the technology With his powerful power and his own use of the laws of space, he hid the treasure house and a huge continent in a small world."

"Amazing!" Although I don't know how awesome this person is, but he can achieve that kind of telling without opening the plug-in, it is definitely No.1 in this universe.

"But that one doesn't seem to want the inheritance and treasures of his own civilization to disappear completely. His small world will be opened every once in a while, and only life forms with a level below the sixth level can enter it. Otherwise, you will be shredded by his space law!"

"And in that place, there is a very special thing that we cannot explain with science at present."

"Oh?" Although the technological development of this universe is not as good as that of the Super Seminary, there are not many things that cannot be explained by science, except for management and the law of true fragrance.

"That's something called the fire of luck," Ortiz said, "everyone who enters, there will be a pile of visible but intangible flames on them."

"What is the use?"

"There are things that cannot be explained by science," said Ortiz. "After leaving this treasure house, those civilizations with the most prosperous luck will undergo tremendous changes in a short period of time. A major breakthrough may be the birth of a rare martial arts genius."

"It's interesting, it really makes me very interested!" Zhang Menglong revealed a light of excitement, so how can this fire of luck become more vigorous? "

"The person who needs to enter the treasury on behalf of this civilization has done an outstanding performance, and even let people of all civilizations remember him."

"Isn't this just pretending to be aggressive?" Zhang Mengyu shouted, "This is my field of expertise!"

(End of this chapter)

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