I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 919 We Don't Want Too Much

Chapter 919 We Don't Want Too Much
"Xiao Ao, make some arrangements for me, I will take the people from our Ritian Sect with me!"

The current Super Theological Seminary can be said to be full of talents, they are not like Zhang Mengyu who is just waiting to die. For example, the first group of people who entered the Super Seminary were at least fourth-level life forms, and there were even a few people They are already the same fifth-level life forms as Zhang Mengyu.

The people who come out of the Super Seminary, the fourth-level life forms are estimated to be able to compete with the fifth-level life forms in the cosmic civilization. What is the king of the world, what is the three mysterious transformations of heaven and fire, all of them are leapfrog fighting routines.

If Zhang Menglong can bring them in, it is estimated that the Ritian faction can turn the entire civilization of the universe upside down, and then what kind of fire of luck will they be playing casually?

As the dean, Zhang Mengyu also set up a compulsory course in Super Seminary, "How to Pretend Elegantly without Getting Beaten to Death". To become a member of the Super Seminary, pretense is a compulsory course!

"This..." Otiz suddenly had some unspeakable secrets.

"What's the matter? I'm already planning to bring someone to participate. What do you mean? Spoiling me?" Zhang Menglong immediately showed a displeased expression.

"No, it's not!" Otiz didn't dare to ignore Zhang's hazy nature, "Mr. Zhang, it's okay if you want to experience it, but if you want to bring someone with you, it may be a bit difficult."

"What do you mean?"

"Let me tell you this," Otiz said, "I just said that this treasure house is a product of science and martial arts. It was cut out by the master of Zhouda civilization with the law of space, and controls the entire Baoku’s is a very powerful artificial intelligence.”


"Controlling the life level of the incoming living body is only one aspect. The number of people is also very strictly controlled. According to the distribution of the number, the entire civilization of the universe, as you know, is also measured by the power of civilization."

"How many quotas does our civilization have?"

"A level five elementary civilization generally only has 10 places, a medium civilization has 50, and a high civilization can have 200. If it is a level five peak civilization, it depends on how powerful their civilization's army is and their civilization's most powerful. How strong is the Martial Daoist.

"Are there only 10?" Zhang Mengyu said to himself.

"Yes, this treasure house will be opened once every 10 years, and each time almost determines the development trajectory of this civilization for the next 10 years," said Otiz. A good fire of civilization, less than 100 million years ago, this civilization has been directly promoted from a fifth-level elementary civilization to a fifth-level advanced civilization!"

"So fast?" According to an average speed, it would take at least millions or even tens of millions of years to upgrade even a fifth-level elementary civilization to a medium civilization.

"So and are very important for any of our civilizations."

"Well," Zhang Mengyu nodded. If their cosmic empire can have such an opportunity, as the development speed of the entire empire soars, the entire human race will certainly be able to enjoy the dividends of this development.

"It's just because those places are dominated by higher civilizations, so the development of higher civilizations is getting faster and faster, and the low-level civilizations continue to be mediocre."

"Hey, I suddenly feel that our Huaxia is good at reducing the gap between the rich and the poor," Zhang Mengyu suddenly felt that there are some similarities between the two. High-income earners pay more taxes and assume more social responsibilities. Low-income people pay less taxes and enjoy more social welfare, so the gap will naturally be controlled to a certain extent.

"I think the gap in the development speed of our entire universe should be controlled a little bit."

"what do you mean?"

"How many civilizations have entered this treasure house in history?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"I remember that it is the top few civilizations on the cosmic civilization rankings. Noah Cosmic Empire, which ranked first, got a total of 1 places last time!"

"so much?"

"Yes, in the end their civilization almost returned with a full load. Not only did they bring out a lot of things from the treasure house, but they also obtained the most prosperous fire of luck."

"Nobody has any objections?"

"That may not be the case," Otiz said with a wry smile. "Our five-level elementary civilization family only has 10 places, and they are 1000 times our number. Of course we are envious and jealous, but what can we do? Compared with the military In terms of strength, we are worlds apart, and in martial arts competition, there is a ninth-level life body in their civilization."

"Hey, it's tears if I talk too much!"

Every time quotas are allocated, the heads of all cosmic empires will gather together. Every time they hear that they have been allocated hundreds or even thousands of quotas, their hearts bleed.

But they are very soft-spoken and dare not have any objections at all.

But it’s different now, their cosmic empire now has 100 warships of the peak civilization of the fifth level, and even Zhang Mengyu has subdued a large group of lifeforms beyond the sixth level, and even the lifeforms of the peak level eighth!
This kind of comprehensive power can already compete with those five-level peak civilizations in the head.

So this time Ortiz came here to borrow Zhang Mengyu's strength as a backing, so that it is possible for them to get hundreds or even thousands of quotas for the two-whale universe.

Even if their entire civilization can't find too many excellent fifth-level life forms to enter the treasury, but the base number is large, there may be qualitative changes. At that time, the luck of their civilization must be a hundred times or more than in previous years. The next 10 In ten thousand years, the development of their civilization will show an explosive trend.

"When will quota allocation start?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"Just next month, it will take about three or four days to pass from our side and jump through space."

"How many places do you plan to have?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"1000800." Ortiz originally wanted to say 1000, but after thinking about it, although their civilization has the strength to rival the fifth-level peak civilization, their background is still too shallow.

The distribution of places is led by the 10 most powerful civilizations in the universe. If they have some doubts or the like, it will be more troublesome at that time.

If it's only 800, there should be no big problem, right?
"The layout is too small!" Zhang Mengyu shook his head.

"God, how many students are there in the Super Seminary now?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"A total of 52 people."

"What about life forms above level four?"

"Currently there are more than 8 Level 17 life forms, and [-] Level [-] life forms, if you don't include them."

"Damn it, they're really going to catch up with them!" Zhang Menglong didn't expect those students to work so hard.

You know, Zhang Mengyu's potential index has become unlimited under the transformation of the Super Seminary. Now it is somewhat embarrassing to be caught up by these children with a potential index of only a dozen points.

"That's a total of more than 8 people?" Zhang Mengyu had a rough figure in his mind.

"Mr. Zhang, as long as you are willing to go to the quota allocation meeting with me and show off the strength of your few slaves, it should not be difficult for me to get 800 quotas, and it is even possible to get 1000."

"No! Too few!" Zhang Mengyu said, "Since we are going, we must be the most powerful group of people." Zhang Mengyu thought for a moment, "This time, our Twin Whales Universe Empire doesn't want too many , tens of thousands of places, I think it should not be too much!"

(End of this chapter)

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