I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 920 My Dual Whale Cosmic Empire Wants 5

Chapter 920 My Dual Whale Cosmic Empire Wants [-]

"How many tens of thousands?"

Otiz knew that Zhang Menglong was awesome, but he didn't expect him to be so awesome!
The Noah Cosmos Empire has tens of thousands of battleships at the peak level of level 1, a life form of level [-], and dozens of life forms of level [-], and they also want [-] places.

Even if their Twin Whale Cosmic Empire has risen, it will be very different from others. If you want 5000 places, it is already too much, and tens of thousands of them can be regarded as a big mouth for a lion!

"Mr. Zhang, will this be too much?" Ottiz looked embarrassed. There are only so many places in total, and almost all of them are pre-allocated. If he calls out this number at that time, it is estimated that other civilizations Kill someone?
"Is there a lot?" Zhang Mengyu didn't think at all, "There are only tens of thousands of places, and on average, each of those big civilizations requires dozens or at most hundreds of places."

"You put it lightly, you don't even know how much those civilizations value these quotas!" Otiz smiled wryly, "You don't know, for these quotas, the masters of many civilizations are willing to fight and even break out of war!"

"The Cosmic Alliance doesn't care?"

"This has nothing to do with the Cosmic Alliance," Ortiz explained, "After all, the entire Juda civilization was also destroyed by people using barbaric actions. If the Cosmic Alliance is in charge of this matter, it would be a bit like a thief shouting "catch the thief." .”

"That's right," Zhang Mengyu suddenly showed a sinister smile, "If you can fight, then this matter will be much easier, so I think fifty thousand may still be less."

"Xiao Ao," Zhang Mengyu said, "When the quota is going to be allocated in a few days, please let me know in advance, and I will join you."

"Yes!" Otiz showed a joyful expression, he never even thought about the tens of thousands of places.

Strictly speaking, even if tens of thousands of fifth-level life forms are selected, the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire may not be able to select so many outstanding martial arts masters. In his opinion, it would be a waste to ask for tens of thousands.

With the emergence of a wormhole, a spaceship appeared in an area full of star brilliance.

The Imperial Alliance Parliament is an organization different from the Cosmic Alliance. All member states are only civilizations above level five. Strictly speaking, its existence is more like a group chat room for releasing important news.

This council is dominated by the ten most powerful civilizations in the entire Cosmic Alliance, and the remaining civilizations only have some suggestions and auditing rights.

"Mr. Zhang, your stargazer is amazing, and it's here so soon!" Otiz looked at Zhang Mengyu enviously.

"When is your birthday? I'll give you one when the time comes?" It's just a stargazer, Zhang Mengyu didn't pay much attention to it, "Or when do you celebrate the New Year? I'll give it to you as a New Year's gift, it's really impossible When you marry a new wife, I will give it to you as a wedding gift!"

Although very happy, Ortiz still felt a little strange. Do people in this civilization of the earth have such a sense of ritual?
"Mr. Zhang, why did you only bring one person with you?" Otiz looked at Makabaka behind Zhang Mengyu. Among his influences, Zhang Mengyu's most powerful subordinate should be the eighth-level peak life body called Zitiv.

"He's enough." Zhang Menglong said with a smile, Makabaka is now Zhang Menglong's most powerful bodyguard, those outsiders naturally don't know about it.

"That's fine." Ortiz reckoned that Zitif should be working for Zhang Mengyu, but Makabaka is also a level eight medium life form, so it shouldn't be a big problem to shock those civilizations.

"Mr. Zhang, we are here!" Ortiz pointed to a golden planet in front of him and said, "The parliament headquarters is right there."

"En!" Zhang Mengyu nodded, and he also saw spaceships from all directions flying towards that planet.

Although a fifth-level civilization is huge, looking at the entire universe, the number of fifth-level civilizations is still as large as the Ganges, at least on the order of hundreds of billions.

Being able to stand out from hundreds of billions of fifth-level civilizations, one can imagine how powerful these ten civilizations are.

"Otiz? Long time no see!"

"Yeah, long time no see, how were you last time?"

"Don't mention it, it was completely wiped out by a fifth-level advanced civilization not long after the beginning. If it weren't for the magical resurrection ability of this treasure house, we would have lost a batch of good seedlings! What about you?"

"Half a catty eight taels!"

"Otiz? Is this your son?" A strong man pointed at Zhang Mengyu and asked, "Are you bringing your son here to gain knowledge?"

"Get out! This is my father!" Otiz glanced at Zhang Mengyao quietly, and he was slightly relieved when he saw that he was not angry.

"Crazy, why are you so angry?"

It can be seen that Otiz's popularity is not bad, and people come out to say hello to him from time to time. Of course, these people are also the heads of the fifth-level elementary civilization, and they are also sixth-level elementary life forms. Only people of one class can make friends.

In fact, Zhang Mengyu also met a lot of acquaintances, these were the people who joined the group at the Universe Underground Expo before, but Zhang Mengyu's aura and appearance were different from those at that time, so they did not recognize Zhang Mengyu.

Several people have lived on this planet for a few days, and I have to say that the consumption here is really expensive. A few rooms, only a few days, cost them hundreds of millions of universe coins, which is almost the same as robbery. For the accommodation fee, the alliance headquarters can earn a lot.

However, the day of quota allocation is coming soon, and the masters of all cosmic empires in the universe are gathered in a huge square to wait for this year's quota allocation.

"Welcome everyone to come to our council!" A peak-level eighth-level life body exuding a powerful aura stepped up to the presiding position.

"Who is he?" Zhang Meng asked.

"Something like the 'Elder' in your novels on Earth."

"You still read novels?" Zhang Mengyu was startled, the cultural output is so powerful now?

"Hey," Otiz laughed sheepishly, "Your Earth's literature is really amazing. I just came across a novel by accident, and it got better and better as I read it. I couldn't bear it. God even gave a reward to an author called the voice of a cat."

"How much?" Zhang Mengyu asked, "A few million universe coins, he updates too slowly!"

"Fuck, so it's you idiot!" Zhang Mengyu couldn't hold back and yelled directly, "Do you know what millions of universe coins represent in our first-level civilization? Even if he doesn't work all his life, he can pass on his family and be rich It’s EMI, why do you still write novels? Laozi is also his readers, I said why he has become a eunuch in novels recently, it’s all because of you!”

Otiz: "???"

"This year, the distribution of our total number of people is still the same as last time, but because of the demise of some level [-] civilizations and the birth of new level [-] civilizations, there will be some slight adjustments in the total number of people we allocate."

"Level 10 elementary civilization, as in previous years, [-] places for each civilization!"

"Hey!" There was a sigh in the audience, hundreds of billions of fifth-level secretaries, and more than 90% of them are just at the elementary stage of love for fifth-level civilization.

"Level 55 medium civilization, this year's share is [-]!"

"Hahaha, yes, there are 5 more!"

"Five-level advanced civilization, a total of 110 places!"

"Level 1200 peak civilization, some more than previous years, [-] places."

"Our civilization needs 3000!"

"Oh, it's Dige civilization, hahaha, it's okay, we have reserved some places, I think your cosmic empire has the qualifications for 3000 places," asked the eighth-level peak life form of the council, "Everyone here Do you have any comments?"

"He is a civilization that is well-known on the list of the strongest civilizations in the universe. Who dares to have an opinion?"

"Hey, a big family is awesome!"

"Since there is no one, then this year we will use the quota of 3000 people!"

The master of the Dige universe empire suddenly showed a satisfied smile.

"Our Zina Cosmic Empire needs 2500!"

"We want 4000!"

"We need 8000 more than the Austrian civilization!"

"Our Noah civilization needs 1!"

Those powerful cosmic empires opened their mouths one after another, and after some bargaining, they almost all got their psychological price.

"Then, our allocation for this year will be based on"

"Dual Whale Cosmic Empire! We want [-]!"

(End of this chapter)

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