Chapter 922
"Day Day School? What is Day Day School?"

"Brother, it is already a quantum network now. Is your civilization still in the 5G information age? You don't even know the Ritian faction?"

"It's a very mysterious organization. The members of the Ritian faction that have appeared so far are all very young people. Some of them can refine magical medicines, some can refine powerful martial arts weapons, and some can easily Can come up with advanced martial arts cheats!"

"Do you remember the Shenli pill that appeared on the universe auction platform not long ago?"

"I know this. In the end, it was auctioned off at a price of 27800 stars. I remember that there was also a seventh-level martial arts weapon that bought more than 30 stars!"

"These things all come from the master alchemist of the Sun and Sky Sect. I remember that the age of that master alchemist will never exceed 20 cosmic years!"

"So scary? I don't really believe it."

"If you don't believe me, you can ask me whatever you want, if you find out something different, I will live-stream Swallowing Stars!"

The appearance of the three words Ritian School immediately caused quite a commotion.

"Zhouda Fleet, more than 1000 battleships of the fifth-level peak civilization, can also use the power of hundreds of lifeforms beyond the sixth-level, and even the eighth-level peak lifeforms"

With such power, even the elder of the Imperial Alliance Council's own civilization is far from having such combat effectiveness.

If you don't care about off-site factors and completely talk about the strength of your own civilization, I am afraid that the current combat effectiveness of this dual-whale cosmic empire is second only to Noah's cosmic empire.

If adding off-site factors and being able to call in helpers, according to the appeal of the alchemy master of the Ritian Sect, I'm afraid.
The most frightening thing is that there was a news at that time that it was said that the person named Wang Shicong from the Ritian School seemed to have some relationship with the woman in the nine-level life form currently existing in the universe.

That woman, no one can afford to mess with her!
"Cough, cough, cough!" The elder of the Imperial Alliance Council cleared his throat, "I think the quota arrangement for the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire just now seems to be slightly biased, and the 1500 quota is indeed a little less for them. After my careful consideration, Considering it, I think 8000 places should be more appropriate."

"8000?" Otiz almost passed out in surprise. The happiness came too suddenly. Apart from the Noah Cosmic Empire, there is only one other cosmic empire that can get this quota.

"Fuck! What kind of shit luck did this twin-whale cosmic empire have? It actually hugged such a thigh?"

"No way, they are rich and powerful, what objections can we have?"

"It's really unexpected that such a powerful organization would originate from a small fifth-level elementary civilization? It's really enlightening."

"8000 places, this time he should be satisfied, right?"

Voices of envy, jealousy and hatred sounded around. As for the civilized masters who were sarcastic just now, they have quietly moved to other places. If they are missed, they probably won't be able to sleep well.

"Not enough! I don't want to stress for the third time, our Ritian faction needs [-] places, not one less!"

The elder of the Imperial Alliance Council suddenly showed a bitter expression.

They did reserve some places after completing the allocation. These places were originally used to allocate members of a parliament, but the number is not too large. The 8000 places given out have greatly affected their own interests.

As soon as Zhang Mengyu opened his mouth, he asked for [-] places, not to mention that they didn't want to give it, even if they wanted to, they couldn't give it!
If they want [-] places, they must take the corresponding places from them or other civilizations to get them this number.

But can they?Could other civilizations be willing?
"Young man, to be honest, our quota is limited, and we really can't get [-] quota. Of course, if you can get other civilizations to voluntarily give up these civilizations, we can also allocate them to you according to the [-] quota."

It can be said that this method of diverting water to the east is very advanced. Their Imperial Alliance Council directly turned the conflict between Zhang Mengyu and other civilizations.

"If you don't say it, it's over. I thought it was up to you!" Zhang Meng said with a smile, "These hundreds of billions of fifth-level civilizations, everyone can make up hundreds of billions if you just take out a quota. The [-] quota should not be unavailable, right?"

To put it lightly, those high civilizations are fine, but those small civilizations have a total of 10 places, and each name is very important to them. There is almost no difference between asking them for a place and cutting them down. Can you please?

As for those advanced civilizations, to be honest, a quota is really nothing, but this is no longer a question of quotas, it is all a matter of face. The pie has softened.

"Young people, I advise you to know that you are satisfied when you get the quota, and you will not end well if you are greedy!" Finally, a dissatisfied voice sounded from the crowd.

"He is the lord of the Helo Universe Empire!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's exciting. He is a dignified eighth-level peak life form, and it is also recognized as the eighth-level life form closest to the ninth-level life form."

"Now a fifth-level elementary civilization has to sit on an equal footing with them. It seems that he can't sit still."

"Who? Jump out!" Zhang Mengyu said, "Who is not convinced?"

"Aren't you satisfied with 8000 places for a small fifth-level elementary civilization?"

"Do you have an opinion?" Zhang Meng asked with a smile.

"A fifth-level life form?" The lord of the Hilo Cosmic Empire sneered, "Who gave you the courage to talk to me like this? Your subordinate?"

The head of the Hilo Cosmic Empire also participated in that auction, and he knew very well that Makabaka was only an eighth-level medium life form.

As the existence closest to the ninth-level life form, he has absolute confidence in his own strength. Even if all the more than 100 slaves stand in front of him, they are just a bunch of waste to him.

"He's not the only one who has a problem with you!"

"And I!"

Several peak life forms of the eighth level stood up again, and these people were all the masters of civilizations on the ranking list!
"It seems that you guys have a lot of opinions on me," Zhang Meng touched his chin. I was just thinking about where to get the [-] quota. , since you have opinions, I will ask for it from you.

Zhang Mengyu counted the people in front of him, "Only 6 people? Not enough! Each of your civilizations only has a few thousand quotas, and you can't make up [-]. Is there anyone else?"

"Arrogance! Do you think that you, a mere fifth-level life form, are qualified to talk to us on an equal footing?"

"The lord of your cosmic empire dare not speak to us like this!"

"Don't think that you have the Ritian faction behind you, so you can do whatever you want. Do you think your bodyguards can protect you?"

More than a dozen peak life forms of the eighth level stood up.

"Well, there are more than 1000 people, that's about the same," Zhang Mengyu counted the number of people, and each of you has more than [-] places, isn't that enough? "

"I heard that in the past years, everyone fought a lot for a quota, and even some civilized wars broke out. It seems that this is not just a rumor," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "but it's just right, [-] quotas , if there is one less, I will take it from you, if you don’t give it, I will rob it!”

(End of this chapter)

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