I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 923 Now we should have 12000 places

Chapter 923 Now we should have 12000 places

Take it if you don't give it, what an arrogant statement!

It is not that such things have never happened in history. Strong civilizations oppress those relatively weak civilizations to hand over their quotas, but those civilizations must have absolute oppressive power, otherwise, once those weak civilizations unite, it will be very troublesome. the power of.

This time, what Zhang Menglong provoked was not just one or two civilizations, but almost all civilizations.

"Is this the Ritian faction? Sure enough, it's the same as the legend, with a domineering and arrogant style of doing things. Today I have gained knowledge."

"Do you think he will raise his arms again at that time and call a large group of people to be his thugs?"

"This is different. This treasury has affected the future development of every civilization. Every loss of a quota may even affect their future direction. Even if there are more benefits they give out every day, it is estimated that this time it will be too late." It's useless, isn't it?"

"Only brought a bodyguard with an eighth-level life form, I see why he is so arrogant!"

"That is, although the Zhouda Fleet is indeed very strong, military strength is one aspect, and the strongest of a civilization is another aspect. This is the foundation of a civilization. Their dual whale universe empire lacks foundation, and they are just upstarts after all. That's all!

"Then let's start with you," Zhang Mengyu glanced at the ruler of the Hilo Cosmic Empire, "You have 8000 quotas, right, hand over half of them!"

"Hahahaha, this is the best joke I've ever heard in my life!" The master of the Helo Universe Empire never thought that a fifth-level life body would dare to speak such nonsense in front of him.

"A joke? I don't think so!"

"God, let me check the power of the Hilo Universe Empire?"

"Dean, this cosmic empire has three life forms at the peak of the eighth level, and has a standard fleet of 7800 peak civilizations at the fifth level. It is currently the second cosmic civilization in terms of comprehensive strength."

"Understood!" Zhang Mengyu turned on his quantum communicator, "Qin Feng, are you ready?"

"Get ready, 1100 fleets are ready to go at any time, and your Zeuda fleet has also been fully charged."

"Very good, I'll give you a coordinate, you just open the wormhole and run over it," Zhang Mengyu said, "Let the Zhouda fleet open the way, and if the spaceship is destroyed, just abandon the ship and escape. If the battleship is gone, you can buy a new one. I'm not short of money, but no one can die!"

"Don't worry, leave it to me to command. My military lessons in the Super Seminary are not for nothing. I will definitely minimize your losses!"

The lord of the Hero Cosmic Empire received a quantum communication from the head of his legion a moment later.

"Master! A huge wormhole suddenly appeared near our cosmic empire. A large number of warships flew out of the wormhole. They opened fire without saying a word. We have already started fighting!"

The lord of the Hero Cosmic Empire immediately glanced at Zhang Mengyu, only to see that he was also looking at him with a smile.

"Such a large wormhole system will cost at least tens of thousands of stars to start up, right? You are really worth the money!" The ruler of the Hero Cosmic Empire glared at Zhang Mengyu.

The wormhole system can directly connect two distant places, and even the distance of hundreds of millions of light years can be shortened to within a few feet, but its energy consumption is very terrifying. The scale of more than 1000 fleets consumes a lot of energy. An astronomical figure. "

"It's only tens of thousands of stars, I'm not short of money," Zhang Mengyu said with a smile, "I don't want much, I only need 4000 places, as long as I get them, I will let them go immediately!"

"My lord, their firepower is too fierce. Their energy crystals seem to be free. Every attack is the most powerful star destroyer. Our energy reserves are simply inferior to them!"

"My lord, they have a strange fleet, only [-] warships, and they beat our thousands of fleets to the ground!"

"My lord, our first column can no longer hold on!"

Negative news came one after another. Under Zhang Menglong's attack regardless of the cost and the powerful combat power of the Zhouda fleet, the battle almost showed a one-sided situation!
"Do you know that your most stupid behavior is to do this kind of thing in front of me so blatantly!"

How strong is the fleet?How about abundant energy reserves?These are always just foreign objects. For these advanced life forms, what they pursue is only power. Only when they are strong themselves can they be truly powerful!

A powerful force spread, and the energy fluctuations visible to the naked eye went directly towards Zhang Menglong. If a fifth-level life body faced such a force, it would undoubtedly be crushed directly!

A life body at the peak of the eighth level, even if it is just a gesture of strength, is unbearable for a life body at the fifth level.

"He's dead!"

"What's going on? Why didn't anyone from the Imperial Association stop him?"

"Idiot, the youths of the Ritian faction were obviously provoking the authority of the association just now. It would be good if they didn't fall into the stone. How could they stop it?"

"He is really stupid. If he hides and does this quietly, even a life form at the peak of the eighth level will have a headache, right?"

"It seems that money is not everything."

It's just that the next scene made everyone almost stop breathing.

When that force hit Zhang Mengyu as if it encountered a barrier, it dissipated and disappeared in an instant, while another force ten times or even a hundred times stronger than him directly attacked him from behind Zhang Mengyu without warning. Come.

"What power is this?"

"No! Sorry, I was wrong!"


The golden light shone, half of his body was almost shattered by that force, and the symbolic golden blood of life forms beyond the sixth level spilled all over the gorgeous ground.

The master of the Helo universe empire has blood flowing all over his body, but his powerful life level allows him to survive even with only his head left, but his eyes are full of panic at the moment.

That force was full of violent destructive power, preventing his body from recovering. This was the closest he was to death in his life.

"Ninety-nine life forms?"

To instantly injure a so-called peak eighth-level life body to such a state, no one can do it except the real ninth-level life body.

"Anyone who dares to attack my elder brother will die!" Makabaka quietly walked in front of Zhang Menglong with a calm expression, "Who else wants to attack?"

After Zhang Mengyu's personal training with the resources of the Super Seminary, I am afraid that in the entire universe, he is the only grandparent who can fight against the current Makabaka.

"If I remember correctly, this person was supposed to be an eighth-level medium life form when he was taken as a slave a few years ago?"

"What kind of magical power does their Ritian faction have, that they can cultivate a ninth-level life form in such a short period of time?"

"The pattern of cosmic civilization may be changed because of this organization."

"I think my bodyguard is still capable of protecting me!" Zhang Mengyu said flatly, "What do you think?"

No one dared to look directly into Zhang Mengyu's eyes. With a ninth-level life body as his bodyguard, coupled with his extremely powerful fleet, it could almost be said that people block people from killing Buddhas.

"Did you give me the 4000 quota yourself, or did I kill you and take the 8000 quota directly?" Zhang Meng looked at the ruler of the Hilo Universe Empire with a grin.

"I just said that we have 8000 quotas, right? Now, I think our Twin Whale Cosmic Empire should have 12000 quotas, right?"

"He's so ruthless!" Everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

He is really short of a few places, so he has to take a few places from others!

(End of this chapter)

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