I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 933 What I See Must Be Mine

Chapter 933 What I See Must Be Mine

"What kind of monsters are they?" Although Otiz had seen their selection competition, he suddenly found that they didn't seem to do their best in the selection competition.

At this moment, the treasure hunters of the Ritian faction were finally fully revealed.

They are not only powerful, but each of them seems to have some evil tastes. To put it bluntly, they are a group of powerful perverts.

Not long after the treasure hunt started, 600 million people have already been eliminated by the Ritian faction. Such a huge fire of luck is enough to directly upgrade the fire of luck of a civilization.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Otiz, I really envy you," the sixth-level life form next to him cast an envious look at him, and upgraded the fire of luck of civilization from yellow to orange on the first day. An achievement that has never been achieved by any civilization so far.

Even the most powerful Noah civilization, the best achievement ever, was upgraded more than a month after the opening of the treasure house.

"Hehehe, luck, luck." This is a good thing for their Twin Whale Cosmic Empire, but the so-called things have two sides. They have offended many civilizations last time, and this time, it is estimated that they will become It's the target of public criticism.

After the treasure hunt is over, I'm afraid their Twin Whale Cosmic Empire will cause a huge trouble. If it really arouses public outrage, then a lot of civilizations will come to find fault. Even if they get a black fire of luck this time , Whether or not their civilization has a chance to develop is a question.

"I hope they leave a little room, don't go too far!" Otiz muttered in his heart.

"Dean, then we will each go to Happy!"

"Okay, you all pay attention to safety, remember one sentence, keep the green hills, and don't be afraid to pretend not to be forced."

Although collective action is much safer, it is still difficult for the students of the Super Seminary. Zhang Mengyu decided to let everyone disperse the action, so that not only can they expand the scope of their search for treasures, but also not because of the uneven distribution of loot And internal contradictions arise.

"Who will team up with me? It's a bit lonely to be alone."

"I'll go with you, but do we want to have a famous name? There must be a pretentious subject first."

"Then our combination is called Black Wind Shuangsha."

"Then let's go together and call it Akatsuki."

"Xu Wenbo, let's go together, we are called Fengyun Group, from now on I will be called Nie Feng, and you will be called Bu Jingyun!"

Zhang Mengyu rolled his eyes, "A group of childish ghosts!"

Everyone greeted each other, and immediately scattered in all directions. This time, the reputation of their Ritian faction will resound throughout the civilization of the universe.

"This city has been turned over and over again and again, and there must be nothing good about it." Zhang Menglong looked at the abandoned city, "God, can you find where there is something good?" nice one."

"Of course, I'm the most powerful artificial intelligence in the multiverse, so this request is nothing!" Goudan said proudly, "But Dean, in fact, you don't need to waste time looking for most things, as long as you can Things bought with money are not treasures.”

"That's right," Zhang Mengyu nodded. With a top-level account in the Universe Bank, he doesn't lack those ordinary treasures at all. Only those that cannot be bought with money are more valuable to him.

"Give me a little time, I'll scan the neighborhood first."

The detection range of the dog egg is extremely large, far exceeding the artificial intelligence produced by any civilization in this world, and the scanning accuracy is far beyond what they can match.

"Oh! Dean, I found something good!" Goudan made a pleasantly surprised voice.


"Hey, a legion!"

"Legion?" Zhang Mengyu was stunned for a moment, "Didn't the people of Zhou Da Civilization die long ago? How come there are any legions left?"

"This is not an ordinary legion," Goudan said. "This legion should have been established at the same time as the Zeuda fleet. At that time, the king of Zeuda should have wanted to build the most powerful army in the universe."

"Strictly speaking, this should be a puppet army."


"They are also made of the same materials as the Zeuda fleet. I think it was too late to drive them back then. Otherwise, even if millions of civilizations surrounded them, they might not be able to defeat this legion."

"so smart?"

"The number of this puppet army is about 100 million. Of course, their power is also related to the energy that drives them."

"What's the difference between this thing and ordinary combat robots?" Zhang Menglong browsed a lot of weapons and equipment when he was shopping in the universe trading market. There are many types of unmanned combat robots similar to puppets. As long as you If you can spend enough money, even a sixth-level life form can buy it.

Of course, these robots are equipped with technological weapons. They cannot drive energy like real life. They only have the strength, speed, etc. comparable to a sixth-level life form. They are actually mobile suits shrunk down to the size of humans.

"This difference is quite big. Although they are also powered by energy, the bionic design of this kind of puppets can definitely be almost exactly like life, and they can even learn martial arts cheats like humans, and their biggest advantage is that they are tireless. As long as they have Energy, you can keep fighting, and even they are very popular with advanced civilizations."

"However, the material requirements for this kind of puppets are very high. At present, in the cosmic civilization, the puppets that can be bought are at most equivalent to the level of the fifth-level peak life body. I have recorded here that there was once a life-like The puppet of the body appeared at the auction, and was bought by a higher life to serve as a bodyguard for its descendants."

"How strong do you think the puppets of this army can be?" Zhang Mengyu asked with great interest. If he can get this army, tsk tsk tsk, he doesn't have to worry about offending any civilization in the future.

"It's hard to say," Goudan said, "I need to see real samples to analyze their composition. Now I can only see some general information, but the things of Zhouda Civilization are all fine products. Although Super Seminary There are technical teachings for making puppets, but those advanced materials, you can’t find much in this universe.”

"That's right," Zhang Mengyu nodded, "Which direction?"

"Due north, about 273 million kilometers away from here, and there should be a group of treasure hunters sent nearby, and someone should have discovered it."

"Shouldn't you say it earlier?" Zhang Mengyu patted his thigh, "What I'm looking at must be mine!"

Zhang Mengyu turned his horse into fighting spirit, and sprinted in that direction at a high speed according to Goudan's guidance.

This is a huge steel city, it looks like an ancient Roman Colosseum made of metal, at the outskirts of the city, there are at least 30 to [-] treasure hunters gathered here.

At the entrance of the city, there is a group of black puppet warriors. They are covered in a kind of black armor, only revealing a pair of scarlet eyes, without any breath of life on their bodies.

"Is it here?"

"That's right, this is the place the Lord said. The last time the treasure house was opened, our treasure hunters found this place, but they were killed by this 'black warrior' before they could explore it."

"I didn't expect this inanimate thing to be so powerful."

"Yeah, they are almost invulnerable. Only one black warrior was triggered just now, and more than 100 of us could barely escape, so we sent out a signal to call everyone over."

"With such strong protection, there must be good things in this city."

"Don't act rashly, there may be more dangers in the city, it's better for us to call more people over."

"Well, I hope we can come to a few well-known masters in the universe arena, so that our confidence will be greater."

(End of this chapter)

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