Chapter 934 Peak Ranking


A red light bloomed in the sky. It was a gamma ray. After special processing, the gamma ray can release information to a long distance. In the civilization of the universe, it is a common method for transmitting information. s method.


On an endless grassland, a huge creature with a height of more than 20 meters crashed to the ground. There were no obvious wounds on its body, but if you touched its body, you would find that its bones were almost smashed to pieces.

This is a subspecies of a cosmic beast, and after entering an adult, it possesses the gene level of the pinnacle of a fifth-level life form.Under the same level of life, because of the huge body and terrifying power, the cosmic beasts are generally far stronger than the corresponding human life forms.

A young man with dark purple skin and a thin figure, but hiding a huge explosive force, dropped the stick in his hand on the ground, and then took out a small device and began to draw the creature's blood.

"I didn't expect there to be a subspecies of Storagu here." He was obviously a little tired, but very excited.

"That's right, master, adult Storagus are the peak life forms of the sixth level. The elements contained in their blood can greatly enhance the physical fitness of human martial artists. Although this is only a subspecies, it will help you break through to the sixth level." Super life forms are very beneficial."

"If I encounter a real Storagu, then I can't deal with it," the young man said with a smile, "This subspecies is just within the range I can deal with, but this is the first time I have encountered a A fifth-level life form that can confront me in terms of strength is indeed a subspecies of cosmic beasts."

After collecting the blood of this huge creature, the young man threw the container full of blood into his space storage device.

"Master, just now I received a gamma ray, which was emitted from 122 million kilometers away. It should be that someone discovered the treasure but couldn't get it. They are calling nearby treasure hunters."

"Oh?" There was a hint of excitement on the young man's face.

You know, those who can enter this treasure space are basically life forms at the peak of the fifth level. If you find any treasures, they will basically make a fortune in silence, and idiots are willing to share those treasures go out.

This kind of gamma ray radiation is very far away, as long as anyone who can see it will be attracted to it, I dare not say if there are too many, it is definitely very easy to gather several 10 people.

If it can be solved by a dozen people, just call friends, and tens of thousands of people are needed, then it means that it is very difficult to obtain this treasure, and can it be an ordinary thing?
"Do you have detailed information?" the young man asked.

"It is a city that has not been developed by treasure hunters. There are some fighting puppets called 'Dark Warriors'. The treasure hunters who found this kind of city are now stopped by those black warriors. The specific information is not described."

"Battle puppets? Interesting, let's join in the fun!"

The young man picked up the metal stick on the ground, and immediately rushed towards the center of the gamma ray signal.

"Gamma ray broadcast notification? Looks like someone has encountered something interesting!"

"Puppet? That's a good thing, how to use this kind of treasure to defend the city?"

"In an undeveloped city, there must be a lot of things, right? I'm going to make a fortune this time!"

In the surrounding area of ​​millions of kilometers, a large number of treasure hunters have received this gamma ray broadcast notification, some alone, some in small groups, no matter what they are doing at this moment, no matter where their destination is, they are all heading towards Go to the central area.

The 108 black warriors still stood at the entrance of the steel city. In front of the city, the crowd gathered here was getting bigger and bigger, but they seemed to turn a blind eye to it.

In their order, it is to protect the city from any invasion by outsiders. As long as these treasure hunters do not enter a dangerous distance, they will not activate.

"Gales, what are you waiting for?" A treasure hunter who seemed to have a hot temper was already a little impatient.

"Only us are not enough!" The man named Galles was the first to come to this steel city, and their civilized predecessors were also the first to discover this city.

"We already have 10,000+ people here, can't we kill more than 100 puppets here?" The treasure hunter seemed very impatient.

"If you can't wait, you can try it yourself," Galles laughed.

More than 100 of them tried to attack this city just now, but those "dark warriors" only touched one. The material strength of its body far exceeds that of S-class alloys, and it can almost ignore their attacks.

But the speed and strength of those "black warriors" are very strong, as long as they are rubbed against, they will definitely be seriously injured, and their physical fitness has reached the level of a quasi-level six life form.

In his opinion, the best way is to fight a war of attrition with a group of people, let their energy be completely exhausted, and then enter the city to explore, or a few people with extremely strong personal combat power will appear.

"Huh!" The treasure hunter snorted coldly. This Galles came from a civilization that is well-known on the leaderboard, and his personal strength is also very strong. It is not difficult to see these black warriors from his cautious attitude. Definitely not easy to deal with.

If he rushed straight up like a stunned green man, he would probably be at a disadvantage. Although he was a bit impatient, he had to say that his IQ was quite online.

"someone is coming!"

"It's so fast, how can this flying speed be achieved by a fifth-level life form?"

A white light flashed across the sky, and a treasure hunter in a white battle suit landed among the crowd.

"Noah Guangyi is a member of Noah's civilization!"

"It is said that the flying speed of this kind of light wings can make a fifth-level peak life form reach the level of a sixth-level life form. Today is an eye-opener."

"It's all technology and money. It is said that the cost of such a light wing device is close to that of a small fifth-level civilization."

"As expected of the most powerful civilization in the universe, it is really rich and capable."

"Who sent the signal?" The treasure hunter from the Noah civilization said proudly.

"It's my signal," Galles came out, "Ultron Civilization, Galles."

Hearing the words Ultron Civilization, the arrogance on the face of the treasure hunters from Noah Civilization also faded. Although Ultron Civilization is not as good as them, it is also a civilization that they can respect.

"Noah civilization, Sinoan."

"Xinuoan? Are you Xinuoan?" Hearing this name, there was a commotion among the treasure hunters around.

"You know him?"

"It's clear at a glance that you haven't been in the arena of the Universal Martial Arts Association, but he is a master ranked on the top list."

"Peak list? Hiss!" Sometimes there were exclamations.

The so-called pinnacle list is an honor list of the Cosmic Martial Arts Association arena. Every life level has such an honor list. Only those with the top [-] competitive points are eligible to be on this list.

There are countless fifth-level life forms in the entire universe, and if they can be ranked in the top [-], they are definitely geniuses among geniuses and elites among elites.

According to some bigwigs from the Martial Arts Association, if you can enter 100 million, you will have the opportunity to hit the sixth level of life!
Galles is already an elite warrior of their civilization, but his ranking of the fifth-level life forms in the Universal Martial Arts Association is still below 50.

Sinoan, appearing here, has become the C position in the crowd!
(End of this chapter)

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