I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 943 I Have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Chapter 943 I Have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

In front of the 10 puppets of the sixth-level peak life form, those who took the lead just now were like elementary school students in front of them. They wanted to resist with all their strength, but their resistance seemed so weak that they could only watch helplessly. Their own pants were stripped off, and of course, their dignity was also stripped off at the same time.

"Dare to take the lead against me on my territory, do you think I, Zhang Menglong, are made of mud?" Zhang Menglong watched from the sidelines, "You resist, the more you resist, the more excited I will be." Ha ha!"

Zhang Mengyu took out his mobile phone, clicked and gave them a close-up, "I will post it for you on the Internet, so that everyone can see your majestic figure that would rather die than surrender!"

"Do you feel that the dean is getting more and more perverted? He used to be able to control himself a little bit on Earth, but now he is completely letting himself go."

"Look, look, he's shameless and still smiling!"

"Hush! Keep your voice down, don't let the dean hear you, do you want to be hung on the city wall with your butt naked?"

"What are you guys talking about?" Zhang's dim eyes fell on them suddenly.

"Ahem, ahem, it's nothing, just that you are handsome!"

"Yes, yes, we are wondering when your photography portfolio will be available for purchase."

"You guys have good vision," Zhang Menglong patted hard, "It always feels like something is missing."

"Oh! I thought of it!" Zhang Menglong patted his thigh, and he found a handful of unknown plants from his body, "Give me these and insert them into their chrysanthemums!"

"Hiss! It hurts to look at it!"

"That thing seems to be a devil vine. Its stem has barbs. Wouldn't it be fatal to pull it out?"

"What are the barbs? That is a giant-stem grass. Once it is stimulated by the outside world, the diameter of the stem will expand to more than four times the normal size!"

"The rest of you, are you willing to pay the protection fee?" Zhang Menglong looked at the rest of the people with a dangerous smile, "I think the city wall of this city should be enough to hang tens of thousands of people. What do you think?"

Of course, they all understand Zhang Mengyu's intentions in the so-called "shooting the top bird with a gun". 100 billion universe coins is indeed a lot, but it is barely within their acceptable range. It is better than being hung up naked, right?

The rest of you look at me and I look at you. The so-called scholars can be killed but not humiliated. There are many people among them who are not afraid of death, but when they think of being hung on the city wall with their buttocks naked, they even have to be photographed close-up Posted on the Internet, their last bit of stubbornness disappeared.

"Cough, cough, cough! I think Mr. Zhang should take this money, and 100 billion universe coins are not too expensive."

"Yes, you see, Mr. Zhang must have consumed a lot of energy crystals to activate the city's defense system. He also cost a lot to save us. How can we be such ungrateful people?"

"You people like whoring for nothing. Do this kind of thing. Do you sleep well at night? If I were you, I would definitely not be able to sleep!"

Just now, they looked like they would rather die than submit, but now each of these treasure hunters has become extremely well-behaved.

"How did you all become like this? What about your backbone? Anyway, I think this is justified, Mr. Zhang, put your Yuhengtong payment code, and I will transfer the money to you directly!"

"Hmph, you people, don't you even want your own conscience for a little money? Anyway, I think I have to give the money," another treasure hunter took out his watch, "Mr. Zhang, my universe The Hengtong account is out of money, can I use Xingbai? I still have tens of billions of universe coins."

"Cough cough cough! This is actually not considered a protection fee. At most, it is just for everyone to pool money together to keep safe. There is no need for Mr. Zhang to pretend to be like a bad guy."

"Wait, did I say it's 100 billion universe coins?" Zhang Mengyu didn't know what it meant to accept it when he saw it. The 100 million cosmic coins can only make their hearts ache, but not to the point of hurting their muscles and bones.

"Mr. Zhang, didn't you say that one person has 100 billion universe coins? Everyone heard it!"

"100 billion universe coins is the price just now," Zhang Mengyu said, "but when someone questioned me just now, no one stood by my side, and you all looked very reluctant." Now the price of the protection fee It has risen to 200 billion universe coins. If you don't pay, I will throw you out of the city immediately. "

The 10 puppets took a step forward. Zhang Mengyu just installed fresh energy spars on them. Even in the highest power fighting state, they can continue to fight for several years. The five-level peak life is only 200 million. Body, to be honest, the 10 puppets are too much to think of them.

"You can't do this! You are robbing!" This was just a question, and the protection fee was doubled directly. Who can stand it? Their money did not come from strong winds. The status is very high, but it is not easy to save tens of billions of universe coins.

"Yes, I'm robbing in the open, what can you do with me?" Zhang Mengyu shrugged, "If you don't want to, just go out, I will not make things difficult for you, and even sing a song "Thousands of Miles Away" for you .”

"You!" Facing Zhang Meng's scoundrel, everyone looked helpless against him.

Leaving the city sounds easy, but what is the difference between this and a dog leash?
"Oh, by the way, you questioned me just now, so I decided to super double now, and 400 billion universe coins should be a more appropriate number."

"You" was about to speak just now, but was immediately held back by the surrounding people.

"Do you still dare to say it? Believe it or not, if you say one more word, he will immediately increase the protection fee to 800 billion universe coins?"

"This idiot, why don't you just give the money honestly? If you want to piss off this Ritian faction guy, it's okay now, and everyone will follow them to pay an extra 300 billion universe coins."

"Well, it seems that everyone has no opinion on this price," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "Then everyone scan the code, 400 billion universe coins per person, mark your information when transferring money, my artificial intelligence can Check it out."

"Dear user, your universe bank account has arrived: 400 billion universe coins!"

A series of prompts sounded one after another, and Zhang Mengyu's face was full of smiles. 200 million people, that is, 800 star universe coins, which is completely enough to cover his cost, and even make a lot of money .

Of course, not everyone can afford 400 billion universe coins in cash, and Zhang Menglong is not so brainy. Anyway, cash, energy crystals, precious medicinal materials, ore materials, and other fixed assets, Zhang Menglong will always come. .

Every time he received a protection fee, the fire of luck on Zhang Mengyu's head became stronger, and soon, the flame above his head turned orange and began to advance toward red.

As for those who have paid the protection fee, most of their heads have become green, and only a few people can barely maintain the yellow color because of some harvest before.

"Come over to those with yellow heads!" Zhang Mengyao shouted at them.

Thousands of treasure hunters walked up to Zhang Mengyu anxiously, "Mr. Zhang, we have already paid the protection fee. Do you have any orders?"

"It's nothing," Zhang Mengyu said, "I'm an Aquarius, and I just have some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Everyone's head is covered with green, but you are still yellow. No matter how I look at it, I feel uncomfortable."

(End of this chapter)

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