I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 944 Thank You Taxpayers

Chapter 944 Thank You Taxpayers
"Look at the dean's expression. Every time he shows this constipated expression, he is about to start deceiving people."

"The dean's old-fashioned cunning, if you don't squeeze out the value of others, you will definitely not give up."

"He's going to have to turn the thing on everyone's heads into green before giving up. I want to see what else he can do."

Sensing that Zhang Mengyu was about to start tricking others, the three of them became even more excited than Zhang Mengyu.

"Yes!" Zhang Mengyu patted his thigh, "Everyone, why don't you pay a little more value-added tax for protection fees?

"Protection fee value-added tax?" Those treasure hunters look at me and I look at you. They know "protection fee" and "tax payment", but the combination of these two words is directly their knowledge blind spot .

"Let me briefly explain the value-added tax of protection fees to you," Zhang Mengyu said solemnly, "for example, you are a fourth-level life form, so is it difficult for you to move in this treasure house, it is difficult to find any treasures, or even It is possible to meet others, and your fire of luck will be taken away by others."

"But if you are a very strong fifth-level peak life form, the fire of luck of others is in your pocket, and you can also kill wildly in the territory of fierce beasts to obtain their fire of luck and treasures. Are you right?"

Everyone nodded. There is nothing wrong with these two sentences. The opportunities that two treasure hunters with great disparity in strength can obtain in this treasure house are absolutely vastly different.

A weak treasure hunter was directly eliminated without even getting anything, while for a strong treasure hunter, this place is simply their paradise.

"However, in this situation, no matter whether you are a low-level life form or a high-level life form, your fate will be the same," Zhang Mengyu said, pointing to the fierce beast outside the city, "As long as you go out, you will definitely be full of bones." none."

"Although the price I paid for protecting you is the same, is the meaning behind it the same for you to be qualified to continue hunting for treasure in this treasure house?"

"Is it the same meaning?" Everyone is asking themselves.

Of course it is different. To put it bluntly, although the philosophers in the universe advocate that life is not divided into high and low, and that all people are equal, the more powerful a person is, the higher the value of their life is!
A weaker fifth-level peak life body may be able to upgrade his luck fire to orange and get a lot of good things if he stays in the treasury for a while, but a stronger fifth-level peak life body, he may You can upgrade the fire of luck to red, and even if you are lucky, if you have any chance, you can even break through to a sixth-level life form!
Are they worth the same here?Of course it is different!
"So, the value of your lives is actually different." Zhang Mengyu pointed to the luck flame above their heads, "Look at them, they are all a bunch of rookies, so their lives are only worth 400 billion universes, But you are different, you are better than them, and the opportunities here are different, and I only charge 400 billion universe coins, I think it is an insult to you!"

"Damn it, my logic is shattered!"

"Wow, the dean's mouth is invincible, can you talk about it? I actually have the urge to pay. It's just fine not to do pyramid schemes."

"If you want to charge more money, you can charge more, can't you just say it? Why are you beating around the bush? Everyone is an adult, so be more straightforward."

This group of treasure hunters looked at each other. To be honest, they felt that what Zhang Mengyu said was too reasonable. Of course they believed that their lives were worth more than others, and this was the fact. Everyone entered the treasure house at the same time. But their harvest is obviously far more than others.

They are naturally happy to be recognized, but they are not so willing to pay more money. This kind of recognition is unnecessary!

"Think about it, if you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood," Zhang Menglong continued to brainwash her heart and mind, "This treasure hunt has just begun, and everyone will have a bright future. As long as you save your life, is there anything you can't get?"

"And as I said just now, I have obsessive-compulsive disorder. Look at the green light above everyone's head, but you are still yellow. How out of gregarious are you? We are all a family. Since we are a family People should be neat and tidy, right?"


"Well, my obsessive-compulsive disorder is quite serious. If there is no way to solve it, I will lose my temper and even go crazy. I will go crazy and even beat myself. I am afraid."

Those 10 black warriors seemed to understand Zhang Mengyu's meaning, and took two steps forward aggressively.

"What are you doing? I'm a serious businessman, you will make me look like a robber!"

"What kind of double reed are you playing here? Would these black warriors go forward without your order?" They scolded Zhang Menglong again in their hearts for being shameless.

"We will pay this tax!" They had already heard the meaning in Zhang Meng's words.

Didn't you just want to pay us for making such a fuss with us?What can they do?If you don't want to be eliminated directly, shouldn't you just accept the squeeze of capitalism honestly?

"I don't want much, just give me another 200 billion universe coins!"

After paying the value-added tax of the protection fee, hundreds of treasure hunters' heads suddenly turned green, but most of them still had yellow heads, which shows that they have gained a little in the past few days Yes, at least their income is not less than the tax collected by Zhang Mengyu.

"Oh, you are still yellow? You can make up another 200 billion!"

"What?" In this way, the rest of the people were unwilling, "Mr. Zhang, we have already paid taxes!"

"Don't you know about the seven-level tax system?" Zhang Mengyu said, "In our Ritian school, the income levels of different classes are very large. If a society wants to become prosperous together, it must reduce the number of high-income earners and help High-income earners, high-income earners pay more taxes, and low-income earners pay less tax. I am amazed at your bones, and you can tell at a glance that you are a person who will achieve great success in the future, and you must follow high standards."

"Let me give another example. In our case, no tax is paid if the income is below the threshold of 5000. If it exceeds 5000, there is a seven-tiered tax standard, ranging from 3% to 45%. .”

Zhang Mengyu pointed to the first group of people, "They are too good, and the value-added tax on protection fees has not reached their threshold, so they are not even eligible to pay taxes. What just barely reached the threshold?" As for you, which one is a proper elite class, congratulations for obtaining a high standard tax ladder!"

This wave of operations by Zhang Mengyu stunned the three students of the Super Seminary.

"Nimma, the dean actually learned taxation one by one. Did the dean major in economics when he was in college?"

"I heard that the dean is studying polymer materials. He probably learned these things to fool people."

"Congratulations to them, why does it sound like it's a great honor to pay more?"

"Then it's up to you to choose. Do you choose to earn 5000 yuan a month without paying taxes or earn 45 million yuan a month and pay [-]% tax?"

"I choose the dog leash!"

"Congratulations for reaching the second-tier standard, let's pay another 100 billion!"

"Wow, why are you guys still pornographic? Now it's the third level of VAT standards for protection fees, and another 100 billion will be paid!"

"Brother, you can. Among these people, I would like to call you the strongest. You can pay another 200 billion. This year's tax vanguard will be you. I'll have someone make a pennant for you later!"

From these thousands of people, Zhang Menglong once again squeezed out value-added tax for protection fees ranging from 400 billion universe coins to 1300 billion universe coins.

After collecting the money, except for Zhang Mengyu and the three super seminary students, everyone's heads finally became completely green.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Mengyu nodded in satisfaction, "Thank you for your cooperation, let's give them the applause!"

"Why are you standing still? Applause!"

(End of this chapter)

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