Chapter 947

"Good guy, this is a cooking king!"

A creature more than 300 meters long, the Rolling Ball Beast actually burped contentedly after eating a third of it. Zhang Mengyu didn't even know if its stomach was a different dimension like the Yuan Devouring Beast.

Suddenly, a golden light emanated from Rolling Ball Beast's body, its body gradually increased in this golden light, and the energy response on its body also began to increase sharply.

"Is this evolution?"

"Dean, the Rolling Ball Beast is only in its infancy, and the energy it needs to evolve is not a lot, not to mention that it is an eighth-level life form. The ability contained in the flesh and blood is undoubtedly a great supplement to those fierce beasts. Not surprising.

The light dissipated, and a creature in the form of a dinosaur standing on two legs appeared in front of Zhang Mengyu.


"Yes, I'm Yagumon now!" The yellow dinosaur waved towards Zhang Mengyu.

"Dean, its current life level is roughly equivalent to a second-level life form."

"Can it change back?" Zhang Mengyu asked, "I think the soft and sticky Rolling Ball Beast is cuter."

Yagumon nodded, and its body shrank again in a milky white light. Of course, it has completed evolution, and it can evolve to the state of Yagumon again at any time.

"It's interesting!" Zhang Meng put away the remains of the huge creature, "It seems that we need to collect more corpses of high-level beasts in the future, otherwise I won't be able to satisfy this snack."

"Dean, someone is here again!" Goudan said.

"No way?" The smile on Zhang Mengyu's face gradually changed, "Could it be that there is another beast tide coming? It's only been a few days!"

For other treasure hunters, the beast tide means death, but for Zhang Menglong, it is equivalent to a large amount of Qiyun fire and countless treasure resources, and it can even reduce the protection fee again. What a joy! Why not?

"If you give me a unicorn that evolves into Steel Garuru and combines with Battle Greymon, then the Omega that will be born in the end must be at least the pinnacle of a tenth-level life form?" Zhang Mengyu thought happily.

"Dean, I haven't detected any signs of beast swarms," ​​Goudan replied.

"Then what are they doing here?" Zhang Mengyu looked puzzled, "They looked relieved when they left, and they wanted to keep a distance from me. Could it be that these people tend to be smug? Tsk tsk tsk."

Zhang Mengyu walked to the entrance of the city with the Rolling Ball Beast on his shoulders. The little guy went to sleep when he was full, with a snot soaked in his breath.

"Mr. Galles, we meet again!" Zhang Mengyu knew this person. It is said that this city was first discovered by the ancestors of their cosmic empire. He was also the first person to come here and summon other treasure hunters, but Everything he did was to make a wedding dress for Zhang Mengyu.

"It seems that Mr. Galles has gained a lot in this period of time, and the green light on his head is gone!" Zhang Meng said with a smile. When those treasure hunters left a few days ago, their heads were all green. Within a few days, Galles' Qiyun fire turned yellow again, which shows that he must have gotten some good things these days.

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, we met again," Galles said with a wry smile on his face. From the bottom of his heart, he absolutely didn't want to come back to this ghostly place, but his strength didn't allow him!
A few days ago, these treasure hunters left the city directly after confirming that the beast tide was over.

But they did not expect that there are no other similar city relics or cities built by other treasure hunters for tens of millions of kilometers around this city, and after the beast tide ended, large tracts of land were left behind wherever they passed. Traces of beast activity.

During the day, the field of vision is wide, and everyone's vigilance is relatively high. It is relatively easy to hunt some fierce beasts within the scope of their abilities.

But this is only limited to the daytime, they do not realize that at night is a nightmare.

Most of the ferocious beasts are free in the cosmic space, and their activities do not distinguish between day and night, but after being locked in this treasure hunting space by the Juda civilization, they have developed the habit of wild beasts coming out at night. At night, here It is the paradise of those ferocious beasts.

Last night, they were attacked by a group of ferocious beasts, and even encountered a very strong beast at the level of a fifth-level peak life form.

More than 30 people from their civilization were teleported to the same area and everyone acted together, and in one night, they lost almost half of their people.

Even when they were running away, they could feel the breath of a sixth-level life form!
At this time, they suddenly realized that after the beast tide, the night in this treasure hunting space was already very dangerous.

If they could not find a shelter, they would be wiped out in a few nights.

Many treasure hunters spontaneously set up small camps one by one, hoping that everyone could unite and resist the attacks of those fierce beasts at night.

At the beginning, this kind of small camp was really effective. Everyone took turns to watch the night, and when groups of fierce beasts attacked them, they were also repelled and killed by the treasure hunters who watched the night. Peaceful night.

But they still underestimated this treasure hunting space too much. On the previous night, a sixth-level beast broke into their camp. Also rob them a wave and then let them go.

If you encounter it, then it's useless.

A few of them were lucky and escaped successfully.

According to the current situation, if they want to survive in this treasure hunting space for a long time, they must find a place that is safe and strong enough to easily resist the attacks of those beasts, so that they can go out to find treasures and opportunities during the day, and go out at night. Hide in a safe place to recuperate.

Just thinking about it, I only thought of this city. Even such a huge beast horde can be resisted. What is there to be afraid of those groups of small ferocious beasts?
Moreover, Zhang Menglong's black warriors can kill even eighth-level life forms, which gives them a sense of security.

Zhang Menglong listened to their narration, and the corners of his mouth began to rise crazily again.

"Mr. Zhang, I hope you can provide us with a safe habitat. We promise not to disturb you. I just hope that we can hide here at night. You can see if it works." Galles asked carefully.

"Okay, of course!" Zhang Meng smiled and said, "Wait a minute, I'll arrange something first!"

After saying this, Zhang Menglong walked into the city alone, not knowing what to do.

Galles looked at his companions. Although they felt uneasy, they had no choice. How far away were other cities with self-protection capabilities? If those cities were also occupied by the Suntian faction, perhaps Their end is not necessarily better than here.

In their hearts, they have left the shadow of fear after being dominated by the Suntian faction.

"Look, the writing on the city wall!"

The original name of this city was named after the unique characters of the Zhouda civilization, translated into the language of the earth, it was probably called "Kaiwu City".

The name of this city can obviously be defined by the control system of the city.

Those words began to distort and deform, and finally became a new one in the universal language of the universe.

Translated into the language of the earth, that is - Sun and Sky Chain Hotel-style base.

Treasure hunters, look at me and I look at you, what kind of strange show operation is this?
(End of this chapter)

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