Chapter 948
"what sound?"

"I don't know, it seems to come from inside the city."

"I heard that the city seems to be made of a kind of liquid metal, and the internal facilities and structure of the city can be automatically changed through the central system."

"how do you know?"

"While we were here the other day my friend saw him turn a warehouse into a sauna and have a Darth Vader rub his back!"

"The bastard really enjoys it."

"Maybe he is building a residence for us in the city now. After all, if so many people want to live here for a long time, they must not sit on the ground as before. It would be too messy. Look, this city has been changed to the name of the hotel. gone."

"Build us a residence, do you think he would be so kind?"

"Maybe you have to charge again?"

"Be confident, remove the word "possible", if he doesn't charge the money, I will commit suicide on the spot!"

It took a long time before Zhang Mengyu walked out of the city. Behind him were two black warriors full of murderous aura. Everyone looked at him enviously. He was playing disco in the wilderness, and those beasts didn't dare to take a step near him.

After such a short time, many people appeared again, because the sky was getting darker and darker. At this time, those fierce beasts that lurked at night had gradually woken up. The first thing they thought of was this city, so Everyone gathered here at once.

"Yo, there are a lot of people!" Zhang Mengyu probably tapped the number of people, and there are about 3 to [-] people now, but there are still people coming towards this city one after another.

"Everyone, I already know about your situation," Zhang Mengyu said, "There is a saying that goes well, with great power comes great responsibility, so I am willing to share this city to provide you with a safe habitat .”

This sentence sounds great. Under normal circumstances, there should be a wave of flowers and applause, but it is not the first time everyone has been tricked, so they still look calm Looking at Zhang Menglong, what else can I say.

"First of all, in order to provide everyone with the best housing, I have adjusted the internal structure of the entire city. All warehouses and other places have been moved underground, and the above ground is the residence for everyone to flow out of."

"Our Ritian chain base hotels are divided into these types!" Zhang Mengyu used a large screen outside the base to display various room types.

Poor room type: a room for 4 people with bunk beds, independent bathroom, with a total area of ​​20 square meters.

Ordinary standard room: a room with two beds, with a total area of ​​25 square meters.

Single cozy apartment: the total area is 40 square meters, including breakfast.

Single luxury apartment: total area of ​​100 square meters, including breakfast and supper.

Luxury apartment: with a total area of ​​200 square meters, equipped with a personal mechanical butler, including three meals a day.

Tuhao Apartment: With a total area of ​​400 square meters, it has a panoramic view overlooking the entire city, 24-hour service, and all kinds of facilities.

Super villa type: private order, as long as you have needs, I can meet you.

There is also a plan for the entire city on the screen. Zhang Mengyu divides it into three areas, the accommodation area, the entertainment consumption transaction area, and the cultivation area. It can be said that the entire city has been utilized to the extreme.

Looking at these room types, everyone is very excited.

Everyone is a Martial Daoist. In fact, no matter how difficult the environment is, they have experienced it, so there is no hardship that they can't bear, but if they can enjoy more luxurious treatment, then why not do it?

Everyone is working hard outside during the day, and at night there is a comfortable, tidy and even luxurious place to stay. Doesn’t it smell good?

"Mr. Zhang, the fee" Finally someone asked this question.

"Good question!" Zhang Mengyu said loudly, "Now, let me announce an amazing price, the cheapest poor house, only 1000 million universe coins a day, 1000 million universe coins in exchange for a stable night, you can't buy it and suffer , can't be fooled!"

"This dog profiteer!"

"Even if it's the best hotel in a fifth-level civilization, it costs hundreds of thousands of cosmic coins a night, which is already equivalent to the price of dozens of living planets."

"This is still the worst room. Four people squeezed into a 20-square-meter place. Is this humiliating us?"

"Hey, you can't say that!" Zhang Mengyu thinks that the price is very fair, "The price must be different in different places. You buy a bottle of water in a supermarket and you buy a bottle in a scenic spot. Water, can the price be the same? The cost is different, right?"

"And don't underestimate the 20 square meters. In many schools on our planet, 20 square meters can be used as a student apartment for 8 people. This specification is already very high, and there is an independent bathroom!"

"What about the others?"

"Good question!" Zhang Mengyu directly showed all the quotations.

Ordinary standard room: 6666 million universe coins/night

Single-person cozy apartment: 8888 million universe coins/night

Single luxury apartment: 1.68 million universe coins/night

Luxury apartment: 2.88 million universe coins/night

Tyrant apartment: 6.66 million universe coins/night

Super villa type: 10 billion universe coins per night
"Of course, I know that you may not have brought so much money in this place, and now you can't contact the outside world to send money, but I am very ginkgo-like," Zhang Mengyu said in a yin and yang tone, "you The treasures obtained in this treasure hunting space can also be exchanged for equivalent universe coins."

Zhang Mengyu pointed to the huge building in the center and said, "This is the Ritian Chain Bank I temporarily established. Here you can discount your gains. I will arrange a professional system to conduct value analysis."

Zhang Menglong's huge savings can easily support the business of these people. As for the "professional system", isn't that what he decides?

"Also, today is the first day of opening for this hotel chain. I decided to come to a big opening ceremony. I can get a 98% discount for the first check-in, 95% off for a monthly subscription, and 9% off for a yearly subscription. Are you excited? Action is worse than action Hurry up and become our resident!"

"A profiteer, he is thinking about making money all the time!"

"It's okay, we won't live in a hotel at all! Everyone can just find a corner in the city to sleep in. Who can't bear this hardship?"

"That's right! He can't buy and sell by force, can he?"

"Another good question!" Zhang Mengyu said, "Every night, my black warrior patrol will patrol the streets of the city. If someone sleeps on the street and affects the image of the city, sorry, I will let them put you directly Throw it out!"

"This damn place, who cares about your city's image?"

"If you want to make money, just say so!"

"You are buying and selling!"

"Yes, I'm buying and selling by force, what can you do to me? If you have the ability, come and kill me," Zhang Menglong gestured with a middle finger, "I just like to see the way you want to beat me to death but can't do it , if you don’t want to live, live outside, some people want to live!”

"Oh, that's right," Zhang Mengyu said, "Please don't wander around the city at night, because I have activated a comprehensive defense system. Once a living body is detected, the city's weapons will attack. I don't want you to be killed. Killed as a beast."

This sentence made those prostitutes feel cold again. Because of this city, there are very few fierce beasts nearby, and those powerful beasts dare not approach. In fact, this open space outside the city It is already a fairly safe area.

But Zhang Menglong didn't give them any chance of whoring for nothing!
Zhang Meng said seriously: "Let me remind everyone once again, money that shouldn't be saved, absolutely can't be saved!"

(End of this chapter)

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