I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 951 What kind of fetish is this milk tea?

Chapter 951 What kind of fetish is this milk tea?

"As long as you have hands." The group of treasure hunters looked at their hands, so they chopped off their hands, okay?
Those people from the Ritian faction are all perverts, do they want to compare with this group of people from the Ritian faction?They are stronger than those on the peak list. They can easily hunt and kill so many beasts of the fifth-level life body level, but they can't!
"Hey, forget it, what else can we do under the fence?"

"It's impossible to sleep in the wild, right? You just need to work harder. It's not the only way to hunt ferocious beasts, is it?"

"It makes sense. I found a valley two days ago. The cosmic source energy there is very strong. Maybe I can find something good."

"Everyone is tired after driving for a day? How about going to eat something together? Didn't Zhang Mengyu say that there are still food for sale in the city? Energy potions are so expensive, everyone can save a little bit, the food cooked by the beast tastes better It's actually pretty good."

"Let's go, let's go and have a look together, I can't believe that they can still sell such food for such a high price!"

Zhang Mengyu built a part of the city into a snack street-like area, in addition to small stalls, there are many familiar fast food and hotels on the earth.

"Kenkiki? What is that, it sounds really delicious."

"Golden Arches? Such a name sounds very tasteful for a long time, and it seems that it is tailor-made for an elite martial artist like me!"

"Skinny brothers and crab stew, I have tasted countless things in the civilization of the universe, and this is the first time I have heard such a name."

"Yidiandian, milk tea? Is this a drink that has just emerged recently?"

"Filling at the bottom of the valley, fishing for food? Interesting!"

Walking into this area of ​​snack bars, everyone's attention is attracted by this exquisite restaurant milk tea shop.

Higher life forms actually have very, very little desire for food. The food they need actually has only one requirement, which is to be rich in energy to maintain their physical strength, and the others are not so important.

"Fuck, there's still milk tea here?" The trio from the Ritian faction also came to this food street, and other treasure hunters could tell that they seemed to be very familiar with these foods. They should all come from the civilization where the Sun Sky School is located.

"Boss, a cup of Ovaltine milk tea, half sugar, super ice!"

"Boss, I want a boba milk tea, with boba, coconut, and [-]% sugar."

"Boss, black tea latte, don't add sugar."

"Look, aren't those black warriors?" The treasure hunters watched from a distance, only to see that the busy people in those milk tea shops were all black warriors!
These are all puppets whose combat power is comparable to that of a sixth-level life form. If you don’t go out to hunt ferocious beasts and help you find resources and treasures, you can’t even go outside to kill and set fire to rob treasure hunters. Do you make milk tea?Is this a waste of resources?

"Fuck! nmb, the dean is really dark!"

"Why, it's so expensive?"

"Liu Jinghong, just now you said you were treating guests, right?"

"Ah? What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Three young men came out of the milk tea shop cursing.

Treasure hunters, look at me and I look at you. How expensive is this cup of ordinary drink?

A person finally walked to that tea shop curiously, and the moment he saw the price list, he almost died on the spot.

Taro ball milk tea: 13 billion universe coins
Wufu milk youth: 14 billion universe coins
Black Tea Macchiato: 13 billion Universe Coins
Boba milk tea: 11 billion universe coins
The treasure hunter's pupils magnified ten times in an instant, and what the hell is a black shop, right?

Indeed, the price of the most expensive drinks in the universe is as high as tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of cosmic coins, but those things are all extracted from very precious natural materials and earth treasures, and their functions are also against the sky. There is a reason why it is expensive, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy those things. .

But just looking at it, you can tell that it is mass-produced, and it looks no different from ordinary drinks. Just a cup of this stuff costs more than a billion universe coins?When they are fools?

Drinking a cup of milk tea can last several days in a single-person luxury apartment. No matter how delicious the milk tea is, there is no need to spend this money to enjoy this kind of tongue-in-cheek pleasure.

"Let's go, look elsewhere!" This price directly persuaded everyone to leave.

"Welcome, how many are you?" Several imitation waiters in the appearance of beautiful women greeted a group of treasure hunters who were about to go inside at the door of the shop called Gudilao.

"Four people!" The four treasure hunters are all from the same cosmic empire, and their strength is also a relatively powerful part of these five-level peak life forms.

"Sir, please choose the bottom of the pot first." The beautiful anthropomorphic person directly opened the holographic projection system for ordering food, "I suggest you order the mandarin duck pot, so that it can better suit the tastes of different people."

The lead treasure hunter opened the menu, and his hands trembled in shock at the numbers on it.

Whole pot (butter spicy): 99 billion universe coins
Mandarin duck pot (tomato + butter spicy): 84 billion universe coins
At a cursory glance, there is actually no single product whose price is below 10 billion universe coins. If you want to eat a meal here, it will cost tens of billions of universe coins, or even hundreds of billions of universe coins. It is not impossible!

"What? This family bucket actually costs 138 billion universe coins?"

"Ah? What kind of chicken feet pot needs 128 billion universe coins? What kind of creature is this chicken? Is it a sixth-level cosmic beast?"

"Braised chicken and rice? Chicken again? One serving costs 18 billion universe coins?"

The entire street was filled with complaints one after another. Even if the materials in this treasure hunting space were scarce, and even if all the chefs were black warriors, the price would be too outrageous, wouldn't it?
"Protest, we are not convinced!"

"Even if I starve to death here, I will definitely not eat a bite of food sent by you every day!"

"Oh my god, who is setting the flag again? Why do people still not understand Professor Wang Jingze's law of true fragrance?" Zhang Mengyu walked out of a restaurant with a signboard of snail powder, "Who is protesting? ?”

"Mr. Zhang, don't blame us for making trouble, your things are really too expensive!" A treasure hunter said sternly, "I know you want to earn more luck, but you are too desperate Now, if we can't even afford food, who can bring you benefits?"

"That's right, your glass of drink will sell for more than a billion universe coins, and this price can almost be sold for a glass of timisi water!"

"Dean, the water of Timis is a drink processed from the dew condensed from the tree of Timis. It is called the purest water, and it can help life forms below level six recover from physical damage. , and even complete the rebirth of severed limbs, the price is about 25 billion universe coins." Goudan immediately explained
"Don't be so excited," Zhang Mengyu said to calm their emotions, "The thing I sell is so expensive, it naturally has its own reasons, this is a boutique drink developed by our Ritian School, if you don't believe me, try it! "

Zhang Mengyu handed over the boba milk tea he had taken a few sips from, "This cup is my treat."

The treasure hunter took it dubiously. Since Zhang Menglong drank it, there should be no problem, right?

He took a sip, his eyes lit up with the sweet taste, and he gulped down the whole glass.

For a moment, his eyes lost their focus.

They were attacked by a group of ferocious beasts last night. Although he escaped unharmed, a penetrating wound was pierced by a murderer's unicorn. It takes ten days and a half months to recover.

But at this moment, a cool feeling came from his chest, and he frantically tore off his shirt, and in just a few seconds, the scar on his chest returned to its original state!

Even if it is the water of timisi, its effect is only to greatly speed up the vitality of the cells. Such a wound will take three days to recover, and this is called milk tea.
Holding the milk tea in his hand, he looked at Zhang Mengyu with a devout look, "Mr. Zhang, what kind of fetish is this milk tea?"

(End of this chapter)

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