Chapter 952 Are you full?

"My God, it's really amazing. Did you see that his wound healed all of a sudden?"

"Such a serious injury recovered in the blink of an eye. This effect is almost comparable to some gods."

"Yeah, if we carry some of this milk tea with us when we're out hunting ferocious beasts, it can almost be used as a life extension!"

"10 billion cosmic coins may be exchanged for a life at a critical time. This price is really not expensive at all!"

Seeing the miraculous effect of this milk tea, no treasure hunter can't help being amazed.

"Mr. Zhang, how is this milk tea made, can you tell us?"

"Of course," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "this milk tea is brewed with very precious herbs for 81 years, simmered for ten years, and then stewed for another ten years, and finally it was consecrated in front of the Buddha. Any trauma can just be drunk It can be recovered instantly, and it is effective for life forms below the sixth level."

In fact, Zhang Mengyu just exaggerated a bit, this milk tea is just a kind of medicine in essence, but the taste of that thing is really too ordinary.

And the skill of Liu Maoxing, the little boss of China, is that he can turn anything into delicious food, and add some special effects, so Zhang Menglong thought of opening a free street before cutting leeks.

This milk tea looks awesome, but in fact, the profit is as high as thousands of times.

As for why Zhang Mengyu’s service staff in this snack street are all artificial intelligence in the city, and those chefs who make food are black warriors, that’s because making these things, even advanced artificial intelligence robots There is no way to do it.

These black warriors are bound to Zhang Mengyu's soul, and they can use various forms of energy like those advanced human beings, so they can also make alchemy, medicine, and cook like Zhang Mengyu.

Compared with fighting, this kind of behavior consumes much less energy. A five-level energy spar is enough for them to run for a long time, and the money they earn can easily pay back.

A fifth-level energy spar is worth hundreds of millions of cosmic coins, and a cup of milk tea can buy several energy spars!

"Give me a cup of boba milk tea!"

"I want boba milk tea!"

"I want that Four Seasons tea!"

Seeing this miraculous effect, many treasure hunters couldn't hold back their excitement immediately.

You know, in this treasure hunting space, injuries are quite normal, but here is different from the outside, there is no medical treatment, although they carry all kinds of medical resources, but such things are very expensive. They can only carry some emergency ones.

Now many people in the city are wounded, and some are even seriously injured.

If they continue to maintain this state, they are likely to be killed and eliminated in the next action, and even if they are lucky enough to encounter some very precious treasures, they will not have enough ability to try to obtain them.

This magical milk tea undoubtedly ignited their hopes.

Although the price of these billions of cosmic coins is very expensive, they can barely get it together in groups of three or five. After all, they have already sold a wave of supplies just now, and they are not as tight as they were at the beginning.

"how is it going?"

"My injury is already healed! Oh my god, this Four Seasons milk tea also has the effect of recovering mental trauma. Last time I was affected by the mental power of that beast, it's actually healed now!"

"This boba milk green can cure highly poisonous, hahaha, I thought I was about to be eliminated, there is no unparalleled road!"

"Why don't you drink it, we agreed to take one sip per person! Give me a sip, I'm about to die!"

A group of relatively wealthy treasure hunters ordered the milk tea of ​​Yidiandian all over. Sure enough, each kind of milk tea has different effects, some can heal trauma, and some can detoxify. The panacea is even more miraculous.

"You said, this milk tea has such miraculous effects, will other things be more powerful?" A treasure hunter took a big mouthful of pearl milk tea, "Don't forget, Daliwan, Shenliwan and other things can They were all created by people from the Ritian faction.”

"Come on, let's try it out!"

A few richer treasure hunters walked into that "Ken Kiki" together, and they pooled 138 billion universe coins to buy a takeaway family bucket.

"I'll try it first!" A daring treasure hunter took out a piece of original finger-licking chicken and took a bite. His eyes froze for a moment.

"Oh my God, that smell is like a sucker, it stimulates my tongue, the sour taste that makes my mouth water, strongly shocks my esophagus and stomach wall, and makes my appetite involuntarily ignited, coupled with the crispy The outer skin is glued together with the firm and elastic meat, the taste is simply indescribable, and all the vitality that was lost due to exhaustion has reappeared."

"He, a person who hasn't even completed the 30-year compulsory education in the universe, can speak such a level of words?"

"How delicious does this have to be?"

Listening to the treasure hunter's description, everyone couldn't help but salivate.

Suddenly, a violent gravitational force erupted from the treasure hunter, and everyone felt that the energy floating in the air was heading towards his body.

At this moment, each of his cells is like a water pump greedily absorbing the energy of the outside world to strengthen his body, and even his genetic transition speed has been significantly improved because of this.

He opened his eyes, his eyes full of ecstasy, "I feel like my body has entered a magical state. Training in this state can at least increase my genetic transition rate by 10% for 1 days!"

"What? Thousands of times?"

"Impossible, even the best gene-stimulating medicine can only increase the genetic migration rate by 0.01% within a year, and the price of the medicine for the fifth-level peak life form is still very expensive, at least tens of billions of universe coins ?”

"Give me another piece!" Feeling the power of the original finger-licking chicken, the treasure hunter immediately took out another piece and gnawed on it.

"Nimma, labor and capital also paid for it!"

"Don't grab it, hey! Everyone pays the same amount, so give me another bite!"

Crazy, all crazy in an instant, at this moment, everyone forgot what they came to this treasure house this time.

As long as they search for more treasures, exchange them for cosmic coins here, and then come to the snack street to buy food, they may try to attack the sixth-level life forms before and after the treasure hunting space is closed!

This almost has a fatal impact on each of them!
"Give us another barrel!"

Obviously, those treasure hunters just now are quite wealthy, and they should not have been robbed by Zhang Menglong's first wave of protection fees. After tasting the sweetness, how could they not be moved?

"Sorry, for ordinary customers, we only sell the same product once a month!" The artificial intelligence responsible for collecting money apologized.

"Mr. Zhang, what does this mean? We don't sell if we have money?"

"No, no, no, how could I not sell it? I am a serious businessman. If I have money, I will destroy it without making money," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "But you should also understand that such a good thing must not be in unlimited supply. They are all very precious.”

"It's a pity," they sighed. What Zhang Mengyu said was indeed reasonable. If you really have money and can buy it, is it still a good thing?
"However, it's not impossible for you to eat all you want," Zhang Mengyu said, "As long as you apply for the annual card, you can spend unlimited consumption in all stores in this snack street within a year, and you can also 95% off!”

"Apply now, only 5000 billion universe coins per year, and three [-]% off coupons, dear!"

(End of this chapter)

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