I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 954 Give Me 8 Gods and 11 Faces

Chapter 954 Give Me Yagami Taichi a Face

"It's strange, why can't I see a single beast along the way?"

Zhang Menglong has been flying in one direction for several days. You can say that you can't see that kind of sixth-level and seventh-level life forms. After all, there are not too many beasts of this level.

But I didn't even meet one of the fifth level, which is a bit outrageous.

"Dean, the Rolling Ball Beast has dragon bloodlines on its body, and even its ultimate body is the dragon's nemesis. Although it is still in its infancy, if you insist, its bloodline is the top. Among the beasts in the universe , The bloodline level is very strict, and they probably were scared to pee when they felt the breath of the Rolling Ball Beast."

"You're so awesome!" Zhang Menglong rubbed the rolling ball beast on his shoulder.

"It's so good, so good, but big brother is the best!" Rolling Ball Beast was wearing a pair of sunglasses, with a cigar in his mouth.

If you want to ask why such a cute little guy like Rolling Ball Beast has become such a social boy, you have to ask Zhang Mengyu, the so-called one who is close to vermilion is red and the one who is close to ink is black. In this place, Zhang Mengyu is already Let yourself go completely, follow him, what good habits can you learn?

As for this title, Zhang Mengyu felt that it was too weird for a ball to call him dad every day, so he simply asked Rolling Ball to call him his elder brother.

Not only that, after this period of eating and drinking, the Rolling Ball Beast can already evolve into a Tyrannosaurus, and its life level has also been raised to level four. It is estimated that the next evolution may be able to advance to a level six life form. This is a big help for him.

"Hey, it's fine if there are no fierce beasts, why can't even see the shadow of a city?" Zhang Menglong looked at the vast mountains and plains, and there was no trace of any city at all. Can't get out of the chain."

"Dean, there is an energy reaction ahead," Goudan said suddenly, "There should be 30 to [-] people, all of whom are at the top of the fifth level."

"It can be regarded as meeting someone, Rolling Ball Beast, let's say hello," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "Maybe they have news about nearby cities!"

"Okay, my big brother!" Rolling Ball Beast looked very interested. This was the first time it came out to play after it was born, and it was full of curiosity about everything.

On the edge of a dense forest, five figures are moving rapidly. They have very obvious gender characteristics, three women and two men, all of whom are slender and have exquisite facial features. It is not difficult to see from their unique ears that these five people It should be an elf race from a certain cosmic empire.

However, they obviously lost the elegance of the past, and their snow-white skin was also covered with blood. They should have just experienced a severe battle.

"What bastards, this group of despicable humans actually attacked us!"

"Why don't we be afraid of them because that beast consumed almost all of our physical strength?" An elf man with a golden longbow on his back looked unconvinced. There was a deep wound on his shoulder. It was ripped off by something abruptly.

"I didn't expect that beast to drop a sixth-level martial arts weapon. This kind of thing is rare, and it is inevitable to be targeted."

"As long as we can survive to the end, the rewards given to us by the lord will definitely exceed our imagination."

When those monsters drop items, you can actually judge the quality of the item according to the color of the light cluster. If it is a white light cluster, then it means that the quality is very ordinary, the green light cluster will be better, and the red light cluster is basically Above is the fifth-level energy spar or something of the same level.

As for the purple ones, they are very rare, and the value of general treasures will range from tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of universe coins.

And just now, they teamed up to kill a beast with a peak life form of level five, and directly dropped a black ball of light.

In fact, many people will have this idea of ​​killing and seizing treasure when other people are hunting, but the premise is that their gains must exceed the cost of conflicting with the other party.

When they were hunting, they felt a group of people ambushing around them. If it was just a green or red light group, those people would be greedy at most. After all, the elves are born with the perception of energy. Martial Daoists are much stronger, there is no need to have a serious conflict with them for hundreds of millions of universe coins.

But when they saw the black ball of light, they couldn't hold back immediately. The thing that fell out of the black light ball was likely to be a treasure that even sixth-level life forms could not help but be excited about.

The three small groups attacked almost as soon as these elf treasure hunters let down their vigilance.

If they are in a state of full physical strength, they really are not afraid of these people, but after a big battle, they are already at the end of their strength, and they are even injured. If they fight in this state, they will definitely suffer.

"Boom!" A violent explosion suddenly came from their sides, and the violent explosion wave directly blasted their bodies away.

After escaping in a hurry, they were attacked by several waves of people just now, and now they are almost relying on the will to survive to escape. This time the attack made it very difficult for them to even stand up.

"Friends of the elves, where are you going?"

A few more treasure hunters came out of the dense fog, with greedy smiles on their faces. One of the treasure hunters carried a small beam cannon on his shoulders. It was obvious that they were responsible for the attack just now.

"This single-soldier miniature beam cannon is really powerful. It is obviously left over from the civilization billions of years ago, and it is actually better than the beam cannon of the fifth-level civilization."

"Friends of the elves, take out the things!"

"Eight fifth-level peak life forms, and technological weapons obtained from the treasure hunting space." Several elves showed serious expressions on their faces.

The beam cannon just now was so powerful that it was obviously able to cause effective damage to them, and they are definitely not their opponents now.

But if they hand over the things now, their previous efforts will be wasted, and even if they hand over the things, the other party may not let them go. Once the news spreads, they will cause a lot of trouble.

A level 10 martial arts weapon is enough to cause tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people to fight wildly.

At this time, the treasure hunters who were chasing after them also caught up, and the three parties suddenly fell into a confrontation.

"He came out halfway and wanted to snatch our prey? Hurry up, or you will be killed together!"

"What a big tone, I see who killed who!!"

The numbers of the two sides are eight against eight, and their strengths are also very close, but for this precious sixth-level martial arts weapon, this fierce battle is inevitable.

"Super Flame!"

The war was about to break out, but at this moment, a fiery fireball fell from the sky between the two sides.

"What?" The three groups of people were startled, the power of the fireball explosion was like a nuclear bomb, and the temperature of the flames that swept out was also terrifyingly high.

You know, the Rolling Ball Beast was hatched by absorbing Zhang Miyu's strange fire, and the flame it spit out after evolution also carried the violent power of the different fire.


"Dong dong dong!" With the sound of violent footsteps, a huge orange creature over 10 meters tall slowly walked towards them. It had a pair of short forelimbs and a thick tail behind it. It is not difficult to see from the residual temperature of the mouth that the fireball just now was spit out by this creature.

Suddenly, they suddenly noticed that there was a human treasure hunter standing on the shoulder of this creature!
"Hey!" Zhang Mengyu shouted, "You all stop, stop beating, and give me Yagami Taiyi a face!"

(End of this chapter)

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