I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 955 Then I have no choice but to persuade the fight physically

Chapter 955 Then I have no choice but to persuade the fight physically

"Iori Yagami?" The two teams looked at each other, obviously, none of them had heard of this name.

"He can actually drive a ferocious beast to fight for him. He should be a person of the beast-controlling civilization. They are not easy to mess with."

Beast control civilization is famous in the universe for its innate talent to control fierce beasts, because fierce beasts are often several times stronger than human martial arts masters, so every person in beast control civilization is not easy to mess with, and it is said that they grow with the level of life Ascending, the number of beasts that can be controlled can also increase.

There once appeared a beast-controlling life form at the peak of level seven. He didn't know how to control hundreds of beasts at level six or even level seven life forms to fight for him. No bones left.

It's also good that the beast-controlling civilization has very few distributions in the universe, and it can be regarded as a minority. Otherwise, the balance of the entire universe civilization may be broken by this civilization.

"His ferocious beast is only a life form at the peak of the fourth level, but the power of the fireball just now is even higher than that of a person at the peak of the fifth level. What kind of monster is this?"

"I don't know. I can't find information about this creature from the database. It should be a creature that has not been included in the Encyclopedia of Fierce Beasts, or it was bred by other methods."

"But one thing is certain, this is probably a cosmic beast with a very advanced bloodline. This person is not ordinary, everyone be careful!"

Obviously, the super flame move of Tyrannosaurus left a very shocking impression on them. If the fireball hit them just now, none of them could guarantee that they would not be injured.

"Your Excellency of Beast Control Civilization, are you also interested in their things?" The leader of the party that came that night said to Zhang Mengyu. He was obviously very afraid of this combination of man and beast, "If you are willing to leave now Don't meddle in this matter, if we come to our Baize civilization in the future, we will definitely treat you as the most honored guest."

"Yuk, do we have to be so careful with him?" Another treasure hunter from the Baize civilization seemed a little unconvinced, "My detector told me that he is only a fifth-level superior life form."

"Shut up!" said the leader, "He dared to come here alone when he saw the confrontation between us here. If he only has superficial abilities, is he out of his mind?"

"Don't forget, all those members of the Ritian faction only have the genetic level of a fifth-level elementary or even a fourth-level peak life form. Which one of them is easy to mess with?"

This sentence immediately caused cold sweat to break out from everyone's back.

That's right, if the living body level is only used as the only criterion for evaluating strength in this treasure hunting space, then the death must be very fast.

Not long ago, they passed by a gathering place of treasure hunters. This gathering place was established spontaneously by these treasure hunters to fight against wild beasts. Some of them have some special skills that can keep beasts above level six from approaching them. , There are about 20 treasure hunters in the whole gathering place.

This is already considered a very powerful force, at least after the hordes of ferocious beasts raging, it can barely protect itself.

They also aimed to join that gathering place at the beginning, but when they rushed there, all they saw were 20 treasure hunters with green lights on their heads.

Not only was all their money robbed, but even their harvest in the treasure hunting space during this period was also robbed, as if they had entered a slum.

After inquiring about it, they found out that not long ago, a treasure hunter from the Ritian faction passed by this place.

He called himself Chris, the life level of the pinnacle of the fourth-level life body, and he actually comprehended the law of thunder and lightning that could only be understood by the eighth-level life body.

Everyone only remembered what he said - my attack is very powerful, you have to bear with it.

Afterwards, a thunder dragon descended from the sky, and the violent electric current was stronger than any thunderbolt, and all 20 people lost their resistance in an instant.

Then he robbed these people of all the treasures they got in the treasure hunting space, and even forced them to swipe all the money in the universe bank account. The blackened luck flame sang rap and left.

When they asked why this young man from the Ritian Sect attacked them, the people at the gathering place were also bewildered.

But this made everyone remember a lesson, don't underestimate anyone.

"Something? What is it?" Zhang Mengyu also rushed over because he sensed the aura. He didn't know what the group of elves got. Even if he knew, it was just a sixth-level martial arts weapon. It's not as good as a few five-level energy spars.

"Didn't you come here for the treasure they got?"

"No," Zhang Mengyu looked dumbfounded, "I'm from the Universal Peace Organization, and I came here because I saw someone fighting here."

"Universal Peace Organization?" They looked at each other again. There is no such organization in the universe, and they have never heard of it.

"It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "Look at you two groups, bullying a group of injured people is too shameless, how can you take advantage of others? I have seen such things. I feel ashamed for you, you should hurry up and go, if you want treasures, you can do it according to your own ability, what kind of heroes are you if you rob someone else?"

"What are you, is it your turn to preach to us?"

"That's right, it's easy to say, this is a sixth-level martial arts weapon, I think you want to take it all by yourself?"

"We discovered this first, do you understand the rule of first come first served?"

"Hmph, do you still know that first come first come first? We chased them to a dead end, and now you want to eat black and black, it's really ridiculous."

The two sides originally agreed to speak out, but they didn't talk speculatively, and the atmosphere became tense again after a few words.

"Brother, thank you for your kindness. Their goal is only us. You don't need to go through this muddy water." The elves are kind-hearted. Taking risks, he immediately persuaded him to leave.

"It's okay, you trust me, I'm a professional." Zhang Mengyu waved his hands to reassure them.

"Hey, why don't you be so angry, we are all young people, what can't we sit down and talk about calmly?" Zhang Mengyu said earnestly, "The so-called put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately, there is nothing that cannot be let go , the so-called things outside the body are fleeting, life does not bring death does not take away."

"Be careful!" The elves reminded.

But it was too late, a beam cannon had already hit Zhang Mengyu on the shoulder of the tyrannosaurus beast. This kind of power was enough to severely damage a life form at the top of the fifth level. Layer skin.


Only a clear sound was heard, and the beam cannon seemed to be refracted by some force and was suddenly thrown out.

"What is that?" Everyone held the round shield with red and blue rings in Zhang Mengyu's hand.

"Is this also a level [-] martial arts weapon?" Greedy eyes ignited in their eyes again.

"mmp!" Zhang Mengyu put away the shield, "I'm trying to persuade you, but you guys are still trying to persuade them to fight? If this is the case, then I can only persuade them physically!"

(End of this chapter)

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