I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 957 This Is Just Our Work Meal

Chapter 957 This Is Just Our Work Meal

With Zhang Mengyu's permission, they immediately fled and left this place.

They immediately tried their best to inform other companions in the treasure hunting space, "Tell everyone, when you see the fourth-level peak life and the fifth-level elementary life form in the future, just walk around!"

"More than 200 five-level energy crystals, a star core, more than 400 precious plant medicinal materials, more than 500 tons of various high-grade ore metals, and 72 trillion universe coins. This wave of blood earns!"

Zhang Menglong took an inventory of what he had gained just now.

sincerity?An apology to those elves?Sorry, it doesn't exist, he is just being a bitch and setting up a torii.

"Are you all okay?" Zhang Menglong walked towards the elf youths, and the Tyrannosaurus became a Rolling Ball Beast again and returned to Zhang Menglong's shoulder.

"If you want to kill, kill it. If you want us to surrender, it's impossible!" The young man in the lead of the elves said that he would rather die than obey. "You saved us because of the treasure we got, right? If you want it, just say it, There's no need to be hypocritical."

"Eh? I don't like to listen to what you say. Who do you think I am? A robber? A bandit?"

"Isn't it? You don't know what the Ritian faction did?" Another elf girl said.

"What are you doing? Why don't I know?" This is the first group of people Zhang Mengyu met after leaving his own city. He really doesn't know what the other people from the Ritian faction did in this treasure hunting space. "

As for himself, that person's money is used to eliminate disasters, others pay, and he provides protection and supplies. This is an exchange of equal value, and he doesn't feel that he has done anything against his conscience.

"Don't you know? I heard that Guevara, the thief of your Ritian faction, is stealing treasures found by treasure hunters from other civilizations everywhere."

"Also, a man named Wu Zhi discharges everywhere and flirts with women of other civilizations."

"I also heard that there is a man named Takumi Fujiwara, who somehow got a chariot of the Zhouda civilization to hit people everywhere."

One after another, they are all word of mouth accusations against the Ritian faction. Although they are all lone rangers, they are powerful. Complaints abound.

"Tsk tsk tsk, they are all talented people, and they are indeed members of our Ritian faction!" Hearing these news, Zhang Menglong showed a gratified expression, "Everyone has finally started to learn and become teachers, and now they can finally pretend to be independent, Dean I am very pleased!"

"He's still proud of it!" Seeing Zhang Menglong's proud look, those elves suddenly hated him even more.

"Let's do it. Even if we are not injured, we are not your opponents. We just ask you to give us a good time and don't insult us!"

"Why, am I that kind of person? I have been rated as a moral model by our Ritian faction for three consecutive years. I have never done those things. I am a peace-loving person. The last thing I want to see is that kind of bullying. The despicable and shameless behavior of men and women," Zhang Mengyu said, "you are lucky to meet me today, the so-called meeting is fate, how about making friends?"

"Moral model?" Several people showed contemptuous expressions, how many of them are blind?Just now, relying on the name of the Suntian Sect, they have seen all the things that the two groups of treasure hunters have forcibly plundered.

Not only is he mean, but he is also shameless.

But Zhang Menglong didn't care about the expressions on their faces, he took out a few cups of milk tea and some food from his body and handed them to them, "Do you want milk tea, dear?"

Although the food was delicious in color and fragrance, the treasure hunters of the elves still looked very afraid. Obviously they dare not take the things Zhang Mengyu took out easily.

"Why? Are you afraid that I will poison you?" Zhang Mengyu rolled his eyes, "Think about it, is there anything on your body that is worthy of my snatching? I want to kill you all without any effort, and I still need to poison you." ?”

"I just heard them say that you got a sixth-level martial arts weapon?"

They nodded, since they were heard, it was no secret.

The elf man directly took out a red bow and arrow from his body. This bow and arrow is a combination of alchemy and technology. It does not need arrows, but directly absorbs the energy of the outside world to condense into arrows. Among martial arts weapons, they can be considered high-end.

"To be honest, this thing doesn't appeal to me at all," Zhang Mengyu said, "The shovel I use to shovel cat litter for my cat is a level [-] martial arts weapon. This thing is not worth much at our place!"

"That's right!" The treasure hunters of the elves smiled wryly. They have heard how powerful the alchemy of the Sun and Sky Sect is. These sixth-level martial arts weapons are extremely precious in the eyes of sixth-level life forms. Things, but to Zhang Menglong, they are just like ordinary weapons.

It seems that there is really nothing on them that is worth Zhang Menglong's covetousness!

The leading elf youth took a sip of Zhang Mengyun's milk tea and roasted wings, and when the effects of these foods were revealed, his gaze immediately changed.

"Blake, your wound!" The other elves pointed at his wound that was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye in amazement, and even his aura became fuller and fuller.

"What is this? It's amazing!" The elf named Blake looked at Zhang Mengyu, "What is this? It's even more miraculous than the sap of our elf mother tree!"

The birth method of the elves is very special, and they need the power of nature, and trees, the most vital plants, are their first choice. Their lives are born from the leaves of the mother tree.

The mother tree was nourished by the power of the elves, and its sap had the effect of curing diseases, healing injuries, restoring physical strength and energy, and what Zhang Mengyu gave him was more than ten times stronger than the mother tree sap!
"Bobo milk tea with taro paste and spicy chicken wings, these are our daily work meals."

"Do you usually eat this kind of food to satisfy your hunger?" The elves were stunned again.

Their mother tree sap is a very precious thing, and it is quite good for an elf to get one drop a year, but that kind of fetish is actually something that people of the Ritian faction eat every day?Isn't this too extravagant?No wonder they are as powerful as monsters one by one.

"We were rude just now," Blake stood up and performed an elf etiquette towards Zhang Mengyu, "Let me introduce myself, we are treasure hunters from the Celia Universe Empire, my name is Blake, and I am from our universe. The prince of the emperor of the empire."

"Yo, still noble."

"Thank you for helping us, we are willing to regard you as the best friend of the elves." Blake said.

"This is Arwen, Dianaxi, my two younger sisters."

"This is Legolas, my brother."

"Your parents can really have children! Don't you have family planning? Are there subsidies for having two or three children? Is it because of the serious aging that so many children are born?" Zhang Mengyu blurted out.

The expressions of the elves were a little embarrassed.

"Dean, it's embarrassing. Elves are not viviparous. They were born from the same elf mother tree, so they are all brothers and sisters. This is the most basic racial knowledge!"

"Ahahaha, I'm sorry," Zhang Menglong scratched his head, "My name is Zhang Menglong, and I come from the Earth civilization of the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire."

"Isn't your name Yagami Taichi?"

"Oh, that's my trumpet. I have several trumpets. Would you like to introduce them to you?"

"Hey, hey, don't bother eating!"

(End of this chapter)

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