Chapter 958 Are you scared?
After Hu Chihai drank a meal, Zhang Mengyu and several elf youths gradually became acquainted, and even began to call each other brothers.

"Brother Zhang, you are much kinder than other Ritian faction people. This is the first time we have met such a kind person," Blake said, "You don't know, in this treasure hunting space, sometimes we even Civilized people must guard against it."

"Actually, this is your prejudice against our Ritian faction," Zhang Mengyu said, "Just like what you said just now, you all witnessed the actions of our Ritian faction with your own eyes?"

The four shook their heads. Naturally, they had heard the rumors, and they had never seen it with their own eyes.

"Look, you haven't seen it with your own eyes, so how do you know that the people of our Ritian faction are all vicious?" Zhang Mengyu said with a smile, "If you haven't heard of our Ritian faction before, what do you think? What kind of organization are we?"

Blake was stunned for a moment, "Brother Zhang, if you are so kind, everyone else in your organization must be very kind too."

"Isn't that enough? Many things are preconceived. If you haven't seen the facts, you don't have the right to speak. People say that people from our Ritian faction burned, killed and looted everywhere. Do you believe it? I think they are jealous! "

Zhang Mengyu continued, "This time when the treasure house was opened, we got a full [-] places. The so-called big tree attracts the wind. Others have opinions on us and want to use this method to ruin our reputation, so as to arouse everyone. Keep resisting us, if you believe, these people's goals will really be achieved."

"Brother Zhang, what you said makes sense!" Dai Anxi looked at Zhang Mengyu adoringly. Ever since he appeared like an unrivaled hero and frightened off those despicable raiders, she has become Zhang Mengyu's fan girl.

"In fact, what they said must not be completely true, but it may not be completely false," Zhang Mengyu said, "Our Ritian faction people are very reasonable. If you respect me a foot, I will return you a foot." , People don’t offend me, I don’t offend others, but if someone really insists on provoking us, we are not easy to bully, it is estimated that our people are forced to choose to fight back.”

"That's right," Blake nodded in the same way. Zhang Mengyu said that they were completely brainwashed.

"By the way, after the beast tide, this treasure hunting space is very dangerous at night, and it's getting dark now, where are you going?"

"I'm going to tell you about this," Blake said, "We elves have some special abilities, we can integrate our breath with the surrounding nature, even at night, those beasts will not We will definitely be found, but this is not a long-term solution, we heard from other treasure hunters that there is a large city in the north, and we are planning to drive there."

"Is there a city near here?" Zhang Mengyu's eyes lit up. With this, his second branch of the hotel chain will be established.

"We're just listening to what other people say, but there shouldn't be any problems. Do you want to go with us? Everyone can take care of each other along the way."

"Okay." Zhang Mengyu happened to be very bored alone, and it was very happy to have a chat with someone.

After driving north for three days, they finally saw a majestic city, which was shaped like an island, floating in the sky like a city in the sky.

"It's finally here!" Blake and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief, "It is exactly as they described, a city floating in the sky."

"What a beautiful city!" Everyone looked up at the city in the sky. If Zhang Menglong's city is a future city full of technology, then this is a dream city that only exists in fantasy.

"Let's go! Let's find out the situation first." Zhang Menglong took the lead and headed towards the entrance, grabbed someone at random and began to talk, "Brother, do you want to make spicy strips?"

The treasure hunter curiously took one and stuffed it into his mouth. After a while, his eyes could almost burst out of light, because he felt that this thing called spicy sticks was actually more powerful than the effect of the genetic migration potion!
Facing Zhang Menglong's question, he knew everything he wanted to say, and soon Zhang Menglong asked the information he wanted, and the treasure hunter ran away with the remaining half of the package of spicy strips.

"How about it?"

"I have asked you clearly," Zhang Mengyu said, "This city is jointly controlled by three very powerful treasure hunters of the fifth-level peak civilization. They have a total of more than 200 people, and the strongest is a sixth-level life form. All of them are five-level peak life forms!"

"What? A sixth-level life form?" Everyone was shocked. Every time, some people would get some luck in the treasure hunting space, some people would get precious treasures, some people's strength would increase dramatically, and some people would even break through life directly. The shackles of the level directly become an immortal sixth-level life body!
But there are only a few people with this kind of luck after all, hundreds of billions of civilizations, a huge base of tens of trillions, each time there are only a few hundred people at most.

"Their lord seems to have bought a powerful pill from our Ritian faction. He took it to advance after entering the treasure hunting space."

"It's really a waste of money!"

"A level [-] life form is indeed enough to frighten a city!"

The Dali Pills that are still on the market are almost priceless, and the price is even five or six times higher than Zhang Menglong's original release. Even at this price, it is hard to find a medicine.

A group of people walked to the entrance of the city. Dozens of peak life forms of the fifth level were maintaining the stability of the city, and everyone needed to be identified when entering or leaving.

"Everyone who enters the city must register their civilization and name. The price for entering once is 10 universe coins. The city also provides a lot of accommodation for treasure hunters. The price ranges from 50 universe coins a day to 500 million universe coins a day. .”

"The price is not too expensive." Everyone in the elves nodded.

"It's really not expensive," Zhang Meng said with a smile, he had already scolded these people in his heart, what are they trying to do so cheaply?Will it do business?

"Newcomers come here to register." The treasure hunter guarding the gate said to them with a proud look.

"Celia Cosmic Empire, Blake."

"Celia Cosmic Empire, Alvin."

"What about you?"

"Dual Whale Cosmic Empire, Zhang Mengyu."

"Double Whales." Suddenly, the treasure hunter's pupils dilated several times, "Are you from the Twin Whales Universe Empire?"

As we all know, the Ritian faction came from the fifth-level elementary civilization called the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire.

But he just lost his composure, and what they want to guard against is only people from the Ritian faction, "Which organization do you come from?"

"Oh, I'm from the Ritian School!"

"Sunday School? Are you a member of the Sunday School?" At this moment, the treasure hunter's expression suddenly changed.

Not only him, but even the other guards looked like they had seen a ghost.

"Everyone enters the city immediately, closes the city gate, activates the defense system at full power, and immediately notifies the city lord, the city is on the highest alert! Be careful, this is not a drill, be careful, this is not a drill!"

Everyone rushed into the city like frightened birds. The city gates were closed and the protective shields were opened. The last time this happened was when the beast tide hit.

"What's the situation?" Zhang Mengyu and the elves looked at each other, "Do I look scary?"

Blake and others shook their heads.

"No way? Could it be that Ritian sent three words to scare them?"

(End of this chapter)

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