Chapter 959 rnm money back

In the center of the city is a very luxurious manor. Although this city is driven by very advanced technology, it is almost difficult to see traces of that mechanical feeling. This manor is as beautiful and quiet as a paradise.

In the most gorgeous building, a young man is doing some indescribable things with several female treasure hunters. Some of them are cute and cute, and some are beautiful and enchanting. Li, Sister Yu, Queen, as long as you can imagine, there are all here.

In fact, in this treasure house world, such things are very common, the weak cling to the strong, or sell their physical labor, or sell their bodies, anyway, no matter what kind of people, as long as they want to live, they can always find a way to live. way.

The luck flame above the young man's head has slowly evolved from orange to red, and the flames above the heads of the female treasure hunters have also faintly turned orange.

Don't look at the orange luck flame of knowledge, this is enough to defeat more than 60% of the treasure hunters in the entire treasure hunting space. big catch?
According to the usual experience, in the middle and later stages, when the treasure hunting space they are familiar with, civilizations or large-scale forces of organizations take shape, only then will the accumulation of a large number of high-level luck flames begin to appear.

Just when he was about to enter the sprint stage, a strong siren hovered over the entire city.

Not only that, but his artificial intelligence also reminded him that all the entrances in the city have been closed, and the defense system has turned on the maximum power.

The moment the liquid that was about to come out was about to spurt out, it was frightened by the sound and suffocated back.

"What's going on?" The young man suddenly sat up from the bed, "Go down first, and I will let someone arrange the time I promised you!"

The few women who were treasure hunters took their clothes and walked out of the room thankfully, but when they turned their heads, they looked at each other and said in unison, "What a waste!" !

A moment later, a fifth-level peak life body walked in. Although his expression was respectful, it could be seen from some micro-expressions that he was not convinced by the person in front of him.

The young man's name is Yukas, and he comes from a very powerful fifth-level peak civilization, and the lord of this civilization is even an eighth-level peak life form.

This time, their cosmic empire got a total of 1200 quotas. He is a very beloved child of the master of this civilization, so he naturally got this precious quota. As for the other treasure hunters, they almost all became his vassals and servants.

As a fifth-level peak life form, Yukas's attainments in martial arts are mediocre, and he is even at the bottom of the 1200 people, and almost no one believes in him.

But there is no way, who made him have a good father? Before the treasure house was opened, Yukas' father used his greatest relationship to buy a Dali Pill from an auction organization of the Cosmos Alliance at a premium several times.

The treasure-hunting space does not allow sixth-level life forms to enter, but there is no limit to carrying a Dali Pill and breaking through the treasure-hunting space!
The moment he entered the treasury, he swallowed this powerful pill, and then became a sixth-level elementary life form.

In the first moment of promotion, he taught all those treasure hunters who looked down on him with thunderous means. Although his aptitude is mediocre, the huge gap between the fifth-level peak life form and the sixth-level elementary life form is insurmountable .

"Why is the alarm sounding? Didn't I say that there is no threat to the city, and the city is not allowed to be closed?" Yukas tidied up his clothes. "Could it be that the beast horde has returned?"

"No, it's not the beast tide, it's people from the Ritian Sect!"

"What? A member of the Sun Sect?" Yukas's hands trembled, and he even instinctively felt a dull pain in his lower body.

After being promoted to the sixth-level life form, Yukas has almost regarded himself as the protagonist of this treasure hunt under the stars of hundreds of younger brothers around him.

He can kill the level-five peak beasts that few ordinary people can deal with with a wave of his hand, and other treasure hunters feel his Zhangyang aura and walk away from him far away.

And Yukas has a well-known problem, that is lust, he likes to communicate biology with women from all civilizations, no matter if they look human or not, as long as they are women, he almost never comes He refused, and even the less human he looked, the more excited he became.

Later, they met a group of elves. After living for so long, he had never had the opportunity to kiss the shame of an elf woman, but the powerful force made his heart swell, and he stretched out his heart directly to the group of elves. Claws.

That group of elves is only a dozen people, how can they be their opponents?They were surrounded by other treasure hunters under Yukas without even needing Yukas to do it himself.

He has long been familiar with this kind of thing, and he did this kind of thing in his cosmic empire before, but there is a father of the king, and no one dares to hold him accountable.

The others gave him a warning, he was about to raise his gun to go into battle, but who knew that a girl was killed at this time.

She was wearing a white cloak with the word "Ri Tian" written on it. Before the treasure hunt started, he had heard from others that everyone in the Ri Tian faction was dressed in this way, so he immediately recognized her origin.

But others are afraid of the people of the Ritian faction, but he is not afraid, although he has occasionally heard other treasure hunters say that the treasure hunters of the Ritian faction have incredible fighting power, and the peak of the fourth level is chasing tens of thousands of life hammers of the peak of the fifth level, but He is not afraid, because he is already a sixth-level life form!
What's more, this girl is also very beautiful, very different from the civilized women he has seen before, even the girls of the elves are a bit inferior in front of her.

But Yukas had no idea who the man in front of him was.

Chen Bingyu, the senior sister of the entire Super Seminary, except for Zhang Mengyu, she can hit everyone in the Super Seminary on the head.

No one could have imagined that this should have been a one-sided battle, but it turned into a battle of the century. Chen Bingyu, who was only at the peak of the fifth-level life form, had a [-]-[-] fight with Yukas, the sixth-level life form.

This premise is still based on the premise that Chen Bingyu is unarmed!
Later, the impatient Chen Bingyu directly took out his own weapon. That sword was frozen for thousands of miles. Yukas was frozen and unable to move. He watched helplessly as his little brother was stabbed by that sixth-level martial arts weapon. It was smashed.

After Chen Bingyu took those elf girls away, although Yukas used the things he carried to "regenerate his broken limbs", but the new growths were definitely not as good as the original ones, so a small, weak and weak body appeared. situation.

This battle made him cast a deep shadow on the three characters of the Ritian faction, and even after he got this city, he ordered that the highest warning should be activated immediately if he met someone from the Ritian faction.

"Where's the person from the Ritian faction?" Yukas asked nervously, "Is he gone? Male or female?"

"It's a man from the Ritian faction. He's still in front of the city. I hope we'll let him in."

"Activate all weapons! Kill him!" Yukas showed a fierce expression.

"Hey, what's your situation? I've already paid, why do you treat guests like this?
"You horse, refund the money!"

(End of this chapter)

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