I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 960 is their first move

Chapter 960 is their first move

"Where are you city lords? Let your city lords come out! I have a transfer record here. I have already paid the entrance fee and booked a hotel in the city. Why don't you let me in!"


Zhang Mengyu yelled at the city, but no one paid attention to him. The people on the city wall looked at him with a state of vigilance, as if they were not facing a person, but a ferocious giant. beast.

"Brother Zhang, it seems that they don't intend to let us. No, specifically, they probably don't intend to let you enter the city." Blake and the others also smiled wryly, and it seemed that they were also included in this list together. Among the dangerous people in the city.

"Brother Zhang, have you had any conflicts with people in this city before?"

Zhang Mengyu shook his head. This ghostly place is so big. Although there are many people, the probability of meeting the same group of people is not high. He definitely has nothing to do with the owner of this city.

"They had such a big reaction just now when they heard the word Suntian School. Could it be that the people in your organization have made some kind of trouble with them?" Blake asked.

"Then I don't know. This time our organization has a total of [-] people. It is not impossible for someone to pass by occasionally. As for whether there is any conflict." Zhang Meng glanced at the city, "If What a conflict, the city is already Barbie Q."

"Barbie Q? What does that mean?"

"Oh, nothing," Zhang Mengyu shook his head.

If there is really a contradiction, there are only two possibilities. The first is that the city has now become the private property of their Ritian faction.

Second, the city has been reduced to ruins.

Since it still exists perfectly, it means that there has been no conflict.

Suddenly, there was a strange sound on the wall outside the city, and densely packed forts suddenly appeared on the wall originally decorated with beautiful plants.

After a while, all the muzzles were aimed at Zhang Mengyu and the others.

"What's the situation? Why is the defense system activated?"

"I've seen these weapons before. When the beast swarm came last time, the city's defense system was turned on to the highest level. These weapons are so powerful that hundreds of beasts with peak life forms of the fifth level will be wiped out in one shot.

Even those main cannons can seriously injure or even kill seventh-level life forms. Even in the current cosmic civilization, few civilizations can manufacture weapons of this level.

"What do they want?" Blake and the others took two steps back instinctively. Although they don't know the power of these weapons, since a city can withstand the raging beast tide and survive in this place, only a powerful The defensive power is not enough, these weapons are absolutely powerful and murderous.

"Dean, be careful, I can judge from the information I got in your city that the lethality of this weapon is enough to threaten seventh-level life forms!"

Suddenly, one of the turrets began to store energy, and the green light even made Zhang's dim eyes a little stinging.

"Back back!" Zhang Mengyu shouted, and activated a black warrior hidden in the Super Seminary almost immediately.


The violent explosion shook the entire floating island violently.

"What's going on? Are they attacking treasure hunters with city weapons?"

"How could this be? Even if they didn't pay the entry fee, it wouldn't be like this, would it?"

"That's right, the people in power in the city just sent out a few random people, can't they still deal with a few troublemakers?"

"Shh, I just heard that there is a member of the Ritian faction among those people."

"Huh? Ritian faction? They are so bold!"

"Don't they know that people in the entire treasure hunting space want to find them? I heard that the masters of various cosmic empires have offered a lot of rewards to the people of the Suntian faction. They are not low-key outside, but they still Dare to enter the city?"

"Brother, when did you get the news? How did I hear that people from the Ritian faction were chasing other people to kill them?"

People in the whole city were discussing the sudden exchange of fire, and even people who were not near the city wall looked for places to watch the excitement.

At this time, Yukas had brought people to the vicinity of the city wall, and those who were still whispering all shut up immediately. They knew that the city lord was not a good guy, and if he said something that shouldn't be said, the end would be terrible Where will it go.

"Prince, we have attacked according to your order!"

"Hahahaha, Suntian faction, no matter how strong you are, can you stop a shot that is enough to kill a seventh-level life form?" Yukas looked at the location of the explosion and smiled ferociously, "That damned woman , it’s best not to let me meet you, after I leave the treasure hunting space, I must play you enough before killing you!”

"do you died?"

"I'll check the life reactions nearby!"

The detector began to scan the situation in the smoke, but in an instant, the treasure hunter's expression changed, "Prince, there is still a life response!"

"You really have some skills, this cannon didn't kill you?" Yukas was not very surprised. He knew that the people of the Ritian faction were very rich. If there were advanced defensive martial arts weapons, it was very likely that the current One shot.

But even if it can be blocked, the destructive force caused by this vibration is not something a fifth-level life body can bear. Even if it does not die, it is estimated that there is only half a breath left.

"If you're not dead, make up another shot!" Yukas said calmly. During this time, he has collected a lot of supplies. Although a fifth-level energy spar was used up in a few shots, he didn't don't feel bad.

"Prince, their life response has not decreased at all!"

"What?" At this moment, Yukas couldn't calm down anymore, so this shot didn't hurt the Suntian faction at all!
"Swoosh!" A gust of strong wind blew past, immediately dispelling the smoke near the explosion.

I saw a black puppet standing in front of Zhang Menglong, surrounded by a light blue protective shield to protect Zhang Menglong and others inside, and they didn't even lose a single hair.

"What is that?" Yukas looked at the black figure with great fear, "Don't worry about it, just keep hitting me!"

The beam cannons continued to fire out one after another, but the black puppet knocked the beam cannons lightly like a patron saint.

This puppet is a high-end product that needs to be powered by a star core. Even an eighth-level life form can't do anything about it. A beam cannon of this level can't even remove a piece of its paint.

"How did this happen? Why? Is that black person an eighth-level life form? It's impossible!" Yukas' hands and feet began to tremble slightly.

"Brother Zhang, this is." Blake and the others looked at the black burly man. They could feel the breath of life flowing from this thing, but it was a little different from the real life, and it was more rigid.

They are at the center of the explosion, so they can naturally feel the power of the explosion. The upper limit of what their detectors can detect is the full blow of a six-level peak life body, but the energy intensity of the explosion just now has completely exceeded the limit of the detector. .

"I picked it up, does it work?"

"Picked up?" Blake's pupils trembled. The thing that could block such a terrible attack was actually picked up.

"Hey, I was thinking of finding a reason to take down this city just now, and now I have a reason," Zhang Mengyu shouted, "It's not that I'm provoking trouble, it's because they charged money to not let it go." I went in and didn’t refund the money, and now it’s their hands.”

"I'm afraid Zhang Mengyu did nothing wrong, I'm just fighting back!"

(End of this chapter)

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