Chapter 963 Late payment fee

"Brother Zhang actually broke the city's defense system!"

"He actually fought against a city with the power of one person!"

Blake and the others almost watched helplessly as Black Warrior Zhang Meng completely destroyed the city's defense system one by one. Now the entire city's energy has been consumed to the point where there is no drop.

Zhang Mengyu didn't even need to make a move. As long as a beast above the sixth-level life body level attacked the city, the treasure hunters in the entire city could only sit and wait for death. Without a defense system, they were undoubtedly a piece of meat on a chopping board.

"Run!" At this time, Lucas only had this word in his heart. Facing this menacing black warrior, he had no ability to fight back at all.

"Want to run? Can you run?"

A black warrior appeared beside Lucas in a flash, and carried him to Zhang Mengyu's side like a little chicken.

"Let go of our prince!" The treasure hunter from the same civilization as Lucas was suddenly anxious.

Their lord has given them thousands of instructions to protect their prince in the treasure hunting space, but the strength of the black warrior is not something they can resist, even if all of them go together, they can't defeat the black warrior a piece of paint.

"I'll let you release it if you say so, then I'd lose face!" Zhang Mengyu walked to Lucas's side and looked at him with an indescribable smile, "Didn't you say that I can't do anything to you?"

"What do you want?" Lucas threatened, "If you dare to do something to me, my father will never let you go!"

"Which onion is your father?" Zhang Mengyu sneered, "Your father is a ninth-level life form?"

Lucas was stunned for a moment. How many ninth-level life forms are there in this world?His father was just an eighth-level peak life form.

"It seems that your father is not! It's not you and I pretending!"

"Crack!" Zhang Mengyu raised his hand and slapped his face with a big ear, "Aren't you very arrogant?"

"Everyone can testify to me, right? At that time, he said he was capable, so I grabbed him out and beat him up. He said it himself." After several slaps, Lucas's face was already swollen. Picking up the pig's head, "You may not believe me when I tell you. I have never heard such an exaggerated request in my life."

"Fuck! How dare you fight back?"

Hearing Zhang Mengyu's words, many people's eyes widened. This Lucas usually looks like a playboy. He must have no backbone. He probably wouldn't dare to resist after being beaten.

How dare he fight back?
They asked themselves if they would have the courage to fight back if they fell into the hands of Zhang Mengyu, but the answer in their hearts must be that they did not have the courage.

Immediately, they respected Lucas as a man.

But when they saw it clearly, there were black lines on everyone's foreheads. Zhang Menglong was still beating Lucas violently there. Apart from screaming there, he didn't seem to be resisting at all.

But what Zhang Mengyu said next directly shattered their three views.

"Fuck! You actually hit my palm with your face?"

"You sneaked up on me! You actually kicked my feet with your stomach?"

"How despicable, you still hit my fist with your head!"

Zhang Menglong beat Lucas while chanting words.

"Is this what he called resistance?" Those treasure hunters were shocked. How shameless and shameless is it to do such a thing?

Having grown so big, this is the first time they have heard that there are people who can punch others with their faces.

Although Lucas is a sixth-level life form, even Chen Bingyu can defeat him, let alone Zhang Mengyu, who can even beat him to death with his fists to the flesh! "

"Crack!" Zhang Menglong threw Lucas on the ground and began to search his body.

"Hey, such a high-level space memory, it stores a lot of things, right?"

"The clothes seem to be pretty good, take them off!"

"The pants are not bad, take them off too!"

"This inner armor seems to be quite valuable, pick it up!"

A few minutes later, Lucas was stripped down to a pair of underpants.

Since occupying the city, Lucas has accumulated a large amount of supplies. Except for those energy spars that have been used up, all the remaining things are on him.

"Thank you boss!" Zhang Meng put away these things happily, and the red flame on Lucas' head gradually faded to orange.

"I always feel that something is missing," Zhang Mengyu said to himself.

"Dean, the money hasn't been taken yet!"

"Oh, yes, yes, yes!" Zhang Menglong patted himself on the head. During this period of time, the city's entry fees and accommodation fees are also a huge sum, and he almost forgot about it.

"I gave you all my things, what else do you want?" Lucas protected the last fig leaf under his crotch.

"I'm not interested in your underwear, and I'm not a pervert," Zhang Mengyu said, "Do you think I'm too much? Like a robber?"

like a robber?He is a complete robber at all!

Lucas thought so in his heart, but he dared not speak out. The other treasure hunters thought so in their hearts. You beat people up and stripped them all. If you are not a robber, who is a robber?
"I think I need to reason with you," Zhang Mengyu said, "I came to your city and paid the entrance fee according to the regulations. Did I do something wrong?"

"Then why do you shut down the city and drive me out and attack me with weapons? I'm just a 300-month-old child!"

Although Zhang Mengyu's words are very cheap, but they have to admit that there is nothing wrong with these words. He honestly paid to enter the city, and he didn't make trouble, and he didn't violate the rules. Why do you drive others away?

It's fine if you don't refund the money, and you attack others directly. Just because of this, Zhang Mengyu has already stood on the moral high ground.

Is there something wrong with people being beaten and counterattacking in self-defense?It's okay, old man!

"I have paid so much time and money in order to get justice. What if I take something to pay off the debt?"

"I have already given you everything on my body, and the rent has already offset your cost?" Lucas said vaguely.

"Well, the cost has been offset, and the city entry fee has not been refunded to me yet!" Zhang Mengyu said.

"It's just 10 universe coins, I'll just give it back to you!" During this period of time, Lucas earned at least several hundred trillion universe coins, which is not bad.

"Not enough!" Zhang Mengyu said, "The 10 universe coins are stored in the bank and there is still interest. After so many days of ink, you can't compensate me for some overdue fees?"

"Tell me, how much do you want?" It's only 10 universe coins, how much can you get even if you have to pay late fees?

"One day 10000%, a total of 5 days, that is 100 billion times, you can give it 10 stars, and I don't want a fraction of the 10 universe coins."

"Why don't you grab it?" Lucas blurted out, 100 times the interest a day, even usury is not so black, right?The money he earned during his occupation of the city did not have 10 stars!
"Hey, you're right, I'm robbing!" 111 black warriors immediately surrounded him.

"This kid really has a lot of money!" Under Zhang Mengyu's "respectful teaching", Lucas collected 10 stars from the treasure hunters he passed and transferred them to Zhang Mengyu.

After looting Lucas, the flame on his head finally turned bright green.

"Well, it's pretty good, look at how healthy the color is!"

"God, help me seize control of the city!" Zhang Menglong ordered.

"give it to me!"

A few seconds later, a trace of shock flashed across Lucas' pig-headed face. His intelligent system told him that just now, it had lost control of the city!
Now, he is completely a poor and white pauper!

(End of this chapter)

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