I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 964 You are not allowed to go back on your word

Chapter 964 You are not allowed to go back on your word

"You took my city?" Lucas looked at Zhang Mengyu with disbelief.

His intelligent system is definitely the top that can be purchased in the universe civilization at present. There may be an intelligent system that can forcibly seize control from him, but it will never be so easy.

"Your city?" Zhang Meng smiled and said, "Is your name written on this city? If you say it's yours, it's yours?"

It didn't cost much to get the city Lucas. It didn't have such strong guards as the black warrior. It just took a few days to get the control authority. At most, it was just to drive away the occasional beasts. That's all.

"Then why do you?"

"Just relying on my expectations!" Zhang Mengyu said, "Except for me, who else has the ability to take on the important task of the city lord of this city?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"You'll know in a while!" Zhang Menglong showed an inscrutable smile.

He went to the city wall and said to the millions of residents in the city, "Everyone, I'm sorry, my personal grievances have scared everyone."

All the treasure hunters looked terrified. Of course, they had also heard the rumors about the Suntian faction, and they had almost carried out the so-called "Three Lights Policy" to the end.

Some treasure hunters in the cities were transferred from far away places, and they brought back news that many cities had been looted by the Sun Sect.

Now the city's defense system has failed. For Zhang Menglong, they are now a group of mobile cash machines. With those 111 black warriors in their hands, they believe that they have no room for resistance.

If Zhang Menglong wanted to rob them, they could only choose to compromise, what else could they do?

"Don't worry, we Ritian faction are not unreasonable people. My behavior was a little rough just now, but I have reasons and reasons, so I won't blame everyone. If no one troubles me, I promise I won't mess around." Zhang Menglong promised solemnly.

With Zhang Mengyu's assurance, their expressions became a little more relaxed.

The target of Zhang Mengyu's catharsis just now was indeed Lucas all along, and he didn't hurt the innocent at all. He seems to have a different way of dealing with people and things from the legendary Sun Tian faction.

"I'm not hiding it from everyone," Zhang Mengyu said, "Mr. Lucas, the previous city lord, realized his mistake just now and handed over the city to me as compensation. Now the control of the city is in my hands .”

"He's farting!" Lucas scolded Zhang Mengyu a hundred times in his heart. What does it mean to take the initiative to hand over to him?He stole it clearly!
"However, I am not a complete dictator. I respect everyone's opinions. If everyone is willing to hand over this city to me, then I will take on the important task of the city lord and protect and manage the city for everyone. I will There is a small charge for accommodation."

"But if you don't want to, I'll leave right away. I won't be procrastinating, and I won't be bullying others to forcefully occupy the city."

These two sentences immediately gained a lot of favor from everyone.

Although these people live in the city, who is willing to pay?

Isn't it because Lucas is a sixth-level life form?

Isn't it because he took control of the city and all the resources in the city first?
Lucas can become the master of the city, isn't it by means of violence?
"If you have any opinions, you can speak directly, I respect everyone." Zhang Mengyu said.

"I think this city should belong to all of us, not to any individual!" Someone finally spoke up boldly.

"I think so too. With so many of us, it shouldn't be too difficult to maintain the operation of a city."

"Okay, since that's the case, then I won't force it," Zhang Mengyu said with a smile, "Then I won't bother everyone, pretty girls and beauties, just leave it alone, see you in Jianghu!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Mengyu actually put away the black warrior and prepared to leave this city!

"He's really gone?" Those treasure hunters showed incredible expressions.

"Have we misunderstood the Suntian faction? They don't seem to be as scary as the legends say!"

"Yeah, I think they are reasonable, and they speak nicely, and I don't know who is uglifying their image!"

If there is no rule of Lucas, the city belongs to everyone, and they will no longer need to pay those fees, which is great news.

In their eyes, Zhang Menglong suddenly became a hero who overthrew the rule of power!

Immediately, feelings of guilt, gratitude and even worship sprouted in their hearts.


At this time, a black cloud suddenly appeared in the distant sky, and faint tremors came from the ground.

"Beast tide! Beast tide!"

In the distance, a treasure hunter is flying with almost exhaustion. He seems to be exhausted, relying entirely on willpower to persist here.

Although the beast tide is over, occasionally there will still be a small group of fierce beasts wandering around in groups.

Finally, the treasure hunter flew to the front of the city, "Tens of millions of beasts at the peak of level five, dozens of beasts at level six, and all the way to level seven, they are coming in this direction!"


"Quick! Turn on the defense system, quickly open the city's defense system!"

"Fuck off, do we still have energy to drive?"

The energy spars in the city's inventory are all kept by Lucas, and these spars have been completely used up in the past few days when Zhang Menglong attacked the city.

Those treasure hunters originally had some crystals in their hands, but they were forcibly purchased by Lucas when he was fighting the trapped beasts. There may be a few fragments left, but even if they can barely open the city's defense system , under the impact of this group of ferocious beasts, it must be broken in an instant.

Although there are millions of people in the city, they can't even resist the tens of millions of level [-] beasts, let alone those of level [-] or even level [-].

Thinking of this, everyone immediately cast angry glances at Lucas.

"It's all his bastard! For his own selfish desires, he abandoned the safety of our entire city!"

"That's right, he's obviously following the rules, but he's going to provoke others. What should we do now?"

"Bastard! The idiot!"

Everyone fell into despair.

escape?It is indeed possible to escape, but it is already dark, and there is not much difference between leaving the city and seeking death now.

Shou?It would be better to escape, at least you can live a few more hours if you escape.

"No! Wait, we're not finished yet, we still have this Mr. Ritian faction!"

"Yes! How did we forget him?"

They saw that Zhang Mengyu took out a star core like a hill. You said that he has so many such precious things. Could it be that he can't take out millions of fifth-level energy spars?
If he is willing to help the city, the city must be able to tide over the difficulties!
"Sir, what's your name?" A treasure hunter asked proactively.

"My name is Zhang Menglong."

"Mr. Zhang Mengyu, you heard that there is a group of beasts coming towards us now. We have no defense measures. We know that you still have a lot of star cores and energy spars. I hope you can save us." !"

"This" Zhang Meng's face showed embarrassment.

"Mr. Zhang, we are willing to support you as the master of this city. We can continue to pay the fee. I just ask you to help us tide over the difficulties!"

"Isn't that bad?" Zhang Menglong had the same expression of refusal and welcome when receiving red envelopes during the Chinese New Year, "I'm afraid that someone will gossip."

"If anyone has gossip, I will be the first to let him go!"

"That's right! You are the one we all hope for. If you are not the city lord, who has the qualifications?"

At this moment, the treasure hunters in the city surprisingly reached a consensus.

"In this case," Zhang Mengyu showed a triumphant smile, "you are not allowed to go back on your word!"

(End of this chapter)

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