Chapter 965

The fierce beasts hit the city like a torrent, but with the power of the defense system fully activated, the whole city was as stable as Mount Tai.

In the herd of beasts, the figures of those black warriors could still be seen from time to time, and they were hunting and killing the senior leaders of the group of beasts.

"Mr. Zhang, thanks for having you. On behalf of the more than 300 million treasure hunters in our city, I would like to express my gratitude to you. This sum of money is considered as our accommodation expenses today." A treasure hunter transferred nearly two trillion universe coins to Zhang in obscure accounts.

"You're welcome. Since everyone supports me as the city lord, this is naturally my responsibility. Of course, there are still a lot of costs involved, so I'm not polite about the money." Although two trillion universe coins are not many, the mosquitoes No matter how small it is, it is still meat.

"Brother Zhang, it's really the luck of the treasure hunters in this city to meet you." Blake and the others were completely attracted by Zhang Mengyu's charisma.

"Brother Zhang, from today onwards, I think everyone's misunderstandings about the Ritian School can be eliminated a lot, and this is all thanks to you."

"Don't praise me, I will be proud!"

"Bah! Shameless!" Goudan yelled cursingly, "These people are really strong-bodied and simple-minded, and they are so easy to deceive!"

Others don't know, but Goudan knows very well that this wave of beasts is not formed naturally at all!
Zhang Menglong had already planned everything since he attacked this city. He quietly sent a black warrior to absorb a small branch of the beast horde, waiting for the time when the city ran out of ammunition and food and had nowhere to go.

"It's called soldiers never tire of deceit. Look, everyone respects me so much!" Zhang Menglong had a thick-skinned look.

"I've never seen such a brazen person!"

Zhang Menglong summoned hundreds of black warriors and began to issue orders.

"You guys, the daily order of the city will be in your charge."

"You guys, build me a sign at the gate of the city, and just write 'Sunday Chain Base Hotel No. 2 Branch'."

"You guys, bulldozed the buildings in that indiscriminate area, and built a snack street for me!"

Regarding the entry fee and accommodation fee of this city, Zhang Mengyu has no plans to increase the price. As for the food in the snack street, he has the final say. After all, he believes that no one can refuse the temptation of the magical effects of these foods force.

Everything was as he imagined. At the beginning, when they saw the food price of billions or even tens of billions of universe coins, everyone cursed, saying that Zhang Menglong was a kind-hearted person, and they would not eat Zhang Mengyu if they starved to death. He ate in one bite.

But Professor Wang Jingze's Zhenxiang Law has never failed, Zhenxiang will only be late, but will never be absent!

When the first person who dared to eat crabs tried it, the business of the snack street became extremely hot, and even the price that was twice as expensive as No. 1 store was so cheap in their eyes.

"Yo, Blake, are you back?"

As friends of Zhang Mengyu, Blake and the others not only enjoy the noble free VIP service, but even enjoy a [-]% discount on all products in the snack street, which allows their strength to improve by leaps and bounds in a short period of time. Go hunting farther afield.

This time they went out for more than a week, and Zhang Menglong was even worried that they encountered some powerful beasts or other treasure hunters and were killed.

"What's the matter, why are your expressions so ugly?" Zhang Meng asked, "Are you in any trouble? Do you need my help?"

"Brother Zhang, we are all fine, but this time we hunted, we met a group of treasure hunters from other cities and heard something about your Ritian faction."

"Fuck! Could it be some little bastard who is destroying the image I have finally established?" Zhang Mengyu started to scold mothers directly in his heart. He had warned the people of the Ritian faction, although their purpose and goals sound like something They are all very shameless, but there is still a basic principle, that is to be a bitch but you must set up a memorial archway.

"Blake, don't listen to other people's nonsense. The people in my daily group are all law-abiding and good people. We help the grandmothers across the road every day without considering whether they will touch porcelain. There are always many People are jealous of our talents and spread rumors about us, you can."

"That's not what we heard," Blake sighed. "I heard that someone from your daily group was arrested."

Zhang Mengyu was stunned for a moment. Based on his current understanding of the students of the Super Seminary, even if their strength could not beat those geniuses who were at the top of the peak list, they would always have no problem running. How could anyone be caught?

"The other party probably has something to do with you. I heard that they didn't directly kill your man to eliminate him from the treasure hunting space, but hung him in that city with cruel methods and tortured him continuously. I I felt that I had to tell you about this, so we hurried back."

"What did you say?"

"Here are some image materials I want to come." Blake sent a copy of the materials to Zhang Mengyu, "You can see for yourself."

"Yang Lin?" Zhang Mengyu recognized the bloody figure at a glance. This is a young man from an ancient martial arts family surnamed Yang. His talent is very good, and most importantly, he is very coquettish and can pretend to be aggressive. , and the other two people who meet each other are called Super God Sansao.

His body was pierced by something, and he was directly nailed to the city wall. His limbs were already a piece of flesh and blood, and the blood flowing on the ground directly below him had turned black.

In the blurry image, Zhang Menglong could see that he seemed to be in great pain, and the muscles on his face were twitching all the time.

With such a serious injury, just losing too much blood can kill a person, but because of the strong vitality of the fourth-level life body, the speed of blood production is completely comparable to the speed of bleeding, so he still can't die!

But every time his injury recovered, someone would torture him again, keeping him in a state where he couldn't survive or die. Seeing this scene, Zhang Menglong's blood pressure began to soar.

Although he had done things like hanging people in front of the city gate before, at most he just stripped them naked, and he didn't commit such inhuman acts of torturing people.

Although you will return to the outside world after you die in this treasure hunting space, you must know that this space is not a virtual space, and all pain sensations are 100% reflected on the body.

Zhang Menglong took a deep breath, "Do you know how long he was caught?"

"I'm afraid there are forty or fifty cosmic days."

"Forty or fifty cosmic days?" It is hard for Zhang Mengyu to imagine what kind of pain and suffering Yang Lin has experienced during these forty or fifty cosmic days. Now Zhang Mengyu has only one thought in his mind.

He wants to kill!
"Do you know where that city is?"

"I've already asked for the coordinates of that city, and I'll send it to you." Blake didn't dissuade Zhang Mengyu, because he knew he couldn't persuade him.

"Thank you, I will remember this favor," Zhang Mengyu said.

"God, is there any way to help me gather all the people from the Super Seminary?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"Yes," Goudan replied, "All the students of the Super Seminary are bound to the college, the dean, you can issue an assembly order, as long as they are in this space, they can sense your call."

"Very good!" Zhang Mengyu nodded, "Issuing a summons order for me, all the members of the Ritian faction will gather, and those who dare to touch my Ritian faction, I will pay back ten times and a hundred times the pain Yang Lin suffered from them." Come!"

(End of this chapter)

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