Chapter 966
Somewhere in the depths of the treasure hunting space, this is an endless ocean. In this ocean, there are countless marine monsters. According to the data obtained by the current survey of the Cosmic Alliance, in the environment of the ocean, it is possible to give birth to powerful life. higher.

And in the middle of the ocean, there stands a huge sea fortress, where millions of treasure hunters gather. Relying on a powerful sonar weapon, the city can survive in the ocean where fierce beasts gather.

"Crackling!" On the coast at the edge of the city, a mass of flames was burning, and several young people were sitting around here, grilling the meat of an unknown marine creature, and beside them was an animal with a body length of more than 800 meters. The corpse of the beast.

"Brother, if it wasn't for you this time, we would have been buried in the ocean."

"Yeah, we had a big misunderstanding about the people of the Ritian faction before, and now it seems that those people are just talking nonsense. You not only saved us, but also invited us to drink and eat meat. I think you are better than those The trash who gossip behind their backs are much better!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, this is the first time I have eaten the meat of a sixth-level life form. It is really delicious."

"I feel that this creature should be a subspecies of the giant kun. The giant kun is an eighth-level life form!"

"Hahaha, don't be too polite, everyone, just eat whatever you want. Speaking of this kun, the taste is awesome. Our boss bought us a kun before. That guy, with that size, can't be stewed in a pot at all. , let’s steam it, stir-fry it and braise it in braised sauce, tsk tsk tsk last time I met a bigger guy, it looks like an octopus, it tastes really good, I’ll take you guys to grab one and try it in two days.”

Suddenly, the young man's expression froze for a moment.

"Assembly order?" The young man received a message from the Super Seminary. In the entire treasure hunting space, a location for assembly has been marked, "The dean actually asked us to assemble?"

The moment he clicked on the attachment of the assembly order, a strong murderous aura came out of his body, "Isn't this guy Yang Lin? Good guy, they are looking for death!"

The huge aura of the young man made the treasure hunters around him feel as if they were in an ice cellar. Even in his battle with the huge sea creature just now, he had never erupted with such a powerful force.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" The treasure hunters asked cautiously.

"Someone touched my brother!" The young man showed a fierce look on his face, "Sorry, I have to let you pigeons go, I have some urgent matters to deal with, so I can only treat you to eat that octopus next time!"

A pair of huge energy wings protruded from behind the young man, and then disappeared into the sky.

"Open the door! Is it a fart to hide in the city without showing your head?"

"Labor and management curse you for giving birth to a son without chrysanthemums, eating instant noodles without seasoning packets, buying condoms that are all broken, and a house full of infertile children and grandchildren!"

"Open the door! Open the door!"

Outside another city, a young man in a white cloak was yelling and cursing crazily, but the gates of the entire city were closed, and there was no one on the walls, as if it was just a dead city.

"City Master, have we been hiding in this city?"

"Otherwise, what else can we do? We can only hide from this killing god by relying on the city's defense system. Wouldn't it be courting death if we go out?"

"Yeah, last time we formed a death squad of 10 people to fight him, but he slapped them all to death. I have never seen such a terrifying fifth-level life form. His strength may have reached the limit. Can the peak list be ranked in the top 100?"

"Everyone in the Ritian faction is a monster!"

"Assembly order?" The face of the young man who was scolding changed, and he glanced at the city unwillingly, "You are lucky!"

"What's going on? There's no sound? Did he leave?"

"City Lord, he's gone, he's really gone!"

"Great, this evil star is finally gone, starting from today we will have a carnival for three days and three nights!"

Xi Nuo City, this is a huge city 10 times larger than the first city occupied by Zhang Mengyu, because this city is ruled by the treasure hunters of Xi Luo Cosmic Empire and Noah Cosmic Empire, so there is Such a name.

Relying on some special methods, they gathered almost all the treasure hunters of their respective civilizations, and more than 15000 people from their own cosmic empires gathered here directly, becoming an unparalleled force.

Today, the people in power in this city are five sixth-level life forms. They are the best treasure hunters from this cosmic empire, and they are even ranked in the top 10 on the peak list of the Cosmic Martial Arts Association!

When they were level five peak life forms, they could easily defeat some ordinary level six primary life forms, and even with some hole cards, they could compete with sixth level intermediate life forms!
In fact, they have already been able to advance to a sixth-level life form, but they have not broken through for a long time, suppressing their own genetic level, just to earn a lot of resources and treasures in this treasure hunt.

Five people gathered in a room, and the luck flames above their heads had turned a very strong red color, and even one of them's luck flames were close to purple.

"How's that guy from the Ritian faction?" said the treasure hunter sitting in the center. He originally claimed to be No.1 under the sixth-level life form of the Noah Cosmic Empire, number one on the peak list, and his name is Zia.

"Hmph, it's still nailed to the city wall, I will torture him until the treasure hunting space is closed!"

"Would it be too much for us to do this? They have ninth-level life forms. If they come to trouble us afterwards, I'm afraid it will be difficult to be kind."

"Your Noah Cosmic Empire also has ninth-level life forms. Who is afraid of whom? And this is the order of our lord. When you encounter them, you must use the cruelest means to torture them!"

"However, I didn't expect this person from the Suntian faction to be so strong. He is only a fourth-level peak life form, and he can even tie with Kaias. What kind of freak are their people?"

"Fortunately, the lord of the country gave me a special sixth-level martial arts weapon this time, otherwise I really can't do anything to him."

"However, this is also a troublesome matter. This time, the Ritian faction has 4 people. If they know the news and want to come to save people, it may be a very troublesome matter."

"Hahahaha, what is there to be afraid of, don't forget what we found in the city this time, let alone 40, even [-]?"


Outside the city, treasure hunters who come and go will take a look at the figure nailed to the city wall when they pass by the city gate.

At this moment, Yang Lin was already extremely weak, and the torture of dozens of universes day and night almost made him completely numb to the sense of pain.

But there has been a faint smile on the corner of his mouth since a few days ago, because as a member of the Super Seminary, he can also see the assembly order. He knows that other members of the Super Seminary Members are coming at full speed.

"Look, why did it get dark so quickly today?" A few treasure hunters who were about to enter the city looked into the distance, only to see that the sky in the distance suddenly became dark, but there should be three or four more days before dark. The universe is right.

"It can't be that there are some flying beasts coming? Hurry up and enter the city, you will be safe once you enter the city."

"No, it doesn't seem like it's dark or a beast, it's just an ordinary black bird. Well, there seems to be a person at the front."

The shadow kept enlarging, and they finally saw clearly what it was. It was a young man with strange eyes. Surrounded by countless crows, he came aggressively towards Shino City.

"Everyone inside, get out of labor and management, surrender and don't kill them!"

(End of this chapter)

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