I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 974 Is this thing as delicious as Aolong

Chapter 974 Is this thing as delicious as Aolong

The voice of the self-proclaimed guardian paused for ten seconds.

Since the disappearance of the Zhouda civilization, the new cosmic civilization has opened up this treasure hunting space. The first batch of treasure hunters walked in and found this inheritance tower. The guardian has seen countless treasure hunters.

But so far, everyone has been very respectful to him, and even used respectful titles and tones in their words. Although you and he are just a high-level artificial intelligence, in the long years, he has gradually Human-like emotions were born.

While following the last order of Zhou Da's civilization master, he was looking for an excellent inheritor, and at the same time enjoying the feeling of being respected.

This is the first time he met an outrageous treasure hunter. Not only did he respect himself at all, he didn't even finish listening to his opening speech. This was the version he revised one after another after hundreds of millions of years, and finally condensed it out Essence!

Everyone hoped to get more information from him, and even wished to have a few words with him. Only this young man interrupted his words by playing cards unreasonably. This was simply Waterloo in its artificial intelligence career.

"Young man, I know that you may have obtained a lot of information from others, but you should listen to me patiently. Breaking through the nine-story tower is not an easy task. Maybe you can learn more about this from my introduction." civilized information."

"Sorry, I'm not interested in the information of this civilization," Zhang Mengyu said unceremoniously, "But I heard that if you pass all the checkpoints, you can become the inheritor of this Zhouda civilization?"

"That's right!" said the guardian, "You can inherit all the wealth left by the Zhouda civilization, and you will become the richest person in the entire universe."

"You may not believe it, but I'm already the richest person in the universe," Zhang Mengyu said, "Let's get started, I'm a person with dozens of universe coins every minute, and I don't have time to waste here with you."

"Young man, you are so rude!" After being treated with such contempt, the guardian's temper finally reached the limit, and the purple ball of light appeared a cloud, and then turned into a floating old man image.

"Didn't you say you want to go directly to the last level? Okay, I'll take you to the last level!" said the guardian, "You have to think clearly, you need to defeat a cosmic beast on each level. Go to the ninth floor, and you will face all nine fierce beasts directly!"

"I don't want to push you too much, hurry up!"

"Young people nowadays are too arrogant!" Seeing Zhang Menglong's arrogant and arrogant appearance, the guardian stopped talking and started the trial directly.

The surrounding environment has changed again. Zhang Mengyu is on an icy planet. The surface of this planet is covered by ice, the air is filled with acrid methane smell, and the gravity is almost dozens of times that of the earth. Very extreme planet.

"Crackling!" The ice layer under his feet began to shatter, and nine cosmic beasts came out of the ice layer.

Under normal circumstances, the strength of the beasts on each floor increases step by step. At the ninth floor, the opponent will become a seventh-level elementary life form.

You know, to enter this treasure hunting space, you must be below the fifth-level peak life body. Even if you have some adventures, it is already very good to be able to advance to the sixth-level elementary life body.

So far, in the treasure hunting space, the best genius has only successfully become a sixth-level medium life form under various luck and opportunities.

But at such a level of life form, it is absolutely idiotic to kill a seventh-level elementary murderer!
But this is the requirement of their Zhou Da civilization. Their successor must be a monster, a monster. If they can't meet their standards, then they will be better off!
Therefore, many people have found this trial tower so far, but no one has successfully broken through the nine levels, and even the eighth floor is extremely rare.

It seems that because Zhang Mengyu's attitude angered the guardian, there should have been 9 beasts from the fifth level to the seventh level, but he directly replaced them with 9 beasts from the seventh level!

He didn't intend to give Zhang Mengyu a chance at all, his purpose was to teach this ignorant young man a good lesson!
The body size of these nine beasts is not like those other seventh-level beasts, which can easily reach hundreds of kilometers. It looks more like a scorpion magnified countless times, with a body length of about 12 meters. It is as thick as a tank, with 8 sharp poisonous claws growing behind it.

"Dean, this is Ofir Iceborne Scorpion, an extinct ferocious beast," Goudan said, "Their bodies are so strong that they can even be used to make seventh-level martial arts weapons. The peak beast turned into a pool of blood, this thing is a top predator."

"Good guy, this old man is avenging his own personal revenge!" Zhang Mengyu said to himself, this Ofir Iceborne Scorpion probably would be very troublesome to encounter even a seventh-level medium life form.

But who is Zhang Menglong?He's a jerk!
"'Fuck! The black warrior is not allowed?" Zhang Mengyu tried to summon the black warrior, but he found that he was cut off from the connection with his space memory in this place.

"Come out, Xiao Hei!" Zhang Mengyu tried to summon the Phantom Star Beast again, but it still had no effect.

"Hahaha, young man, in this place, except for martial arts weapons and martial arts cheats, you have no way to use any foreign objects. You can only be recognized by Zhou Da civilization by relying on your own ability."

"Really? Then you can take care of it!"

"Three Profound Transformations of Skyfire!"

"Five times the king of the world!"

"Eight-door Dunjia, dead door, open!"

One by one skills that forcibly increase the combat power are used by Zhang Mengyu. For ordinary people, any of these skills, any one of the burdens on the body is extremely unbearable, even things like Bamen Dunjia, It is basically a one-time use, and it will burp after using it.

But Zhang Mengyu didn't know how much middle-level physical training martial arts he had learned. His physical strength was abnormal, and coupled with Majin Buu's infinite vitality and recovery power, his cheats could be used almost infinitely!

Zhang Mengyu, who is at the peak level of life at level five, can easily kill a life form at level six or even at the peak level. When his strength increases hundreds of times, this terrible improvement is no longer a life form at level seven. A fierce beast with a body can contend!
Although the level of life has not been improved, the so-called reduction of ten sessions with one force and the sanctification of the physical body are basically the standard!
"What's the matter? How is it possible for his life body energy to increase so much in an instant?" The guardian showed a shocked expression.

The Zhouda civilization is the most powerful civilization that has ever appeared in history. This kind of strength is not only in technology, but also in martial arts practice and the exploration of life forms.

Their great king is the closest to the existence of a tenth-level life form in theory in history!
But even for a genius like him, the martial arts secret technique he created can only increase the energy of the living body by ten times at most, and it is a huge burden on the body. Even if the eighth-level living body uses it forcibly, it may cause irreversible damage.

This young man is just a life form at the top of the fifth level. His secret technique actually increased the energy of the life form hundreds of times, and he didn't even change his face. What kind of monster is this?

"Only this strength?" Zhang Menglong grasped the giant pincers of an Ofir Iceborne Scorpion, and the eight venomous pincers of the Ofir Iceborne Scorpion directly stabbed at Zhang Mengyu, but this was enough to directly pierce a seven The attack of the super life form didn't even pierce the skin of Zhang Menglong's body!
"Crack!" Zhang Mengyun punched it on the head, smashing its head to pieces, and then abruptly broke off the pair of pincers from the corpse of Ofir Iceborne Scorpion.

"Goudan, is the meat of this thing as delicious as Aolong?"

(End of this chapter)

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