I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 975 Violent Inheritance

Chapter 975 Violent Inheritance
"It's impossible! How could such a thing happen?"

The guardian watched everything that happened on the battlefield. In just a few seconds, the nine Ofir Iceborne Scorpions had all turned into corpses. Zhang Mengyu didn't even use any fancy martial arts secret skills, just the most common physical strength and speed.

At this moment, he is manipulating an inextinguishable flame to roast the pincers of a pair of Ofir Iceborne Scorpions.

"Well, this meaty Q-bomb is chewy and is a high-quality ingredient. You can consider artificial breeding!" Zhang Mengyao shouted at the guardian, "Old man, do you have any more? Two more, I'm afraid it won't be enough!" "

The expression on the guardian's face began to become distorted.

What is this?This is a serious test of the successors of Zhouda civilization, this is not a delicacy on the tip of the tongue!

"He's a monster!" At this moment, the guardian finally knew why Zhang Menglong dared to utter nonsense like this. He really has the capital, and it is really a waste of his time to deal with a few low-level seventh-level life forms!

"Hey, I have passed your test, right?" Zhang Mengyu said casually, "Then am I considered the successor of Zhouda civilization now? Is it true that everything in this treasure hunting space is mine? Already? Please pack it for me, I want to take it all away!"

The corner of the guardian's mouth twitched, although according to the requirements of this trial tower, Zhang Mengyu did meet the requirements of becoming the heir of Zhouda civilization.

But the creation of the Zhouda civilization has disappeared, and there is nothing left except the wealth of the land and him as the guardian. To be honest, who is the successor of the Zhouda civilization is even up to it.

Zhang Mengyu's attitude towards him just now made him feel very dissatisfied. Now that he has not officially become the heir of Zhouda Civilization, he has already begun to order him in a master's tone. How can he bear it?

"It's a pity, treasure hunter, that you failed our test, but as a reward for your challenge, I still generously gave you a very precious thing. I hope we can see you tomorrow!"

"What the hell? Are you playing tricks on me?" Zhang Menglong was sent out of the trial tower by the guardian before he had time to scold his mother.

"Dean, how is it? Did you pass it?" Liu Yunyi waited outside, along with other people from the Super Seminary and treasure hunters from other cosmic empires.

To be regarded as an object of worship by someone like Liu Yunyi, this person must be very powerful, right?And just now, someone saw him riding a ninth-level life body to overwhelm mountains and seas, and the momentum of his appearance was already full.

"That's not nonsense. Our boss punches Nanshan Nursing Home and stomps Beihai Kindergarten. That can't be people blocking and killing Buddhas. A small trial tower is nothing to him!"

"Ritian is the master, with boundless mana, invincible in battle, invincible in attack, mana driving the pagoda, with great supernatural powers, boundless mana, immortal blessings and eternal life, longevity equal to heaven"

"Why does the line of this rainbow fart sound so familiar?"

"Haven't you seen the Eight Parts of Tianlong? Isn't this the line used by Ding Chunqiu's support team?"

Zhang Menglong was still calm in the anger that he was inexplicably raised, he raised his right hand, and saw that he was holding a red energy spar in his hand.

Although the fifth-level energy spar is worth hundreds of millions of universe coins, he passed the trial tower directly with a series of nines!
He just heard from Liu Yunyi that even if he succeeds in challenging the seventh floor, he will be rewarded with a level 10 martial arts weapon worth [-] stars, and after passing the eighth level, he will be rewarded with a level [-] martial arts weapon!
The ninth floor reward, even if it takes away the status of the heir of the entire Zhouda civilization, is at least worth hundreds of thousands of cosmic coins, right?
This frankly a five-level energy spar sent him away?How much is this?Is this what he called a "very precious thing"?
"Boss, what's the situation? You only broke through the third floor?" A student of the Super Seminary asked. The reward for the third floor is a fifth-level energy spar.

"It's a bit outrageous, boss, you can't be killed by a fifth-level life body even if you stand still?"

"Mother Xipi! That old man actually dared to fuck me?" Zhang Mengyu said through gritted teeth. This is simply taking a step back from infertility and enduring the sudden death of the whole family. Can he bear it?

"Xiao Hei, come out!" Zhang Menglong summoned the Phantom Star Beast directly, "Tear down this broken tower for me!"

Xiao Hei seemed to feel the anger in Zhang Mengyu's heart, and the power of Zhou Da civilization's strongest combat weapon was fully displayed at this moment.

"What's the situation? What does the dean want?"

"He seems to be irritated by the artificial intelligence of this trial tower. Is this going to be demolished?"

"What kind of guardian, listen to me, I have clearly passed the test of the nine-story pagoda, but now you don't admit it, and still use this kind of thing to send me away, do you think I'm easy to bully?" shouted at the entrance of the trial tower.

"I'll give you a chance now. Honestly, give me everything about Zhouda's civilization, otherwise I will take violent actions and inherit it physically. I only give you 1 minute to think about it. I hope you make the most correct choice!"

After saying this, Zhang Menglong actually waited aside and checked the time.

"He said he passed the ninth floor?"

"But just now he was holding the reward of the third floor."

"Because of embarrassment? Does he really want to rely on violence to inherit the legacy of Zhouda civilization?"

"Good guy, violent inheritance? Is this okay?"

There are quite a few civilizations like the Zhouda civilization in the universe, and they have left behind many civilization relics. There is even a top martial artist in the universe who will leave a legacy before he falls due to various reasons. The way of trial is the common way they choose the heir group.

But so far, all those who have obtained those inheritance relics have accepted the test honestly, and some even paid the price with their lives.

People like Zhang Mengyu who directly threaten artificial intelligence with violence and want to forcibly inherit it are definitely No. 1 before and after. Friends are shocked after hearing this!


The Huanxing God's mountain-like body slammed into the giant tower. The strength of the ninth-level peak life body was even enough to easily shatter a planet, but the giant tower only shook slightly.

"So strong?" Zhang Mengyu was also taken aback for a moment. He thought that this thing would basically collapse when it hit it. "If all construction companies on the earth follow this standard, they may all go bankrupt, right?"

"It's really trash, this thing can't be dismantled, what use do I need you for?" Zhang Menglong glanced at the phantom star beast.

The phantom star beast showed an aggrieved expression, do you think everyone is as perverted as you?It is just a child hundreds of millions of years old, what bad thoughts can it have?
"Next time I'll get you something you can practice," Zhang Menglong rolled his eyes and let the Phantom Star Beast go back. It seems that it has no other skills except for its strong physical strength and cannonballs. This is not possible!
"Hahaha, young man, you are too young to threaten me," the guardian actually escaped from the trial tower and floated into the outer space, "Since we created this phantom star beast, we naturally have Take precautions against it."

Even though he said so, the guardian was also surprised by Zhang Menglong's unfathomable vitality. Can anyone summon the phantom star beast?
"Physical inheritance doesn't work, so I will inherit it chemically!" Zhang Mengyu laughed, "Although your intelligence level is very high, in the final analysis, you are just an artificial intelligence, right?"

"What do you mean?" Suddenly, the guardian felt something was wrong.

"No matter how advanced artificial intelligence is, the essence is just code. As long as I invade your intelligence core, you will cease to exist. At that time, I will have the final say in this treasure hunting space!"

(End of this chapter)

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