I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 978 Don't Panic, Small Scene

Chapter 978 Don't Panic, Small Scene

"By the way, Gousheng, what is this Fire of Destiny?" Zhang Mengyu asked, pointing to his head.

"This is a thing called the Stone of Destiny, which was found by the lord of our Zhouda civilization in a nebula dust at the birth center of the universe," Gou Sheng said, "It contains the most magical and ethereal destiny The power, as long as you have it, the future development will be smooth."

"Luck is originally distributed evenly, but after my setting, in this treasure hunting space, as long as there are people who find opportunities and treasures, they can share some aura and bring it back to their own universe Empire, and then after hundreds of thousands of years of automatic balance, the aura of the entire universe returned to the average."

"It's no wonder that the opening of the entire treasure hunting space is once every few hundred thousand years," Zhang Mengyu complained, "But your Zhouda Universe Empire has finally perished, and I don't look at the Stone of Destiny well!"

"This" Gousheng was speechless at Zhang Mengyu's words. Indeed, no one expected the demise of the Zhouda Cosmic Empire. When facing the attacks of so many civilizations, it did not send any troops. effect.

"Forget it, I don't intend to rely on this thing to develop, no matter how awesome my family is." Zhang Mengyu didn't take this treasure that is almost more important than the assets of the entire Zhouda civilization in his heart at all, "Okay , It’s almost over, this treasure hunt should be over, everyone goes back to their respective houses and finds their own mothers, there is no need to start it again in the future.”

"Yes, I will terminate immediately and send everyone out!"

In an instant, a ray of light swept across the entire treasure hunting space, almost exactly the same as when they were teleported in.

"What's going on? Isn't this less than two universes? Why did it end early?"

"No! I've waited so many years for this opportunity, why?"

"Could it be that someone inherited the entire Zhouda civilization?" Some people who knew the existence of the Tower of Trials immediately thought of this, "Who is it? It can't be someone from the Suntian sect, right?"

"Doesn't that mean that this space will never be open again?"

"How many resources and treasures are there?"

Before they had time to think carefully, their bodies were violently torn, and then they were sent out.

The entrance to the treasure house, that huge rocky week, the masters of countless cosmic empires are looking forward to it.

Almost half of the time has passed, and this year's treasure hunting competition is obviously much more intense than before. Now the treasure hunters who have been sent out must have almost reached more than two-thirds of the total number.

According to the experience of previous years, at this time, at most, half of the people will be eliminated.

Now the entire square has almost turned into an exchange conference for victims, and they accuse each other of the Ritian faction's numerous crimes in the treasure hunting space.

The treasure hunters who originally looked down on the fourth-level and fifth-level life forms of the Ritian School and the rulers of various cosmic empires, now that they heard the news that they were killing the Quartet inside, their mentality almost exploded.

Cosmic civilization has developed for hundreds of millions of years. Has anyone ever heard of a level [-] peak life form chasing tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of level [-] peak life forms?Who has ever heard that a human being with a peak life form of level four can kill a beast of a level six?

Only this time did they realize that the Ritian faction is not only rich and skilled, but they are also very good at fighting.

"A group of people came out again!"

"Why are there so many this time?"

"No, it doesn't seem to be natural elimination. How could so many people come out of natural elimination all at once?"

"It seems to be over!"

"Almost all green!"

Looking at it at a glance, it is almost densely packed with green melon seeds, even if it is yellow, there are not many left, let alone orange, red or even other colors.

The Ritian faction occupied almost all the safe areas, and then started a crazy robbery. If they want to find a safe place, they must be blackmailed.

What?Not going to those cities?Leaving aside the ferocious beasts everywhere after the beast tide, do you think you can't find people from the Sun and Sky Sect in the wilderness?Those who block the way and rob you don't even care about word of mouth, they just rob you.

Survival is already very difficult, how can they get extra fire of luck?

On the other hand, those people from the Ritian faction directly formed a huge contrast with the people around them. The so-called little red in the green bushes is almost like this.

None of the [-] treasure hunters of the Ritian faction were eliminated in advance. Although they occasionally encountered some dangers, they couldn't pretend to be forced, and there was no problem running away. It is estimated that the most unlucky one was Yang Lin. guy.

Of the 4 people, more than 5000 of them are purple Qiyun fires, and the remaining 4000 people are all black. There is even a young man staring at the colorful light in the crowd.

Another golden light swept across the entire square, and those fires of luck disappeared immediately, and a mysterious force blesses the entire dual-whale universe empire in the dark.

"Successful, the technology we have studied for thousands of years has finally broken through!" This is the news from the highest laboratory of the Twin Whales Universe Empire.

"Go and tell the lord that his 672243rd wife was born, and she was born as a fourth-level peak life form, my God! I have never seen a person with such a high natural gene activity!"

"Quickly tell the higher-ups that we have found a new mining area. The reserves here are almost ten times what we have proven before!"

"Remains! Our civilization actually has a relic left by an ancient civilization from the era of Zhouda civilization!"

One after another, the news came from the inside of the Double Whale Cosmic Empire like a frying pan, involving almost all fields such as science, economy, culture, and martial arts.

When the luck that was originally scattered throughout the universe is concentrated on the same civilization, this civilization is about to usher in an explosive change.

Of course, the people in this square don't know what's going on in the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire. The result of opening the treasure hunting space this time is really weird.

"The people of the Ritian faction are called the successors of the Zhouda civilization!" I don't know who spread the news, but the news spread all over the square at once.

The masters of those cosmic empires know that there is a city in the sea in the entire treasure hunting space, and a nine-story tower stands in this city. As long as you pass the test of the tower, you can become the inheritor of the Zhouda civilization heritage.

But after so many years, no one has ever broken into the ninth floor, and even those who challenge the eighth floor are rare.

They were wondering just now whether someone had successfully passed the ninth floor and obtained all the wealth of the Zhouda civilization, so this treasure hunt would end early, and now this news undoubtedly confirms this guess.

As the master of the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire, Otiz has a complicated heart!

The people of their cosmic empire have obtained all the wealth of Zhouda civilization, of course he is happy, let alone such a huge resource, just the improvement of civilization brought about by the fire of luck is something he never dreamed of of.

But on the other hand, they have already offended all the people of the universe empire when they allocated quotas. The treasure hunters who were eliminated by the Ritian faction were stared at when they were sent out.

If not in public, as the head of the Twin Whale Cosmic Empire, he might have been chopped into pieces.

But now, with even more explosive news, he even doubted whether he could leave this place today.

"Nervous?" Zhang Mengyu noticed that Otiz was trembling all over.

"Mr. Zhang, is what they said true?"

"Well," Zhang Mengyu nodded, "All the legacy of Zhouda civilization is already mine."

"Mr. Zhang, I'm afraid we won't be able to go so easily today," Otiz smiled wryly, "The most powerful Zhouda civilization was besieged by countless civilizations and perished because they had too much wealth. Ten times stronger than that time? We"

Zhang Menglong patted Otiz on the shoulder, "Don't panic, small scene!"

(End of this chapter)

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