I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 979 Are you out of your mind or mine?

Chapter 979 Are you out of your mind or mine?
Small scene?Is this a small scene?

Otiz was on the verge of crying at this moment, Zhang Mengyu had gone too far in the quota allocation last time, and the reason why they were able to retreat unscathed was because Zhang Mengyu brought a bodyguard of a ninth-level life form!
But this time when they set off, they didn't bring Makabaka with them, because they always cared about their own civilization, so Zhang Mengyu gave Makabaka a long vacation directly, and asked him to arrange his own civilization. The revenge of civilization has been avenged.

If they encounter an ugly situation this time, it may be difficult for them to end.

Not far away, the head of the Noah Cosmic Empire's face was ashen. Ninety percent of the [-] treasure hunters sent by their civilization had a green fire of luck on their heads. Among the remaining people, the last A good one is just an orange fire of luck.

Such a record has never appeared in the history of their Noah universe empire. Even in the worst session, at least one or two people got the black fire of luck.

"What's the matter with you? What happened?" The lord of the Noah Universe Empire asked sternly, "In order to train you, how much effort and resources did the empire put in, and you have achieved such results?"

"Teacher, we have underestimated them. The people from the Ritian Sect have occupied almost all the cities that can be occupied, and even opened some chain hotels. If we want to stay in those cities to avoid the attacks of fierce beasts, we have to pay them The cost of entering the city and the cost of accommodation, and the price is ridiculous!"

"Not only that, when the beast horde came, they even blackmailed us in various names, and they almost let us go after they exhausted all the funds and supplies we had with us."

"Our daily harvest in the treasure house is barely enough to go back to the city. No matter how hard we try, we are almost working for them. So far, we haven't even kept a little bit of savings."

"Trash!" The master of the Noah universe empire gave them a hard look.

Where did you get in return for not paying?In order for them to preserve the highest combat effectiveness in the treasure hunting space, he has prepared supplies worth several cosmic coins for almost everyone, just hoping that they can return with a full load, but he unexpectedly lost his wife and lost his army.

"Ritian faction, what a good idea!" His eyes fell on Zhang Mengyu and the others, "I still have some things to deal with, you go back first, don't stay nearby!"

The youths of the Noah Universe Empire froze for a moment. They saw a strong killing intent in the eyes of their lord. This was the first time they saw their lord angry to such an extent, because as a ninth-level life Body, in this world, there is nothing that can arouse his anger.

"Hahahaha, you are so fucking talented, you actually shaved off people's hair, don't do to others what you don't want to do to others, do you know that?"

"You still have the face to criticize me. I said that you bought a batch of black and white silk and jk online a few days ago. So you are going to do such a perverted thing and force tens of thousands of people to wear jk and dance house dances. What do you think? ?”

"Be low-key and low-key. It's mainly because the dean taught it well. Ask Xu Chao what he did?"

"Me? It's nothing. You also know that I am teaching at Jiangnan University of Technology. Now that the introversion is so serious, it makes sense for me to arrest a group of people to help me with my project and write a thesis? It is always better than you gone."

"Apart from your human-like appearance, you look like a dog. Can you figure that out?"

The people of the Super Seminary communicated with each other about their saucy operations during this period, but in the eyes of the treasure hunters around them, they looked like a group of despicable and shameless people who were exchanging their experience in committing crimes.

"Master, are we leaving just like that? Isn't it too cheap for them?" Some treasure hunters were a little resentful.

"What can we do? I am a sixth-level life form, and no one from the Ritian faction is sure to win. If you want me to die, just say so!"

"But...they inherited all the wealth of the Zhouda civilization, and even looted the entire civilization of the universe. I really can't swallow this breath!"

"We can't control this matter, but someone else can!" The lord of the cosmic empire looked in the direction of Noah's cosmic empire, "Look, the people of Noah's cosmic empire have left, and their lord is gone. Now, if my prediction is correct, the matter of the Ritian faction should have attracted their attention."

"then we"

"Hurry up, I'm afraid this place will not be peaceful in a while."

More and more cosmic empires are feeling a sense of uneasiness. It's over anyway, and they have nothing to do if they don't get anything. It's not a wise choice to stay here. The most important thing is to leave immediately.

Not far from the square, in a claustrophobic space, seven special beings were staring at Zhang Mengyu and others.

"What do you think?" The master of the Noah Universe Empire asked with a livid face, "I said it last time, they shouldn't be allocated so many quotas!"

"The last time we made a hasty decision, who would have thought that all the people they sent were so powerful!" Although the other seven ninth-level life forms were not the masters of any cosmic empire on the surface, behind their backs, Each of them has a huge group, and they are also inextricably linked with many powerful cosmic empires.

Not only did they not get any benefits this time, even the last treasure house left over from the Zhouda civilization was inherited by others. This is no small matter.

Don't look at the current Twin Whale Cosmic Empire is just a weak fifth-level elementary civilization, plus the newly purchased weapons, it is a relatively powerful fifth-level peak civilization, but once they digest this harvest, the world in this world There may be a second Juda civilization.

"You guys make a decision!"

"I agree with Noah's choice."


"This time, the ninth-level life form of the Ritian faction did not pass with them. This is our best chance, and it may even be the only chance."

"Let's talk about it first. After getting those things, how do we distribute them?"

"Need to say? Of course it's evenly distributed. Do any of you want to get an extra share?"

"If that's the case, then we've reached an agreement!"

"Mr. Zhang, let's leave quickly, it's getting late!" Seeing fewer and fewer people around, Otiz felt more and more anxious.

"Why are you in such a hurry? I'm still counting the harvest this time."

"We can make statistics on the way back. If we don't go, I'm afraid we won't be able to go." Otiz said eagerly.

"Okay, seeing how scared you are," Zhang Mengyu raised his arms and called out, "Let's go, we're going back!"

"Wait, everyone, please stay!" Zhang Mengyu and the others were about to leave when a person stood in front of them, "Mr. Zhang, I am Noah, the chairman of the Imperial Alliance Council, and I want to confirm something with you. Is this the legacy of the Zhouda civilization, has it fallen into the hands of your Ritian sect?"

"Well, that's right." Zhang Menglong admitted.

"Mr. Zhang, as the Imperial Alliance Council, we are also responsible to each member empire. This treasure house of Zhouda civilization belongs to our common property. I hope you can return it."

"Return it?" Zhang Menglong showed a surprised expression, "You want to prostitute for nothing?"

"No, no, we know its value, so we are willing to give compensation," Noah said, "Our Imperial Alliance Council is willing to give out [-] star universe coins."

"Exchange [-] star cosmic coins for the assets left by the entire Zhouda civilization? Is your brain sick or is my brain sick?"

(End of this chapter)

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