Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 107 Two people on the field

Chapter 107

In the waiting room, there were seven people sitting on the sofa, which was already quite crowded. On the LCD TV hanging on the wall, the scene of four hundred spectators entering their seats was playing.

Kitahara sage, wearing a mask, leaned back on the sofa, was idle for a moment, and observed their state before going on stage.

Kuriyama leaned his face in a daze, and there was no tension on his expression.

Tsurumi Chinatsu is still holding the world famous piano fondly, in a very relaxed state.

Only Kagawa Ningning kept bowing her head and kneading her little hands with a slightly uneasy expression. Takanashi Xufeng sat beside her with a smile, comforted her gently, and took out her mobile phone to accompany her to watch videos of comedians, distracting her attention.

Kitahara sage couldn't help but sigh, she is really a kind girl.

He glanced at classmate Lace, who was swiping her mobile phone alone, and thought to herself that your wife is with other girls, are you jealous?

Oh yes, just your wife in mind.

Sensing his gaze, Baimu Moyou raised her head and looked sideways slightly. The two eyes met, and neither of them intended to say hello.

Kento Kitahara looked away and checked the time. There were 33 minutes left to play.

Boom, thump, thud, he stared at the notification tone of the text message, as if he was afraid that he would not hear it, like a whistling storm, a series of crazy sounds, he took out his mobile phone in surprise, who is playing SMS bombing, could it be that little naughty egg?


Kenichiro Kawachi sent him the same message seventeen times!

Beiyuan Xianren was stunned for a moment, and his expression immediately became serious.

Such an unexpected event was not expected.

It is not uncommon for music shows to collide with songs. Even the veteran production team of "I Am a Singer" cannot avoid it. In the second season, Lin Daxian happened to have a song collision with Huang Ma at the same time. The gentleman scored, voluntarily backed down, and replaced it with "Oprea" on the spot, which won unanimous praise and praise.

Kenichi Kitahara was not surprised, and was about to call everyone over when the door slammed open. Kenichiro Kawachi held the door frame panting, "Sakamoto-san, did you see my short breath!"

Kenichiro Kawachi didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief, and quickly explained it briefly. Due to time constraints, he didn't talk about the power struggle within the program group.

After listening, Tsurumi Chiharu immediately raised her eyebrows, folded her arms around her chest, and asked in an unhappy tone: "Why do you ask us to change the song, and who exactly collided with us in the song, please tell me clearly."

Kenichiro Kawachi gasped slightly and said, "Amiya-san's band also chose "Bohemian Rhapsody."

"It's Masahiro Amamiya again!?" Chiharu Tsurumi jumped up in anger, her eyes widened with anger, and her teeth were chattering.

Kento Kitahara was silent. It seems that the production team chose Amamiya Masahiro and their big baby in the ratings.

But there is something strange.

Under the mask, he frowned and asked: "The selection of the twelve bands in Group B, you came to ask as early as an hour ago, why didn't you find out until the competition started?"

Kenichiro Kawachi opened his mouth, the dumb man couldn't tell if he was suffering from Coptis chinensis, and his expression was bitter.

Seeing Hanoi's aggrieved look, Tsurumi Chiharu immediately saw that there must be something tricky in this matter!not that simple!
She laughed angrily for a while, and pointed her little finger in the direction of the backstage of the production team: "Does your production team think I'm a bully? Do you want to make fun of us?"

"Hey, don't be afraid, now go find someone who can contact Zao Heyang, call him over quickly, and I'll talk to him."

Hearing this, Kenichiro Kawachi was stunned immediately, Hiroshi Sakawa is the director of TV Asahi, this girl's tone is so loud, who the hell is she?
Kento Kitahara looked at the time, signaled Tsurumi Chiharu not to be impulsive for the time being, and asked, "The production team has made a decision, right? We must change the song?"

Kawachi Kenichiro was silent for a while, and nodded heavily.

The Kitahara sage nodded in understanding, and said calmly, "Okay, we understand. Hanoi-san, please come back first. Thank you for making a special trip to inform us that we have an urgent meeting now."

Kenichiro Kawachi blessed with a worried expression and tone, then left silently with his head down.

The Kitahara sage closed the door, turned around, faced everyone who was all looking at the door, and organized his words in his heart.

Three to 10 minutes before the start of the match, the production team came to notify them and asked to change the song temporarily. There must be something wrong with it. Due to time constraints, Kenichiro Kawachi did not make it clear, and it may not be convenient to disclose it.

He didn't know if the production team wanted to punish them on purpose, or if there was another reason, but at the moment he was very upset.

Tsurumi Chiharu suddenly said: "Hey, you guys discuss slowly, I have something to leave."

After finishing the words, she picked up the mobile phone on the table and quickly left the waiting room without saying a word.

The door slammed shut!Tsurumi Qianxia retracted her gaze, said with a smile, "It's miserable, this is Xiaochun's third-highest level of anger since he was a child, let us wish the producers and directors of the program not to be too miserable."

That's the third place? Kagawa Ningning recalled Chiharu Shimotsurumi's expression when she left just now, and shrank back in fear.

The sage of Beiyuan said, "You have all heard the matter, and now there are 10 minutes left."

"The audition song cannot be sung a second time, but we can use the songs we have performed on the street before as an emergency. Do you remember the score?" He looked at Takanashi Sufeng.

Takanashi Xufeng felt a little embarrassed, and shook her head lightly. It has been more than a month. Although her memory is good, it is far from the unbelievable level of classmate Beiyuan. She played hastily, and she is not a professional pianist, so there is no guarantee that she will not make mistakes.

Kento Kitahara felt helpless, he didn't read the piano score at the beginning, and let Takanashi practice it all by himself, so he couldn't recall it and wrote it down.

He looked at Mizuho Kuriyama again, and then shook his head in his heart. Apart from participating in the audition for the first time, Kuriyama had never performed with everyone from beginning to end.

And after an unexpected situation, Kagawa Ning Ning her.
He turned his head and looked, Kagawa Ningning was just a little nervous at first, and it was far from affecting the performance, but now she, Kitahara Kento, looked back and sighed slightly.

In the past four days, the band has been staring at "Bohemian Rhapsody" for repeated rehearsals and polishing, and the time is tight, and there is no time to prepare the backup song.

What's more terrible is that there are five members in the band, and it is difficult enough to lose one person, and the position is difficult to allocate, but now all three members are abolished!Unable to play for various reasons, only him and Tsurumi Chinatsu were left.

Originally, I wanted to take advantage of the situation, relying on the huge amount of attention brought by Masahiro Amamiya, and once again attracted a group of fans with a stunning opening ceremony, but now the plan was completely disrupted!

There is no song to choose. When Beiyuan Xianren came back to his senses, he found that everyone was watching him quietly, waiting for him, the captain, to make a decision.

And Kuriyama, she looked very worried and worried.

Kitahara sage looked over, he had been curious many times, Li Shan didn't care about money or fame, and didn't know how to sing popular songs, why did she insist on competing and want to win the championship.

He didn't understand until he learned about her family's situation.

That silly child actually wants to use this innocent way to let her parents see her efforts, understand her efforts, understand her efforts, and support her decision.

Since one champion of the youth category of the Tokyo Classical Bel Canto Competition is not enough, let's have another champion of pop singing! . She also has a beautiful innocence in her heart, so she imagined it.

Kitahara Kento withdrew his thoughts, and then looked at the violin in Tsurumi Chinatsu's hand.

He let the flow take its course, blissful to his heart, and in an instant he figured out how the second thing he had always believed to be impossible—writing a famous song—could have happened.

Kitahara sage took a deep look at the preoccupied Kuriyama, since you saved my life, then I will break the principle for you once, and do my best to help you realize that innocent idea.

Kento Kitahara was silent for a moment, and said, "Tsurumi-san, I don't know how to play the violin. Now I've written down the piano score. Please convert her into a violin score."

The sage of Beiyuan paused, and said in a very serious tone: "This round, the two of us will play. You will play the violin and drums, and I will play the piano and lead vocals."

(End of this chapter)

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