Chapter 108 Come on, please!
25 minutes away from playing.

In the waiting room, the atmosphere is busy.

Tsurumi Chinatsu quickly became familiar with the violin score, while quickly playing at double speed, and asked at the same time:
"The violin and drums can't be combined, can you record a program with drums?"

"There's not enough time, so I improvised on the spot." Kento Kitahara stared at the lyrics, and quickly arranged the general coordination structure of the two in his mind.

Tsurumi Chinatsu finished playing again and gently put down the violin.

"You can use a looper, and I record the melody in advance."

Kento Kitahara pondered for a while. She wanted to use more than a dozen loop effects, and record the melody of each instrument in advance with each single block, so that one person could replace the entire band?

But memorizing the melody of each of the dozens of pedals is already very difficult, and it is even more difficult to control multiple pedals while accompaniment and distraction, and it is even more difficult to predict the follow-up melody in advance. The process, in a very short time, choose which pedal to use, and then enter the beat. Can she do it alone?

If she can do it, it will indeed turn into an "amazing performance".

The Kitahara sage pondered for a while, and remembered that when she seized power last time, she had shown a looping, which was also a combination of drums, guitar, and violin.

He hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "I believe in you! Don't mess it up."

Tsurumi Qianxia was stunned for a moment, she brought up a very risky idea, but she didn't expect that the guy who always seeks stability would agree, I really didn't expect that he would actually dare to take risks with her.

"Don't worry, I can't live up to your trust, don't underestimate the students of Dongyi," Tsurumi Qianxia took a deep look, then turned her head and told everyone, "I need an electric violin to record loops now, think again Way to borrow a few loopers, the more the better."

Kagawa Ningning stood up quickly and said with great enthusiasm: "I'll go!"

Kashiwagi Moyou also knew that the matter was urgent, so he took the initiative to stand up and went to borrow the loop effector together.

Kitahara sage asked Tsurumi to sit over and pointed to the lyrics on the paper. He didn't have time to elaborate, so he could only give a general explanation to cooperate.

"The beginning is your violin solo, with some embellishments by my piano accompaniment, after entering section A"

On the side, Xufeng Takanashi checked the time on his phone, and there were less than 10 minutes left.

She turned her head to look, and on the TV screen, the auditorium was already filled up one after another, and the host was already making preparations.

She couldn't help feeling worried, they were the first band to appear on the stage, and they didn't even have a rehearsal, they rushed to the stage, what if something went wrong.

Mizuho Kuriyama whispered, "Trust them, they both studied jazz."

Takanashi Xufeng doesn't quite understand, does jazz have something to do with it?

"Jazz is a very free kind of music, and the focus of its expertise is improvisation. Ordinary people may be in a hurry when encountering such emergencies, but jazz musicians have rich experience in improvisation, so it shouldn't be a big problem. It depends on their tacit understanding Bar."

After a while, the sage of Beiyuan turned his head, thought for a while and said: "It may not be easy for you to borrow a harmonica alone, but try it, it should be useful by then, it is better to use it than to lack it. No good."

"It's best to use a chromatic harmonica. Ordinary harmonicas can barely do the job."

Takanashi Xufeng said quickly, "Let me go, it's called 'Chromatic Harmonica', right?"

Kitahara sage nodded.

Takanashi Xufeng pushed open the door and looked around the six waiting rooms in the building. Kagawa and Moyu had already borrowed many loopers. She said "Borrow another harmonica" from a distance, and then chose a Opposite Direction.

She came to the waiting room next door, knocked on the door first, and got the approval of the owner inside the door. Takanashi Xufeng pushed the door open, bowed slightly and said, "Sorry for the trouble, do you have a chromatic harmonica?"

Inside the house was a girl band consisting of six people. They looked at each other and shook their heads.

Takanashi Xufeng said "excuse me" again, and was about to go out when one of the girls suddenly said, "I went downstairs just now and seemed to hear the sound of a harmonica, but I'm not sure which room it is."

Takanashi Xufeng quickly thanked her, trotted towards the stairs, and walked down the stairs.

On the next floor, there are three waiting rooms on the left and right sides. The two sides are far apart, but she has no time to ask one by one. She thought about it on the way, and instead of choosing the first one on the left, she chose the waiting room in the middle. Knock on the door and ask again.

"Harmonica? Sorry, we don't have one," the girl on the sofa shook her head, "It seemed that there was indeed a harmonica sound just now, but I couldn't tell which room it was from."

Takanashi Xufeng thought about closing the door. Since the waiting room in the middle couldn't hear clearly, narrowing down the area meant that the owner of the harmonica was hiding on the opposite side!

She decisively abandoned the other two rooms, ran to the opposite side, and continued to choose the waiting room in the middle.

"Sorry to bother you, do you have any?" Takanashi Xufeng gradually stopped talking, with a surprised expression, Amamiya Masaki was sitting on the sofa, playing with a harmonica in her hand.

Amamiya Masahira turned her head to look at the door, and quickly recognized Takanashi.

"It's you." Amamiya Masahira frowned slightly, and asked in an unwelcome tone, "What are you doing here?"

Takanashi Xufeng hurriedly said: "Our band collided with the song, and we need to change the song temporarily. If it is convenient, can I borrow classmate Amamiya's harmonica? Please!"

That big bastard actually bumped into Utamiya Yahira frowned even deeper, and asked, "Who in your band wants to use a harmonica?"

Takanashi quickly replied: "Student Beiyuan."

Amamiya Masahira was silent for a while, looking down at the harmonica in her hand, her face slowly became hot.

She turned her head away, bit her lower lip slightly, and handed it over.

Takanashi Xufeng didn't expect it to go so smoothly. She thought that this kind of performance is a special personal item, and she needs to work hard to convince Amamiya-san to see that Amamiya-san is a very enthusiastic person.

Takanashi Xufeng quickly said thank you, took the harmonica, and left in a hurry.

She quickly trotted up to the first floor, and when she returned to the waiting room, she found that Bei Yuan and Tsurumi had already left!
Kagawa Ningning hurriedly said: "Senior just got into the elevator! I didn't borrow a harmonica just now."

Takanashi Xufeng didn't have time to answer, so he took the time to trot towards the elevator again, only to find that the elevator was already descending!
She had no choice but to run the stairs again, speeding up and quickly descending from the eighth floor to the first floor.

She ran out of the stairs, leaning on the wall exhaustedly to pant slightly, and before she had time to rest, she looked around anxiously.

Still a step behind!It seems that they are already heading to the competition stage!

Takanashi Xufeng quickly cheered up, and ran towards the stage aisle a little faster, and finally saw two figures from a distance.

The two people in front are recording loops while communicating with each other.

"North, Sakamoto-san—"

The Kitahara sage in the hall turned around.

Takanashi Xufeng was already sweating profusely from exhaustion, her hair was disheveled, and a few strands of hair were wetly stuck to her white cheeks.

She managed to maintain a fairly decent posture, walked up quickly, stretched out her hands, and lay a golden chromatic harmonica quietly in her hands.

"Fortunately, I caught up," Takanashi Xufeng suppressed tired gasps in his tone, "Sorry, I don't quite understand, can you quickly see if this is a chromatic harmonica?"

The sage of Beiyuan felt a little uncomfortable. He just mentioned it casually. In the final analysis, it was just a harmonica in the sense of "something is better than nothing". I didn't expect the other party to pay so much attention to it. I knew at a glance that she had gone to many places. borrow.

"This is the chromatic harmonica. Thank you for your hard work." After speaking, the sage Beiyuan under the mask opened his mouth. He didn't know what to say next, so he could only say thank you in a serious tone, took the harmonica, and let her Go back and rest.

Gao Lixu looked at the backs of the two people stepping towards the arena, thought for a while, and then suddenly stopped him: "Please wait a moment."

The Kitahara sage stopped and turned around, asking her what else to do.

"Although Kuriyama-san said that you are not nervous, you are actually quite nervous. You are the first to play, and there is such a thing as changing songs before the game."

Takanashi Xufeng paused, smoothed the messy hair on the side of the ear, smiled and encouraged: "Although the accident disrupted our first round game plan, we not only have one chance, but there are many possibilities in the future." Sex, even if we miss this time, in the future full of possibilities, we will definitely be able to make up for those lost, missed, regretful, all, all, so please don’t give yourself too much psychological Pressure, please come on!"

The Kitahara sage under the mask was stunned for a moment, as if a certain piece of his heart had been touched softly.

It would be a lie to say that he was not nervous, of course he was nervous in his heart, but in front of everyone, anyone could be nervous, except that he couldn't mess himself up, he just hid it deeply and didn't show it.

"Thank you."

Kento Kitahara bent down slightly, then turned his head and looked at Tsurumi Chinatsu who was still debugging the loop.

"Let's go, it's our turn."

The two came backstage, and the host was already making opening remarks.

While waiting to go on stage, Kitahara Kento held the violin for her, and arranged his costume for the performance. Tsurumi Chinatsu did it one last time, memorizing every looper.

The sage of Beiyuan was a little surprised and asked: "Looking at you, are you really not too nervous?"

"It's okay, a little bit." Tsurumi Qianxia leaned over and picked up the effector into the bag.

Kitahara sage nodded and said, "Then I hope you don't make mistakes when you perform on the spot. If you play such a good piano, the media will not let you go easily if you play the wrong note."

Tsurumi Qianxia raised her head and said with a smile, "You too."

"By the way, what's the name of that song? It's really nice."

The sage of Beiyuan sighed slightly and said, "A serenade in the middle of the moon."

(End of this chapter)

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