Chapter 188 The Same Night

After rehearsing with Xu Feng, the sun had already set and the sky was gloomy.

Baimu Moyou carried the rabbit cage, stood at the door of the house, and entered the code to lock the door.

In the rabbit cage, the fat rabbit tried its best to curl up its semicircular body, bowed its head to its ears, and remained motionless, like a soft "snowball".

Entering the door, there is no one at home, and the light in the house is very dim.

Kashiwagi Moyu put on slippers, put the rabbit cage on the dining table, and turned on the lights in each room one by one—except for the living room of her parents—even the bathroom.

The fat rabbit glanced at the owner who shuttled back and forth in the room, and then at the knife rack in the kitchen next to it, as if a nightmare from the past was reflected in the rabbit's eyes, and its snow-white body trembled slightly. Look.

When all the lights in the room are turned on, the home has become brighter, and the temperature is a bit more false than the dim scene just now.

Kashiwagi Moyou walked out of the bathroom, pulled out a chair and sat down, thinking about how to solve dinner tonight.The fat rabbit obediently lay aside.

She meditated quietly for a while, got up and went to the refrigerator, opened it, and there were some fruits in it, she picked out a few and made a fruit salad cleanly and easily.

Five minutes later, Baimu Moyou sat back at the dining table with a glass bowl in his hand.

She threw half a parsley into the rabbit cage, and added some hay and water.

In the quiet living room, only the crisp sound of her spoon touching the glass bowl, and the subtle click of the fat rabbit gnawing parsley can be heard.

Bai Mumo glanced at Xueqiu from the spare time.

Small pet clothes, exquisite decorations, and a lot of trouble to buy these things, it seems that his sister likes Snowball very much.

Do you want to give the snowball directly to him?Then in a few days, let him tell Xufeng that Xueqiu sneaked out at night, disappeared and can't be found, so that the trouble can be solved once and for all, but what reason should be used to send it out is appropriate.
Unconsciously, her thoughts diverged for a long time, and when she came back to her senses, half an hour had passed.

Kashiwagi Moyou got up to clear the table and wash the dishes. She finished everything she could do. At this time, the hour hand of the clock pointed to the number "7", and the night was still long.

"What is Xu Feng doing?"

Baimu Moyou fumbled for her pocket, and spread out her palm. In the palm of her hand was a black sheet the size of a coin. This was something she had secretly pasted into Xufeng's phone before.

But after the concert last week, Aunt Takanashi congratulated her daughter on her stage for the first time in her life and gave Xu Feng a new mobile phone.

Moreover, it is the latest model, and the body is very thin. It is impossible to open the back cover and put some small things quietly. Therefore, she can no longer know the position and sound of Xufeng in real time.

Baimu Moyou sighed softly, raised her head, and looked around the living room. In the huge room, only she and Xueqiu were there, and it was deserted.

But it was another four hours before bedtime.

She was dazed for a while, got up and walked to her room, opened the closet, continued to open the secret cabinet in the corner, took out three cartoon dolls in the style of Xu Feng, and returned to the living room.

Turn on the TV with the remote control, find a channel at random, as long as there is sound, anything is fine.

Baimu Moyu sat on the sofa, with a cartoon doll on each side of her, and another in her arms.

She quietly watched the various advertisements on the screen, preparing to spend the next four hours like this.

Do you want to give Xu Feng a call?Kashiwagi Moyou suddenly thought of it.

What's the right reason to call? Don't be too obtrusive. You can ask about the school's Go club. The budget for the Go club this year is too high.

Thinking of this, Baimu Moyou thought for a long time, and he had to think about his words before deciding to call.

Reaching out to touch the phone, but found nothing, Kashiwagi Moyu remembered that the phone was still left on the dining table, she hugged the cartoon doll, got up and walked over.

The fat rabbit is lying lazily on its nest, holding half a sprig of parsley in its paws, chewing and tasting it slowly.

Its rabbit eyes saw that its owner was coming straight, and it was holding a very familiar little person in its arms. It was so frightened that the parsley dropped, and it hurriedly crawled back with all four limbs, trying to avoid it.

The bustling living room of the girls' dormitory.

Sister Qinyin, Li Shan and Otsurumi, the three women were cooking in the kitchen on the same stage.

The sage of Beiyuan sat leisurely on the sofa, reading the newspaper boredly, while Huagu sat cross-legged beside him, reading "Official Genealogy" with a small face, and was studying the changes of a question.

The sage of Beiyuan glanced at it. He has been studying this problem for 10 minutes, and he still hasn't solved it yet.

"Is it difficult?"

Huagu looked up at his father, pouted, "How long will it take Ohne-san to solve this life-and-death problem?"

"One glance."

"One look?!" Huagu asked back in surprise, her small face obviously not believing.

"I have read the book in your hand eight times when I was a child. Based on my memory, experience, and sense of chess, I can see at a glance that the correct solution is very simple." The sage of Beiyuan paused and said with a smile, "Don't underestimate professional chess players. You may not be able to solve a life-and-death problem for a month, and they have to do dozens of problems a day from morning to night for that kind of super-difficult problem."

He was euphemistically reminding his daughter, don't try to eat a fat man with one bite.

Not to mention Huagu, even if he learned Go with a zero foundation——Huagu’s foundation is no better than a zero foundation—faced with the difficult book "Guanzipu", no matter how good his brain is, he may still have a headache If you want to split, even if you calculate the correct solution, it may not be the optimal solution, or even fall into the trap of seemingly correct solution!
The problem lies in the sense of chess. Professional chess players have already cultivated a perverted version of chess sense and chess pattern experience after a large number of problem training, which far exceeds the total number of games played by amateur chess players. Many similar chess patterns often do not need to be carefully calculated. Once you feel it, you can keenly grasp the key points of the chess pattern and quickly eliminate a large number of wrong choices.

But ordinary amateur chess players can't calculate well, and their sense of chess pales in comparison, so they can only bite the bullet and look down. They don't know if they are going to a dead end, wasting a lot of time.

"Why don't you start with simple Go life-and-death problems first? Step by step to cultivate computing power and chess sense experience, don't worry, that will get twice the result with half the effort."

Giving up so easily is always very unwilling, Huagu looked down at the book in his hand, and stubbornly expressed that he still wanted to persevere.

The sage of Beiyuan didn't persuade him any more, and laughed inwardly. It seemed that the little naughty bastard was determined to show him his clever little brain.

But if you hit the south wall a few times, you will always give up.

Primary school students who have just learned addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division try to solve difficult problems in calculus, no matter how clever the little brain is, it is impossible.

The sage of Beiyuan withdrew his thoughts and thought of the fat rabbit again.

Tonight, classmate Bai has already brought Fat Rabbit home, hoping that the next four days will be fruitful.

At the door of the living room, Tsurumi Chiharu walked in with her mobile phone, with a very surprised expression on her small face.

"The old man who runs the izakaya, I called my grandfather just now and finally found out his identity."

(End of this chapter)

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