Chapter 187 Sending Rabbits

The next day.

Kitahara sage got up early without any problems.

He discovered that on Wednesday, there seemed to be a mysterious power.

Every Wednesday, the night after the game, something happened to him, something happened to them, or something happened together.

Then it affects his wake up time on Thursday morning, and then we oversleep together the next day, and then go to the izakaya alley to climb over the wall together.


"If it's still like this next Thursday, it can only be explained by the gravitational force of fate." The sage Kitahara thought to himself, put on his shoes, put on his schoolbag and left for school.

He first came to the parking car in front of the high-end apartment building, and walked to the door of the white RV.

The car door opened, and it was still the young bodyguard. The young bodyguard held the rabbit cage in his hand and handed it to the Kitahara sage.

In the rabbit cage, the fat rabbit is still sleeping soundly. The difference is that it is wearing a pocket sailor suit on the upper half of its body. On the bow tie of the sailor suit, there is a small black square about 1 inch in size.

Under the sunlight, three colors of red, green and blue shone on the crystal surface of the small black square.

"Bayer filter, there is a photosensitive element inside," the young bodyguard touched his chin and said, "The principle is similar to that of a camera, converting light signals into electrical signals."

Although he speaks fluently, he is only learning and selling.

This thing is a gadget that they outsourced to a powerful geek and spent three days DIY making.

The young bodyguard explained while recalling what the geek said:
"But the volume is too small to install the conversion module, so it can only record electrical signals. In theory, a camera can be connected later, and the professional conversion module in the camera can be used to extract the electrical signals of the internal memory card and then process the imaging."

The sage of Beiyuan looked at the small three-color square, the surface was very smooth, seamless, and the edges and corners were outlined with gilt silver, which looked artistic and fashionable.

If you don't know the truth, you will basically think it is an decoration for clothes.

The young bodyguard continued: "The biggest disadvantage is that this is a disposable item. If you want to extract the electrical signal afterwards, you have to carefully smash it to take out the built-in memory card, and it is limited by the size of the memory card. After 120 hours of continuous recording, there are still a little over 100 hours left, and there is no way to pause."

The sage of Beiyuan nodded, thanked him, and was very satisfied in his heart. If he wanted to do a little bit of tricks, he would not hurt the rabbit, but also ensure the concealment. It was indeed too difficult, so it was already very good.

100 hours, four days left, I hope I can find something useful.

The young bodyguard took out another small object, a USB card reader paired with a micro memory card, and handed it to Kitahara sage.

The Kitahara sage packed it up properly, and instead of going home, he carried the rabbit cage and went straight to school on the way.

On the way, the fat rabbit who was sleeping soundly was shaken awake, and the rabbit's eyes were blankly looking at the bustling street.

The sage of Beiyuan glanced at it, and thought to himself: "It's up to you now, if you can make great contributions, I will cover you in the student union in the future, and you can rub whoever you want."

In the quiet forest in the early morning, the forest is full of chirping birds.

Kitahara sage was carrying the rabbit cage, and the student union office came into view from afar.

In the cage, the fat rabbit crawled around restlessly, the rabbit head looked around.

Very familiar environment.

The fat rabbit seemed to recall something, and the rabbit's face was frightened immediately. It immediately slammed into the rabbit cage fiercely, screaming miserably, desperately trying to escape from the cage.

The sage of Beiyuan looked down, and couldn't help feeling sorry for him.

After all, how much Fat Rabbit had been tortured by Fei Rabbit at Baitong's classmate, to be frightened into such a miserable state.

When he arrived, Classmate Lily was already standing quietly in front of the gray-purple lavender garden, holding a blue watering can in her hand, and was about to water the flowers.

Hearing the sound, Baimu Moyou turned around and looked at the snowball in the rabbit cage.

The fat rabbit, which was struggling violently a second ago, seemed to be dead in an instant, obediently nested in the cage, crawling its head, not daring to move.

"Good morning, Kashiwagi-san." Kitahara Kento stepped forward and handed out the rabbit cage, but Kashiwagi Moyu didn't reach out to take it. She observed Xueqiu's new clothes and the "jewels" on the collar.

Kitahara sage said with a smile: "My sister's work looks okay, shouldn't it be ugly?"

Baimu Moyou didn't comment, and motioned him to put down the rabbit cage with a faint look.

The sage of Beiyuan put the rabbit cage on the small table at the door, and he rushed to see off the guests in a cold tone before Bailian said, "I am on duty today, so I will go back to the classroom first."

"Wait," Baimu Moyou called to stop him, turned around and returned to the office, and after a while, she walked out with a blank sheet of paper in her hand, "This is the club budget for this year's Go Club, you can ask their minister why— —”

Baimu Moyou paused for a while, then suddenly ignored him, looking behind him.

There is no need for Kitahara sage to look back. Apart from the wife in Baitong's mind, who else can attract her full attention.

"Moyou, Kitahara-san, good morning."

Takanashi Xufeng waved hello from a distance full of vitality, and immediately noticed the rabbit cage at the door, Snowball is back!Her eyes lit up, and she ran over.

Takanashi looked happy to welcome him, but the fat rabbit was as frightened as if he had encountered a wolf. The rabbit's eyes were terrified, and he hurriedly hid back.

It hid in the innermost part of the cage, clinging to the cage wall, its semicircular body trembling slightly.

Seeing this, Takanashi Xufeng sighed softly, showing a little depression in his mind.

"Snowball is still avoiding me. Since Xueqiu was cured, she has become like this. What's going on?"

She regained her energy quickly, and waved to the rabbit cage with a smile on her face, "Oh ha, welcome home."

However, the fat rabbit saw Takanashi raising his right hand, and immediately received the familiar command signal—a training from a certain little master.

For a moment, the fat rabbit seemed to be in hesitation. The old master's warning and the young master's training, the little rabbit brain, fell into a dilemma.

For a moment, the fat rabbit slowly sat up, and then imitated the same and raised its right paw.

Seeing this, Takanashi Xufeng Shensi was very surprised, and looked at Xueqiu in surprise.

She didn't let go of her hands, and the fat rabbit also didn't let go of her paws, keeping her paws up.

Baimu Moyou turned to him with questioning eyes: What's going on?

The sage of Beiyuan was silent, this was a little acrobatics taught by Huagu to Louis XVI.

Takanashi Xufeng looked at Snowball who raised his right paw, and then moved to his raised right hand, as if he realized something.

She thought for a while, tentatively, and raised her left hand again.

The fat rabbit quickly followed suit, hastily raised its left paw high, in a gesture of surrender.

Gao Li Xufeng couldn't help laughing, turned his head and asked curiously: "Student Beiyuan, did you teach this?"

Beiyuan Xianren glanced at Fat Rabbit, "My younger sister is more naughty, it's all her training movements, and her clothes are also her little ideas."

Hearing this, Takanashi Xufeng immediately thought of an electron, her expression showed a slight joy, she seemed to have found a way to get back together with Xueqiu!

"Student Beiyuan, how did Haiji teach Snowball?"

The sage of Beiyuan was silent for a while, how did he teach him to use a knife to scare and threaten?
He foolishly said: "Snowball is very smart, it seems that if you show it twice casually, it will learn quickly."

Takanashi Xufeng looked at Xueqiu in surprise, as if he knew it again.

"Did Haiji teach anything else?"

Kitahara sage quickly recalled the training results that Hanagu had shown.

"You put your hands down now."

Takanashi Xufeng nodded, and dropped his left and right hands together.

The fat rabbit reacted immediately. It also lowered its paws, then got down on the ground, and then began to roll back and forth in the rabbit cage.

"That's amazing." Takanashi Xufeng didn't blink her eyes, feeling novel and interesting. After a while, she turned her head and asked with great interest, "Are there any other students from Beiyuan?"

"You try to make a fist with the five fingers of your right hand again."

Gaoli Xufeng nodded, and made a move. The fat rabbit hurriedly stopped rolling, sat up immediately, raised its furry right paw, and swayed it up and down like a beckoning cat.

A rabbit actually imitated the beckoning cat to welcome guests, and imitated it in a good way. Takanashi Xufeng couldn't help but chuckled, looking forward to and raising interest in his heart.

Even the loss that Xueqiu felt before because she was afraid of her has washed away a lot at this moment.

Could this method be used to bridge the strange gap between her and Snowball?
After that, I have to ask Shimo Kitahara and Kaiji for advice, and try to learn that method!

"Is Bei Yuan still alive?!"

Kitahara sage nodded slightly. Next, he instructed Takanashi Xufeng to do actions, and let the fat rabbit show the movements of waving the white flag, jumping high on the spot, circling on the spot, etc., which made Takanashi smile and be full of interest.

Baimu Moyou watched from the side feeling annoyed and worried. She had asked Xu Feng before, what she thought of the sage of Beiyuan.

The answer is no feeling,
But right now, don't let Xu Feng become interested in that annoying guy just because of a rabbit!

She finally couldn't bear it anymore, suppressed her tone, and said lightly: "Student Beiyuan, did you forget to be on duty?"

(End of this chapter)

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