Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 199 I'm just looking for a mobile phone charger

Chapter 199 I'm just looking for a mobile phone charger
When night comes, the four corners of the antique tea room, oil paper lanterns cast a soft halo of yellow light around, the light source is not bright, but visually it makes people feel warm, and the soul can't help but become a little quieter.

Maybe it can be regarded as the first day of the team building trip. They are in high spirits at the moment—except for the unshakable classmate Lily—six girls sit next to each other in a circle, talking and laughing, and the long table in the middle is full of delicacies.

The Kitahara sage had already filled his stomach and sat aside by himself.

He is a big man, chatting among a bunch of girls, what does he look like.

There are insects chirping in the half-lit garden, and the blue-gray stone lamps are slightly shining.

The sage of Beiyuan witnessed the quiet garden playing at night for a while, and took out his mobile phone in a bored state of mind, thinking about playing chess for a while.

His Wild Fox account was still only able to select the highest 3-dan at the beginning, which was seriously not in line with his real chess ability, and it was also very eye-catching. He wanted to take the time to play 9-dan.

Always play chess with the stinky chess basket, abuse the vegetables every day, sooner or later it will affect yourself, find more masters to strengthen each other, so that you can improve your chess quickly.

But if you want to compete against many professional masters for free on the online chess platform, without a 9th-dan title, without a name, anyone who wastes time with you will think it is a waste of time.

Online chess rank ≠ amateur rank ≠ professional rank, stable net chess 9th rank ≈ amateur 6th rank ≈ newly promoted professional rank.

After a crisp 15 minutes, a hearty dragon slaying victory.

Kitahara sage checked the promotion rules, and frowned slightly. He had to win at least 53 games in a row before he could be promoted to 9th dan. If it takes at least 15 minutes for a game of chess, it would be a waste of time.

On the other side, everyone is exchanging interesting things about the school and the class.

When it was Kuriyama's turn, Kuriyama Mizuho pondered for a long time. She couldn't think of anything interesting, so she had to talk about the beginning of the spring semester. There was a mysterious junior who was taken to the back of the gym five days a week to confess his love, which caused quite a stir. .

"I've also heard several times that the miraculous junior that Kuriyama-senpai is talking about seems to be Kitahara-san." Takanashi Xufeng turned sideways curiously and looked at Kitahara-sensei, "North-student Kitahara, those rumors Is it all true?"

Kitahara sage was staring at the phone with frowned eyes, with a distressed expression on his face. Seeing this, Gao Lixu asked in a guessing tone: "Beiyuan classmate, did something happen at home?"

"No," Kitahara sage turned his head to look, "Does the wild fox have a way to get promoted quickly?"

Baimu Moyou took the first step, and replied in a light tone: "Professional ranking, or standing out in a national Go competition, you should be able to go straight to the 9th rank, and you can also get an exclusive mark. Gold and silver crowns are displayed after the name, etc. Gold crown A world champion, a silver crown a national champion."

She didn't want that annoying guy to talk to Xu Feng too much.

The Kitahara sage nodded in understanding, and continued to ask: "Is there a faster and easier way?"

Kashiwagi Moyou gestured to the laptop on the table, "The computer can open five rooms in a row to play chess."

Open five rooms at a time, play five games of chess at the same time, three rounds plus one game of chess can be promoted to two stages in a row, but the premise is to win all. Beiyuan Xianren quickly calculated it in his mind, thanked him, and got up to get it. computer.

If you play fast enough, you will be done within an hour and a half. If you work harder, you will be able to rise to 9 ranks tonight!Maybe in a few days, he will be able to compete with second-line professional chess players.

Turn on the laptop, download the PC platform, Kitahara Kento log into his account, click the mouse to automatically search for games, and play five games in a row.

The five-tone female version of "The Game Begins" sounded one after another, the voice was a bit loud, and it was clearly heard in the antique tea room.

Kagawa Ningning poked her head out of curiosity with a small face, and looked over at the sound.

"Is Senior Beiyuan playing Go? Siguo. I don't even understand shogi."

Kitahara sage responded hastily, and quickly moved the mouse to make a move. He just discovered that because he is not familiar with the platform operation, there is a problem with the game setting. He has made all five games of blazing fast chess with a retention time of 5 minutes and 15 seconds per move. !
All of a sudden, the laptop speakers continuously sounded the crackling sound effect, and this laptop is a computer specially used for composing music, so the sound is not low, which is really a bit noisy.

They cast their gazes one after another, and the sage of Beiyuan hurriedly said, "Someone turn down your voice, I'm too busy."

Kagawa Ningning quickly got up and trot forward.

She stretched out her little hand, pressed the mute key on the keyboard, then raised her head, looking curiously at the screen.

In the interface of the five Go games, when the small page of which room lights up, Senior Beiyuan immediately moves the mouse and clicks in. He just glances at the opponent's moves, then taps the chess pieces in seconds, and then quickly clicks into the next game that lights up Room, continue to shoot chess pieces in seconds, sometimes two or three rooms light up at the same time, before Kagawa Ningning has time to see the situation clearly, Senior Kitahara has already placed the chess pieces quickly, and then quickly switched to the next room, the mouse never stopped.

Kagawa Ningning stared at the screen intently. Although she couldn't understand it at all, she looked amazing.

Tsurumi Chiharu took a look, got up, waved a black and white landscape painting paper fan with one hand in an elegant manner, and put the other hand behind his back, and walked slowly to Kitahara sage.

She looked down at the constantly switching screens, then at the sage Beiyuan who couldn't rest for a second, "Are you challenging yourself?"

Although Kitahara sage was busy with his hands, his mind was still relaxed, and he replied briefly: "This is the first time I use the computer, I am not familiar with the game settings, and I made a mistake about the time."

Soon, Otsurumi and Li Shante came to watch curiously, gathered together to watch Kitahara Kento's blitz 1V5.

Takanashi Xufeng stood up and looked over there, still unable to hold back his strong curiosity, he stood up on the ground to see what happened.

Baimu Moyou was originally sitting quietly, but after Xu Feng got up, she hesitated for a while.

There is a chess board in her suitcase, specially for Xu Feng. In their free time, they can play chess together quietly like they did when they were children.

Baimu Moyou thought for a while, and now is the time, so she got up and walked towards her suitcase.

The sage of Beiyuan took a few moves of chess in seconds, and suddenly felt that the surrounding light was dimmed. He turned his head and saw that they were gathered together one by one, and gathered around to watch.

Kagawa Ning Ning squatted beside her, her small face was unclear, "Senior Beiyuan must be a master of Go."

The sage of Beiyuan quickly switched the interface, moved the mouse quickly, and explained casually: "It's okay, I think these people play chess, and they don't even understand the theory of chess. It's completely reckless chess. Tatakali-san, you can play five at the same time for the 3rd stage of this level."

Takanashi Xufeng thought about it carefully, and said with uncertainty: "15 seconds is too fast. If it is a slow game, it should be able to do it, but after playing the game, you will definitely be so tired that you want to sleep."

Baimu Moyou squatted down, opened the suitcase, turned his head and asked in harmony, "Xufeng, do you remember this thing?"

Takanashi Xufeng was watching it with great interest, and happened to ask at the same time: "Hey, Beiyuan-san, I didn't quite understand the move of Chao Dafei just now. Is there any intention behind it?"

Kitahara sage explained casually: "There is a sign in the partial change, but it can't be seen until the follow-up No. 14 move. I was the quotation. It's a pity that he didn't count it. I think it will be miserable later."

Takanashi Xufeng immediately asked: "What about the breaking just now?"

"It's a one-step deception. The opponent's calculation power is not good enough, and he is seriously deceived."

Takanashi Xufeng thought for a while, and continued to ask: "Student Beiyuan, the chess shape in this corner is so strange, how did you play it?"

"The deceitful move of the demon sword is a very old formula. I guess the opponent doesn't understand it. The stereotype really suffered a big loss."

However, the next move after switching rooms, Kitahara Kento's black chess, suddenly strangely clicked on the bottom path of the chessboard during the layout stage.

Xufeng Gaoli carefully calculated for a while, then she turned her head and asked in amazement: "Then what about this step, why did you fall on the way? Is it possible that Beiyuan student is hiding something clever?"

The Kitahara sage was silent for a while, "...I slipped the mark."

"But it's not a big problem, it's just letting him play chess."

"So it's slipping like this." Gao Li Xufeng couldn't help covering his mouth with a smile, and suddenly remembered, did she hear Moyou's voice just now?Moyou seems to be calling her?

She quickly turned her head to look, stood on tiptoe, and looked over Kuriyama-senpai's shoulder.

"Moyou, were you calling me just now?" Gaoli Xufeng paused, she thought for a moment, then smiled and said, "Did you secretly pack some surprise in the suitcase?"

Kashiwagi Moyou was silent for a while, she lowered her head, slowly closed the suitcase with both hands, and sewed on the zipper.

"No, I'm just looking for a phone charger."

(End of this chapter)

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