Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 198 The first day in Kyoto

Chapter 198 The first day in Kyoto

Fast forward to Saturday.

At the entrance of the densely populated Tokyo Station, a red car slowly stopped by the side of the road.

Kitahara Kento put a mask on himself first, opened the passenger door, and went to get the suitcase in the rear compartment.

Huajiang Qinyin pressed the car control button with her index finger, and the black car glass quickly fell down. She took off her sunglasses, poked her head out and asked, "Xiaoxian, are you sure you don't want me to drive you to Kyoto?"

Kento Kitahara took out his suitcase and closed the car door, "It takes two hours to get to Kyoto by Shinkansen, but it takes six hours to drive. Why should I suffer that? Go home and rest, and don't forget to take care of the rabbit."

With a small hand on the car window, Huagu waved at him, "Onisang, see you in 20 days."

Kento Kitahara looked back at his daughter, waved his hand, and walked into the noisy entrance of Tokyo Station with his suitcase.

Huajiang Qinyin watched Beiyuan sage disappear. She turned her head and asked with a smile, "Haiji, where do you want to go in the next 20 days? Let's go on a trip too? Or what?"

Huagu tore open the packaging of the matcha-flavored ice cream, thought for a while and said, "Miss Qinyin has already planned. Recently, I have been looking for sister Yugong, and I actually want to take Haiji to find her."

"It's so smart," Hua Jiang Qinyin snapped her fingers and started the car, "Go, sister will take you to find your sister Yugong, we will go to her house to play for a few days."

Two and a half hours later.

Accompanied by a crisp bell and music, a female voice came out from the train's horn: "Hello, respected passengers, thank you for taking the Shinkansen train. The station ahead of the train is Kyoto Station."

Kitahara Kento, who was looking out the window, gradually withdrew his thoughts. He got up, took his suitcase, and lined up towards the train exit.

Only he acted alone, taking the Shinkansen to Kyoto alone.

The main reason was that he was too eye-catching when flying with them. After all, he could no longer wear a mask when going through the security check, and if he was on the same flight, if he was photographed by passers-by, he would easily be spotted by someone with a heart.

Leave the bustling Kyoto Station exit and embark on the road of a strange city.

Kento Kitahara took out his mobile phone and looked down at the pictures in the band discussion group. He looked around at the license plate numbers of the nearby vehicles, and soon saw the special car that picked him up in the parking lot.

The driver who picked him up was Assistant Fukada. Assistant Fukada helped him put the suitcase. After closing the car door, she turned around and asked:

"Miss Tsurumi and the others have already arrived at the concert site, Kitahara-san, should you meet them first, or go directly to the hotel and get familiar with the concert site tomorrow?"

Kitahara sage lowered the car window slightly, leaving a gap, fastened his seat belt and said, "I'll go tomorrow. I'm a little tired. Let's go to the hotel to rest first."


On the way, the Kitahara sage was bored and swiped his phone, looking at the recent hot news.

Unsurprisingly, they are the most discussed news: Gravity of Destiny has reached social welfare cooperation with 21 special schools, and all ticket sales from the nine charity concerts will be donated to schools for disabled children afterwards.

Once this incident was announced, it quickly caused an uproar on the Internet, and with the help of the team behind the scenes, the popularity has remained high for several days.

Before the concert even started, the reputation of Gravity of Destiny was already rising steadily, and the band's attention, which had been stagnant for a long time, ushered in another small explosion.

The second hottest event is also related to them - the gravity of fate and crabapple fruit - now who can't see clearly, the final battle of "Band of Tomorrow" will definitely be these two old enemies.

The sage of Beiyuan took a cursory look, the final was still early, and the supporters on both sides had already entered a fierce battle, praising each other and belittling each other, yin and yang were strange, and they were fighting with each other.

The scene outside the car window was passing by one after another. Gradually, there were fewer and fewer high-rise buildings around, and fewer pedestrians, as if gradually moving away from the bustling area.

After driving into a beautiful alley, the quiet and peaceful old alley came into view after a while.

The sage of Beiyuan asked in surprise: "Where is this going? Who opened the hotel in such a place."

Fukada's assistant controlled the car to slow down slowly, stopped and explained: "Miss Tsurumi considered that the hotel is crowded with people and is easy to be robbed, and it is inconvenient for Kitahara to live, so she booked a quiet teahouse as a temporary residence. The place is quiet."

"Student Kitahara, have you ever heard of Saryao Baoquan? The most famous refreshment shop in Japan, a century-old shop, ranks among the top 3 dessert shops in the country all the year round, and the garden inside the shop is also very beautiful."

After the car pulled over and stopped, Assistant Fukada took out a simple mask from his bag and handed it to Kento Kitahara.

Kento Kitahara put on a simple mask, opened the door and got out of the car, and a Japanese-style town house came into view.

The elegant and elegant wooden fence with annual ring pattern is covered with bright black wide and thick eaves tiles. Three pieces of indigo linen curtains are hung on the eaves of the welcoming door. Standing at the main entrance, it seems that you can feel the historical era head-on. feel.

"Student Beiyuan, let's go in."

Kitahara sage nodded slightly, and put on the suitcase.

The door curtain was opened, and the deep black stone road led to the front hall. Assistant Fukada went to the front desk to register, and Kitahara Kento went one step ahead.

Walk along the road composed of cobblestones, round black stones and bluestone slabs, with green mossy ground on both sides, clear ponds and ditches beside the wall, white stone lamps beside the road, and several large welcoming pine trees in the courtyard. There are also a lot of green vegetation without a sense of crowded view, no flowers, standard Japanese garden design.

The winding path leads to a secluded place, and the meditation room is full of flowers and trees. Walking in the garden with colorful lights and shadows, it seems that no matter how impetuous you are, you will be healed and obedient.

Turning the corner, the vision suddenly opens up, and in front of it is an antique and spacious tea room, all the objects are made of wood and bamboo.

Assistant Fukada followed up and reminded: "Student Beiyuan, you can take off your mask now. There will be no outsiders here for the next week. I will be the boss and take care of your daily life."

The Kitahara sage nodded, and went to put away his belongings first.

He came to the promenade of the tea room, opened the wooden floor-to-ceiling windows, rolled up the bamboo curtains, sat down slowly, and poured himself a cup of emerald green tea. The Kitahara sage glanced at the courtyard, enjoying the garden scenery leisurely.

Today is a cloudy day, and the dark sky adds a deep filter to the summer green courtyard scene. Being in a quiet summer garden, there are no modern buildings around, and there is no noise and noise, which makes him feel a sense of seclusion illusion.

When I have money in the future, I must take Huagu to buy a piece of land far away from the metropolis, decorate it in a quiet garden style, and enjoy the sunset, rain and snow all year round. The sage of Kitahara made a silent plan in his heart.

The tea cup was filled with water three times, and when the teapot was picked up for the fourth time, another person walked in from the entrance of the garden.

Gaoli Xufeng turned around and walked into the garden looking left and right. She squatted down for a while, and poked her index finger on the moist ground with green moss, and then approached the blue-gray stone lamp, looking curiously to see if there was a light bulb hidden inside. Then he ran to the wooden fence and looked down to see if there were any goldfish in the ditch.

Noticing that the Kitahara sage was sitting there, she straightened up and said in a rather embarrassed tone: "It's a very novel feeling when I enter the teahouse for the first time."

At the entrance of the garden, Kashiwagi Moyu came one after another. She didn't pay much attention to the beautiful garden like Takanashi. When she entered, she first focused on Takanashi Xufeng, and then glanced at Beiyuan who was sitting over there from the corner of her eye. Sage, did not say hello.

Gaoli Xufeng turned around and looked around the garden. She thought for a while, then turned her head and said, "Moyou, the ancient style of architecture is great. It's like living in seclusion in the world. I suddenly want to decorate my future home like this."

 The band competition volume is nearing the end, write to the end of a volume, compare Calvin.

  I don’t know if readers have noticed that there have always been three parallel lines before: the competition line, the cypress line, and the Go line.

  According to the original outline, it should be in order, but there is no way, because I was a little negligent at the beginning. There are several rounds of band competitions, and the time period will be very long. However, these three things must be completed before the summer vacation, so I can only bite the bullet and find a way to write three lines into one line, which disrupts the original plan, and the result is that the content becomes bloated.

  According to the normal process, the band competition volume would have ended long ago, but now there is only the competition line left. After the author re-finds the feeling, the code word will be fast.

  PS: Readers looking forward to the Takanashi Line, don’t worry, the Go line is actually the starting line of the Takanashi Line.

(End of this chapter)

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