Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 201 Overdraft the brain and fall into a coma

Chapter 201 Overdraft the brain and fall into a coma
11:32 late at night.

Gradually getting sleepy, Huajiang Qinyin turned off the TV with the remote control, she stretched lazily, and was about to go back to the room to rest, when the door of Amamiya Masahiro's room suddenly opened again.

At the door, Huagu turned to look at Sister Qinyin with a smile on her face.

She got into sister Yugong's bed just now and found out that she was not sleeping at all, secretly curled up in the blanket, holding her mobile phone, secretly texting someone.

She clung tightly to Sister Yugong's long legs and did not let go, acting coquettishly and cutely, but she was ruthlessly kicked out.

Amamiya Masahira followed closely, she held her mobile phone, her eyebrows were slightly worried, she turned to Huajiang Qinyin and said, "Hey, call that big bastard now."

Huagu's small face raised her head curiously, so sister Yugong was sending a text message to her father?
Huajiang Qinyin immediately understood the meaning behind the words.
Tonight, Xiaoxian did not send a text message to Yazheng, reporting her day's itinerary.

Ya Hiiragi has such a dishonest character, since she has the cheek to say it, she asked me to call Xiaoxian, which means that she has probably called Xiaoxian once, but Xiaoxian didn't answer her call, so it is even more impossible for me, right? Qin Yin hurriedly picked up the phone, while quickly organizing soothing words in her heart to prevent the small house girl from thinking wildly.

"Maybe he forgot, it's not early now, Xiaoxian must have fallen asleep, maybe early tomorrow morning"

Hua Gu glanced to the left and looked again, her little brain was working very fast, and she quickly guessed the truth.

During the period when Dad is traveling, he has to send text messages to Sister Yugong every day to report?But dad didn't send it tonight?

No wonder Sister Yugong's complexion is not right. Dad traveled overnight with six girls. Could it be that Huagu's heart suddenly cheered up.

Am I going to have a brother or sister?
Is this how Huagu came here?

Could it be that Huagu is actually 12 years old, not ten years old! ?

The communication beeped more than twenty times in a row, but no one answered.

Huajiang Qinyin turned to look at Huagu, "Haiji, call him again."

Twenty seconds later, there was still no answer.

At this moment, Huagu couldn't help becoming worried. Even if her father is facing the temptation of puberty at the moment and is still in progress, as long as she calls suddenly, no matter what he is busy with, his father will answer it.

And after calling so many times, even if he fell asleep, he should be woken up now. Could it be that something really happened to Dad?

Huagu suddenly thought of something, and was startled, the third thing that will happen in the future - father was accidentally injured and hospitalized!
Haiji's complexion was gradually getting worse, Hua Jiang Qinyin quickly spoke to comfort him:

"It may be that the phone is muted. Don't think about it. If something happens, the people around Xiaoxian will definitely contact me as soon as possible."

"And even if there is an accident, the big capital behind their band is not simple. How could a month-long travel plan not be equipped with a security team and a medical team. So, Xiaoxian's phone is muted or has no battery. "

Amamiya Masahira deeply frowned her slender eyebrows. After a while, she looked up at the clock in a restless mood, then picked up her mobile phone and made another call.

When beep beep No. 17, the communication was suddenly connected.

Amamiya Masahira breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately became nervous again.

She quickly adjusted her mood, and asked in a very bad tone: "Hey, big bastard, why didn't you answer the phone just now? Did you send the text message I asked you to send tonight? Since you dare to miss the appointment, from now on, congratulations You, just obediently act as a servant from now on. Tell me, what the hell were you doing just now?"

However, a lukewarm female voice came from the speaker of the mobile phone.

"Student Yugong, you asked the wrong person."

It's a woman. Masahiro Amamiya froze slightly, and her ears instantly recognized that the owner of the voice was the golden-haired girl who likes to meddle in other people's business.

Amamiya Masahira's tone suddenly became cold, and she asked coldly, "Why are you answering the phone?"

The other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then there was the sound of turning on the light, and after a while, Kashiwagi Moyu on the other end of the phone said in a light tone:
"He was probably in a coma and didn't wake up. I don't know the details, but at least he's not dead and breathing."

Kyoto, Saryo Hosen.

Eight thirty at night.

In an antique tea room, a line of "Congratulations on promotion" appeared on the laptop screen.

Kitahara Kento breathed a sigh of relief, 38 games of abuse, 38 consecutive victories, his net chess rank has finally reached the 8th rank.

Behind him, they were gathering together—except for classmate Bai—watching him play chess in a circle.

Since the last time, he staged a 1V5 chess game, and his daily chess playing time has dramatically evolved into their daily repertoire.

The Beiyuan sages can't do anything about it. The location of Baoquan in the teahouse is relatively remote, quiet and dark, and there are no entertainment facilities around. When they go shopping, they think it's too troublesome to be approached by passers-by, and they are bored left and right, so they naturally developed into this situation.

Tsurumi Chiharu sat cross-legged on the ground, gently shaking her small fan, watching other people cruelly killing each other with relish, she suggested: "How many more games in 8th stage?"

Gao Li Xufeng was standing beside him watching chess, she turned to look at the Kitahara sage, and said: "Today, we have been volunteering at the school for the deaf and mute, Kitahara is already very tired, why don't you take a rest?" meeting?"

The sage of Beiyuan glanced at the time bar. It's still early, and it doesn't matter if there is another round. Although he is indeed a little tired after working as a volunteer for a day, it is not a problem.

Anyway, it was a game of abuse, he didn't even need to use calculations, he just relied on his sense of chess, he just walked and played chess casually, and won without clicking the mouse a few times.

The so-called sense of chess can be regarded as: chess playing realm + chess experience.

Go masters often do not need to calculate carefully when encountering most common chess patterns.

They just glanced at it, relying on the terrifying amount of questions they have been doing for more than ten years, day and night since primary school chess, accumulated rich to terrifying experience in chess patterns, and then cultivated a super keen sense of chess patterns , the follow-up trend map of local changes will soon emerge in my mind.

In this regard, even if amateur chess players calculate very, very hard, it is very difficult to compare.

Kitahara sage thought about it for a while.

The 8th-dan opponent is not weak anymore. This is the highest ceiling that most Go fans can reach. He decided to respect the opponent's strength, let alone 1V5, 1V4 is fine.

Click the mouse to automatically search for matches. Because the record is 38 consecutive victories, it is difficult to find an opponent. The opponent often leaves the room as soon as they see his record. He matched more than a dozen times before finally catching four lucky netizens. .

At the beginning of the game, in the layout stage, the golden corner and the silver border are grassy belly. As soon as the opponent comes up, he will point to his star position three-three and snatch his corner.

Playing chess very frequently recently, Kitahara sage is also roughly familiar with today's Go layout theory.

The method of point three three, when he was learning chess, if he dared to use this move in the layout stage, his father would definitely reprimand him severely.

In the past Go theory, the opponent firmly sealed the corner in the layout stage, allowing the opponent to easily form an iron wall and thick force, without even thinking about it, a big loss!

But according to the current AI Go theory, it is no problem to start with a three-three point, because in the eyes of the mighty AI, getting an iron wall is not a big deal!It's a lone chess game!

The sage of Beiyuan really couldn't figure it out. In this picture, the white chess is firmly sealed in the prison, and the black chess has a strong iron wall and great potential. It is obvious that black is better, how can it be roughly two points. `
He believes that when the super-class chess players painstakingly learned the layout concept of AI, they must have been scratching their heads and scratching their heads, confused, and their view of Go has been subverted!

The 8th dan is a watershed, and opponents are no longer as easy to bully as the lower dans.

Moreover, he is not yet familiar with the current layout theory. According to Takanashi-san, to put it euphemistically: "Beiyuan-san, in fact, in the current layout stage, the opponent is a little better than you."

However, it doesn't matter if the layout is behind. In the mid-game battle, he exerts a little bit of powerful calculation combat power, and often after one or two local fierce battles, he can brutally subdue the opponent and determine the victory.

After a while, the four lucky netizens happily clicked to admit defeat.

Kitahara Kento took a sip of water from his cup, and looked back at them, "Today's performance is over, it's over, it's over, you have to catch a plane to Osaka tomorrow morning, you should rest early."

Kagawa Ningning's small face showed a look of admiration and said: "Senior Beiyuan is so powerful, the 8th dan should not be weak, right? Senior Beiyuan won by crushing."

Takanashi Xufeng picked up his coat, turned his head and said with a smile, "Beiyuan-student, I wish you a big championship in the Go tournament afterward. You must be fine with your chess skills."

On the other side, Baimu Moyou looked down and swiped her phone alone. She glanced at it lightly, feeling really depressed.

She took the chessboard for nothing, and wanted to relive her childhood with Xu Feng and play chess together again in her spare time, but she didn't expect that annoying guy's chess skills to be so powerful.

If she took out the chessboard, maybe Xu Fengxing would invite that annoying guy to play chess together.

She never wanted that precious chessboard that carried childhood memories to be stained by that annoying guy's hands!
Everyone dispersed one after another and returned to their respective rooms.

When the Beiyuan sage returned to his room, his footsteps stopped.

It's not too late now, and I've heard Takanashi say many times, how powerful the current AI is, how it completely abuses the current world champion, he hasn't been able to understand it yet.

Kitahara Kento went back to get his computer, and when he returned to his room, he ran into Tsurumi Chinatsu by accident.

He walked into the room with the notebook in his arms, and said angrily, "Why are you in my room?"

Tsurumi Qianxia was wearing a white bathrobe, lying leisurely on his side on the tatami, with her left hand resting on her slender jade leg, she smiled and said, "How about teaching me how to play chess, are you free tonight?"

Kitahara Kento glanced at her, put down the computer, walked over, reached out and grabbed her wrist, pulled Tsurumi Chinatsu up, and gently pushed her out the door.

"I don't have time. Go back to your room. Don't come around in the middle of the night. It will be bad for people to see."

"Ah, you touched my braces, what's the hurry?"

The Kitahara sage drove away the goblin with a dark face. He turned off the lights, turned on his laptop, and downloaded a free Go AI.

Looking at the introduction of this AI, it is quite powerful. Although it is free, it is the strongest AI under the same configuration.

Looking at the installation progress bar that is about to reach the top, Kitahara sage is already gearing up.

Of all the opponents he has encountered recently, none of them can force him to fully fire.

He also wanted to test very much, what is the upper limit of his current computing power.

By the way, experience personally how miraculous the AI ​​that has beaten all the world champions is.

I heard that with the help of AI, the overall chess strength of modern chess players has increased by nearly one eye (about seven eyes)!
You must know that the top professional chess players are actually very close to each other in chess strength, and the gap is very small, almost only a little bit of winning mentality.

As long as the two sides do not make mistakes, each play their best, and persist until the final stage, half-eye wins and losses are very common, two-eye wins are considered big wins, and if they win the other side by one eye, the loser can be ashamed to grandma's house.

After the download was complete, Kento Kitahara followed the instructions and selected the AI ​​configuration weights. The laptop used for this composition had a very high configuration, with a 2060 graphics card. He directly set up the best AI weights.

Erlianxing vs. Erlianxing, as expected, the AI ​​came up with no artistic sense of pointing at him.

After a few hands, the layout was over, and the sage of Beiyuan tried his best, and immediately began to exert his strength to provoke the flames of war.

After a series of thrilling battles in which killer moves were hidden step by step, Kitahara sage made a quick judgment on the situation.

That's it?

In the local battle just now, he didn't suffer at all. He didn't even use the super computing power that had been dusty for a long time.

It was a little bit different than expected, he overestimated AI.

The Kitahara sage judged the situation again, no one suffered a loss after a small change, and the situation was divided into two points.

He couldn't help feeling a little suspicious in his heart, whether the AI ​​was a bit exaggerated.

At this level, let alone a world champion, even an ordinary professional chess player's computing power can still compete with AI in local battles during the layout stage.

The Kitahara sage did not take it lightly, and continued to play chess with a cautious mind. After a few moves, he keenly grasped a breakpoint in AI's chess pattern, and used the long-lost super computing power to quickly calculate whether he could break through the battle.

One by one, the subsequent changes quickly unfolded in his mind. He stared at the screen tightly. After 5 minutes, he blatantly broke the AI's black chess!
Totally battleable!

The AI ​​was also fearless, and if the two sides failed to negotiate, a brutal fight immediately ensued.

The crackling sounds sounded one after another, and the sage of Beiyuan became more and more concentrated, and his fighting spirit became more and more high.

He slowly squeezed the mouse with five fingers, and his eyes were fixed on the two big black and white dragons entangled close to each other on the chessboard. The change of the big fight was very complicated!

All the changes in the local fight came to mind one by one, and after 5 minutes, he had already calculated all the branches of the fight, and he was familiar with it.

His white piece is going to go fast!There is a change in black chess, but this calamity is too big, there is not such a big robbery for black on the chessboard!

The sage of Beiyuan showed a slight smile, and immediately pressed the left mouse button to start fighting with his breath.

However, the AI ​​didn't seem to have foreseen its own dead end, as if it had given up on the dragon worth nearly [-] yuan, and cooperated with the white chess very much to recover its energy.

Of course, the sage of Beiyuan shouldn't be robbed, and he happily accepts a big dragon of black chess.

After the smoke subsided, the Kitahara sage roughly judged the situation. With so many black dragons dying, he seemed to have won. Why didn't the AI ​​admit defeat.

The AI ​​has a winning percentage to judge, so he clicked on the winning percentage of both sides. Seeing it, he was stunned on the spot.

Black's winning rate is 83.5%.

White's winning rate is 16.5%.

The Kitahara sage was stunned for a moment in disbelief, and his operation was as fierce as a tiger. He saw that the winning rate was 16.5?
This AI is out of BUG, ​​right?

The sage of Beiyuan carefully judged the situation. White went through the robbery to swallow a big dragon from black, but because it failed to respond to the robbery, it chose to take the big dragon. Already iron thick.

The sage of Beiyuan frowned slowly, the black piece was empty, although it looked very fat, but the white piece could still compress the power of the black piece.

Could it be that the AI ​​judged that even if he tried his best, he would not be able to break many holes in the black chess, so it gave him a 16.5% winning rate?
The sage of Beiyuan gradually frowned deeper.

He first clicked through the headlines to count how much territory both sides have, and then carefully calculated how to break the black chess to the greatest extent.

A picture of changes comes to mind.

After 2 minutes. After 5 minutes. Gradually, the brain seemed to send a signal of fatigue, and the drowsiness was like a rising tide, slapping his synapses wave after wave.

After 10 minutes, dense beads of sweat gradually appeared on the forehead of the Kitahara sage, and his breathing became disordered.

All kinds of transformation diagrams appeared in front of him one after another, but it seemed that it was still difficult for him to find even a barely satisfactory transformation diagram!
White's airborne entry point, approaching all the way, is dangerous!Going all the way, the number of eyes is not enough!

The strategic idea realized by black chess by abandoning the big dragon, if you use Nie Qisheng's catchphrase: the emperor's mother, the queen mother (thick)!

It seems that the black dragon just now ate a bit recklessly.

But in a short period of time, it was not easy to figure out the local complex duels and various branches of changes. Who can count the follow-up changes of how white breaks through the black space after more than [-] moves!This is beyond the scope of human Go!

The sage of Beiyuan really didn't believe it at the moment. How could he still lose if he ate a dragon worth nearly forty eyes? !

He took a deep breath, always feeling inexplicable and unwilling, so he squeezed his computing power again, his brain was running at high speed, trying to find a key to breaking the game.

A 16.5% winning rate does not mean hopelessness, if you can find the hand of God, the situation is still possible!
The sound of clicking the mouse and the sound of dropping the mouse sounded at the same time. With difficulty, he saw a picture of escaping through the air, it should be possible!

However, the next move, black's flamboyant move, was completely beyond his expectations, and actually hit the breaking point of white's external momentum.

The sage of Beiyuan was slightly startled, and immediately saw through the AI's intentions.

Black starts at point three and three, and white forms an iron wall. It was originally an iron wall, but Go is balanced. Now that black has become thicker, white has become relatively thinner. Originally, white's iron The situation outside the wall can only be regarded as not dangerous at present.

Of course, if black wants to tear white's strength, it is difficult to kill, but this is a slap in the face, and it is also a entanglement attack, threatening white's strength, and at the same time pinching a piece that white has scored from a distance.

The two sides were seriously threatened at the same time, and Kitahara Xianren suddenly felt troubled, and finally realized why he only had a 16.5% winning rate.

It is really difficult to deal with, how to properly deal with the two attacked pieces without compromising the purpose, and it is best to grab the first move to end.

He had no choice but to pull himself together and carry out a large number of calculations again, seeking the best change of divide and conquer.

At this time, there was the sound of the door opening outside the corridor. From the location, it seemed to be Kashiwagi's room, and then there was the sound of footsteps.

The sage of Beiyuan didn't care about where she wanted to go, and devoted himself to the mysterious world of the chessboard, trying his best to calculate the key to breaking the game, trying to find the hand of the legendary god to break the game.

Another 5 minutes of exhausting effort passed, and slowly, the sleepiness became more and more intense.

It seems that the brain is overused, and it is no longer simply sleepiness, but the brain is tingling slightly, and the pain is getting more and more painful.

In a trance, he suddenly realized that he couldn't hold on any longer, he had to go to sleep!
The sage of Beiyuan put his hands on the table, lowered his head, and slowly got up, his arms were trembling faintly.

"What's going on, it's just a little more calculation, this is too exaggerated."

The vision in front of him was shaking like a double image when he was drunk. This was by no means pure sleepiness and tiredness.

The Kitahara sage used to not quite understand a famous blood-spitting game in history, why Chixing Inche played Go and was able to vomit blood profusely, and died shortly thereafter, but at this moment, he seemed to have experienced similar physical pain.

His head was heavy and painful, and his legs were already useless, as if his heart had been exhausted, and his whole body was weak.

He gritted his teeth and stood up slowly. Could it be that he was doing concerts recently and doing volunteer work again, the calculations just now were too hard and forced, and his body was exhausted?

The sage of Beiyuan braced himself and left the table step by step. However, he had just taken two steps when his eyes suddenly went dark.

In a trance, as if his consciousness had left him, he suddenly lost control of his body, and with a muffled bang, his body straightened and fell to the ground.

At the same time, the sound of footsteps outside and the sound in the room suddenly stopped.

 Abandonment conversion is a very common situation in Go.

  And ai, especially in terms of cold determination and grand ideas related to conversion, crushingly beat human chess players. After all, human chess players always worry about gains and losses in a game, and rarely have that determination.

(End of this chapter)

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