Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 203 Incredibly Annoying Guy

Chapter 203 Incredibly Annoying Guy

The next day.

Early in the morning, they packed up their belongings and headed to Itami International Airport, leaving only the lonely man and widow temporarily resident in Osaka.

Wearing a mask, Beiyuan sage walked them all the way to the gate of the teahouse, watching the commercial vehicle drive away from the old alley.

He retracted his gaze and glanced at Baimu Moyou who was still looking at the entrance of the alley.

The Kitahara sage said politely, "Student Kashiwagi, I have troubled you for the past two days. It is not enough to bother Kashiwagi-san with trivial matters. I will try not to bother you if there is nothing to do."

Baimu Moyou was not polite at all, she didn't answer a word, turned her head and looked at him quietly, turned and left without saying a word.

Beiyuan Xianren didn't care, and followed behind, walking slowly towards the main entrance of the teahouse.

My body is still relatively weak, and there is no problem with daily activities, but after a few steps, I feel tired.

Kitahara sage took out his mobile phone and wrote a text message to his old friend, explaining what happened last night.

After half an hour, Amamiya Masahiro did not reply to his letter. I don't know if she is still asleep or just too lazy to reply after seeing it.

They left, and Fukada's assistant also left. In Baoquan, only him, his classmate Bai, and the necessary security personnel were left in the spacious teahouse Baoquan, not even a chef.

After all, no matter how careful the travel plan is, how can it be so detailed that even the cook is properly prepared, and it is inconvenient to hire outsiders, but I heard from Takanashi-san that Kashiwagi's cooking skills are good, and the cooking is delicious, so the task of the chef will be handed over naturally Lily is in the hands of classmates.

Baimu Moyou returned to his room, and Kitahara sage came to the quaint tea room to drink tea and enjoy the scenery. He took a short rest and was going to the big hospital for a checkup.

Although a well-known expert doctor in China gave him a simple diagnosis last night, there was nothing wrong with it, and the sage of Beiyuan said it was easy, but to be on the safe side, it is a major matter related to his health, so he should seriously do a comprehensive set In order to finally feel at ease.

Kitahara sage put down his teacup, got up, and didn't ask Kashiwagi to go to the hospital with him.

Kashiwagi-san is willing to stay because of Takanashi-san's face. If he really treats her like a little maid, he will eat three meals a day, and he will probably eat malicious baked potatoes.

Anyway, it is enough to be accompanied by plainclothes bodyguards.

And last night, Tsurumi Chiharu beat around the bush and plotted against Kashiwagi Moyu, so she had no choice but to choose to stay. God knows what kind of small calculation she had in her heart, and it looked like she had ulterior motives.

Before leaving, the Kitahara sage touched his pocket and took out a crystal that glowed red, green and blue in the sunlight.

This is the photosensitive element that was tied around Fat Rabbit's neck. It recorded the three-day video of Fat Rabbit's stay at Kashiwagi's house, and Kitahara Kento never had time to check it.

Putting it at home, he is afraid that the little naughty egg will be found out, that little cleverness knows everything, and if it is not complete, it can guess that it is a Bayer filter, and then see through the use. To be on the safe side, Kitahara sage simply kept it close to him. Fortunately, classmate Li didn't find it last night. this gadget.

Putting it back into the pocket and putting it away properly, the Kitahara sage walked away leisurely.

There is no need to go to school, no need to worry about concerts, and it feels so good to fish all the time when I am free.

After a while, at the end of the corridor, Baimu Moyou quietly walked out.

She glanced lightly at the place where the sage of Beiyuan was sitting just now, then walked far away to another small table, sat down, changed a set of tea sets, changed a kettle, and quietly drank tea and watched the scenery.

Although she was very reluctant to stay, but very rarely, Xu Feng rarely asked her to do something seriously, and she couldn't bear to refuse.

It's just two or three days, at most three days alone with that annoying guy. Baimu Moyou comforted himself.

Half an hour passed, and she wanted to play some light music suitable for the scene, but the laptop was still in the annoying guy's room, so she went to get it.

She forgot to turn off the laptop last night, and it was in sleep mode. She first wiped the mouse and keyboard carefully with a tissue, then shook the mouse lightly, and clicked on the desktop.

Immediately, the main AI interface of KataGo lit up on the screen, and it was still the chess game last night.

Kashiwagi Moyu snapped his fingers as he was about to close the page.

Although she is very disgusted in her heart, she is really curious. In today's era, there is no shortage of food and nutrition, and the average life expectancy and physical health of people have been greatly improved. As long as they are healthy, chess players who can make themselves unconscious are basically extinct.

It is undoubtedly a very rare thing for that annoying guy to be able to make himself unconscious by playing chess. If it is spread out, it will definitely be in the newspapers.

She clicked the back arrow at the bottom of the main AI interface to resume the game.

From the Erlianxing to Erlianxing layout from both sides, until the resumption of the game until Kitahara Kento passed out, the last move, Kashiwagi Moyu's calm eyes, gradually set off incredible disturbances, from surprise to shock, she I can't believe the shocking chess game in front of me more and more.

The annoying guy and the AI ​​played chess first, and the winning rate of the first 40 moves was [-]% even though they were not handed over!

This is roughly a two-point, inextricable situation,
At the moment when the white chess blatantly broke through and fought against the AI ​​in a brutal hand-to-hand fight, the winning rate only dropped to 30%. With more than 60 hands, the winning rate only dropped to 16% after the finalization!

Kashiwagi Moyou was in a difficult mood for a long time.

You know, a generation of legendary chess players, who holds 30 world champions and ranks second in the world in the number of champions, Lee Sedol, when he played against AlphaGO in the first game, when the chess game went No. 30, the winning rate had already dropped to 40%. , No.20 hands, the winning rate fell below 10% floating!After fifty hands, the winning rate has dropped below [-]%!

It was the first time that human beings faced the unpredictable and terrifying AI, and came into contact with a brand-new Go concept that was almost unheard of before. It can even be said that in some respects, it was simply a blow to dimensionality reduction.

Later, the Go No.1 at that time and now, the young eight-time champion, played against AlphaGO in the first game. After the hand, the winning rate was also dangerously close to 10%!

And that annoying guy, ignorant of the heights of the heavens and the earth, started a brutal black and white fight with the AI ​​at the beginning, until the No. When it fell to 40%, Kashiwagi Moyou suddenly doubted the authenticity of the chess game in front of him.

And the current level of AI is far beyond the original AlphaGO.

Although KataGo is a free AI, its chess strength is very powerful among the top AIs. Especially in terms of weight algorithm, KataGo is very advanced, even more subtle than the first AI. It is definitely not weak. Watching the unfinished chess game on the screen.

If this game had been played a few years ago and had been fortunate enough to be seen by top professional chess players, it would have caused a huge sensation if it had appeared at the lost moment of human beings when AI had just defeated human beings, and appeared in that dark year of human Go.

Baimu Moyou suddenly vaguely understood the reason for the annoying guy's coma.

She remembered that Kitahara sage's brain was very easy to use, and she had shown it to everyone several times.

She didn't know how inconceivable that kind of miraculous memory and computing power was, but after thinking about it, it was not difficult to guess that if she maintained that super state for a long time, she must be very tired.

Kashiwagi Moyou moved the mouse and clicked on the AI ​​setting option.

On the chessboard of the main interface, several green circles of different shades appeared immediately, and there were numbers in the circles, and the numbers rose rapidly. In just over ten seconds, the total number has exceeded [-].

This is the computing power of AI. In just over ten seconds, multiple change selection points were calculated at the same time, and a total of more than 2 calculations were performed.

Kashiwagi Moyou lightly pressed the space bar with his index finger to stop the AI ​​calculation, and stared quietly at the numbers on the screen.

Trying to defeat the inexhaustible neural network computer with a mortal brain. The Olympic race champion, no matter how fast the starting speed and sprint speed are, how can he run and consume more than a professional formula car? .

But even so, she was shocked in the end.

She knew that the Kitahara sage didn't seem to have seriously practiced chess for many years, and still followed the old set of backward Go concepts.

But that's it, when the decayed "old chess player" faced the ruthless blow of AI's dimensionality reduction, in the cruel frontal battle with bows and muskets, he could still grit his teeth, persisted for nearly fifty moves, and tried his best to support the situation It's hard to separate, it's really incredible.

Baimu Moyou withdrew his divergent thoughts, continued to replay from the beginning, and came to the fierce rush battle again.

She is better at chess than Xu Feng, but she never plays chess with outsiders, and only plays chess with Xu Feng. Xu Feng's grandmother once commented that she is a good amateur fifth-dan.

She was only 13 years old that year. Although she was still not as good as those talented Go players who grew up in elementary school, she was already considered very good among amateurs.

But she still couldn't figure out the complex local changes.

Baimu Moyou stared at the screen, constantly calculating various branch changes in her mind, unknowingly, two hours gradually passed, she still couldn't figure it out clearly, she only felt that every step was dangerous, and a wrong step was stepping into hell.

If this game of chess is compared to the two man-machine games that attracted worldwide attention that year, its quality of content has even surpassed the first game between the [-]th and [-]th champions and AlphaGO.

Kashiwagi Moyu couldn't help thinking inconceivably, could it be that the Go ability of the annoying guy is high enough to be comparable to those two No.1 Go players of different ages in the world?
And he hasn't seriously practiced chess for several years, right?
Baimu Moyou shook his head quickly in his heart, maybe it is possible, but the price
The sound of slow footsteps came faintly from the garden courtyard.

No, Kitahara sage walked slowly into the courtyard and just came back from the hospital.

Baimu Moyou quietly looked up at him, then silently looked away.

The price is a game of chess, almost killing himself.

The Kitahara sage took off his shoes, stepped into the quaint tea room, and glanced at the laptop, seeing that his classmate Bai was actually watching his game last night.

Speaking of this chess game, he was still very depressed. He always felt aggrieved by the loss and was very upset.

It is a bit similar to the shocking and famous game back then, when Luo Xihe, the god pig of the motherland, played against Cui Zhehan, the poisonous snake of South Korea. , forming a great change in the world, and the latter, obviously gladly slaughtered the fifty-eyed dragon of the former!But in the end, he lost the chess in a daze. With this famous game through the ages, the former can be famous in the chess world, while the latter can only be forced to become the background board of the loser. The mood must be at a loss, depressed and aggrieved.

The sage of Beiyuan felt the same way but shook his head helplessly, and said: "I played too badly in this game of chess, and the loss is a bit inexplicable."

Kashiwagi Moyou was silent for a while, and didn't answer, always feeling that the annoying guy was showing off.

"But I finally experienced it. The AI ​​is really powerful, and I didn't feel wronged when I lost. I will study the AI ​​tricks carefully later, and I should be able to learn a lot."

While talking, the Kitahara sage took the teapot and added half a cup of tea to classmate Bai. After a pause, he said euphemistically, "Student Kashiwagi, it's already noon. Are you hungry now?"

Baimu Moyou glanced at the teacup, then at him lightly, got up, and walked towards the back kitchen.

"Wait a minute."

The sage of Beiyuan put down the teapot and responded, "Then I will trouble you."

The lunch problem was successfully resolved. The Kitahara sage sat down, took out his mobile phone, first chatted with the little naughty egg, and then logged on to various online platforms to read today's news.

Tsurumi Chiharu announced his sudden coma last night, telling fans that the masked man might be absent from the following charity concerts, depending on the recovery of the masked man.

But the reason for the pigeons is that they are decorated magnificently, and they cover up their faults. He is obviously tired of playing chess, but he is changed into a masked weirdo. Work hard, push yourself too hard, and finally overwork yourself and make yourself faint.

Kitahara Kento rubbed his chin, Tsurumi Chiharu said such nonsense, he was a little embarrassed himself.

He opened Twitter in the Japanese area, and this matter was actually on the hot list, ranking second, and the comments below were all praise and consolation. The response was very good, and the reputation was greatly improved. Sensitivity greatly increased.

Of course, there are also naysayers, and the vanguard who carries the banner is the old enemy "Weekly Wenchun", pointing out several problems in a roundabout way, such as no photo of the masked man in hospital, no gossip, etc.

But after the previous fights, "Weekly Wenchun" has gradually learned to deal with them wisely, and no longer insists on decisiveness. This time, it questioned them without explicitly pointing it out. It was purely speculation, and this may be a fiction. Deliberate hype.

Seeing the accusation in "Weekly Bunshun", Kitahara sage immediately recalled it.

Last night, why did Chiharu Tsurumi stop the ambulance, go to great lengths to contact a well-known doctor in China, and come all the way overnight.

I'm afraid it is to block the news, deliberately leaking flaws and doubts, and deliberately let the old enemy "Weekly Bunshun" do a little bit, and then further ferment and stir up the popularity.

After that, it must not be long before that well-known domestic doctor will make an appearance at the right time, proving that the weird masked man is indeed overworked, fainted from exhaustion, and the popularity of twists and turns will stay on the hot list for a while.

The sage of Beiyuan shook his head helplessly, the way of the capitalists, he still didn't escape the squeeze.

But in order to win that bet, if he is squeezed, he should be squeezed, it doesn't matter whether it is good or bad, anyway, there is a mask blocking it, and outsiders don't know his true identity.

When the phone rang, Kento Kitahara looked down. It was Yuki Nakamura calling. He probably saw the news and asked about his health.

The sage of Beiyuan answered the call and chatted casually. After the meeting, Baimu Moyu came to the tea room with wooden plates, bent down, and placed them on the table in front of him one by one.

Kelp soup, fried fish, beef bowl and two kinds of green vegetables are quite rich, and the color of the dishes is also quite good, it seems that I didn't deal with it casually.

Kitahara sage thanked him, but before he finished speaking, Kashiwagi Moyu left the tea room expressionlessly, thinking he was going to get his share and go back to his room for dinner.

Baitong is not very polite, and Beiyuan sage doesn't care. After all, for these two days, he still needs to be responsible for his three meals a day. Since there is a free cook, he doesn't need to rush up and down. It is very comfortable and his attitude is a little cold Just be cool.

Kitahara Kento tasted each dish one by one, and according to Takanashi-san, the taste was really good, higher than that of the little naughty egg.

Maybe it was because I stayed at home alone every day and had to practice for years.

(End of this chapter)

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