Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 205 The Invisible Place

Chapter 205 The Invisible Place
When night comes, the antique tea room is dimly lit,

The sage of Beiyuan finished his unearned dinner, stacked the plates at the door, and waited for Classmate Bai to clean up later.

In the past two days, his recuperation life has been calm. He is responsible for taking care of his body while he is in charge of taking care of his body. Kashiwagi Moyu is responsible for taking care of his three meals a day. They live in two separate rooms under the same roof. They rarely communicate with each other, and the two sides do not disturb each other.

This kind of living atmosphere where the well water does not interfere with the river water, and the friendship that is indifferent but not deeply enmity, and the fixed three meals a day like daily tasks, always makes the sage of Beiyuan feel strangely, like a pair of broken feelings, who exist in name only, A couple living in separate rooms.

Kitahara sage went to the corridor, rolled up the bamboo curtain, moved a small table, made a pot of tea, and turned on the laptop facing the courtyard. He made an appointment with Xiang Wukui at noon, and played a few games of chess together in the evening to get acquainted with each other style of chess.

There was a sound of opening the door behind him, and he turned his head to see that Baimu Moyou was bending over to pack the dinner plates at the door. After finishing, she didn't exchange greetings, and left in silence.

The Kitahara sage turned his head and continued playing chess as usual.

His recent physical condition has improved a lot, and it won't be a problem if he uses his brain a little seriously.

While drinking tea leisurely, Kitahara sage clicked the mouse a few times. The two friendly matches ended, and an hour passed before he knew it.

On the public screen, Xiang Wukui sent a message, telling himself that there is still something to do after the meeting, and he has to go offline first.

Kitahara Kento typed a short response, moved the mouse, and closed the game room. He checked his record, and now he has won 60 consecutive games, and he is still one game away from advancing to 9 ranks.

Amateur ranks and online chess ranks can only be marked with lowercase numbers, such as net chess 5th dan and amateur 5th dan. Only professional tiers are eligible to use regular uppercase numbers, such as professional [-]th dan.

"It's only one game away from advancing to 9, let's finish playing as soon as possible." Beiyuan Xianren murmured, and clicked the mouse to automatically search for the game.

After queuing seven times in a row, every time the opponent saw his record, he immediately turned around and left without saying a word. The Kitahara sage was almost tired of matching. Finally, on the eighth time, he successfully caught a lucky netizen on the mobile phone.

After a while, the door of the tea room was opened again, Kitahara sage turned his head to look, and Kashiwagi Moyu came over and stood quietly beside him.

The sage of Beiyuan was quite surprised in his heart, uncharacteristically, Baimu Moyou took the initiative to come to the door today.

Baimu Moyou asked quietly: "How are you recovering now?"

Beiyuan Xianren knew in his heart that she wanted the wife in his heart.

He moved the mouse and clicked on the chessboard and said, "It's not a big problem, let's start tomorrow morning?"

"Okay, go to Nagoya tomorrow," Baimu Moyou said without emotion. If she wasn't worried about leaving a bad impression on Xu Feng, she would even want to leave this annoying guy alone tonight and leave overnight.

"At seven o'clock tomorrow morning, gather at the gate and go to Nagoya together."

"Okay." Kitahara sage replied briefly, he looked away and continued playing chess, but Baitong didn't leave immediately, and unexpectedly stayed by his side, quietly watching him play chess.

Xianren Beiyuan couldn't figure out what she was thinking for a while. In the past, when he played 1V5 chess and they all came to join in the fun, only classmate Lily dismissed her. How could this suddenly become positive.

Baimu Moyou quietly watched the chessboard move alternately. From her perspective, who has experienced the AI ​​era, the number of chess moves of the Kitahara sage is too particular about the old school's uprightness, which leads to too slow and slow layout. too bad.

Not to mention professional chess players, weaker amateur 5th dan players, or 7th dan online players, their layout level is slightly stronger than that of the annoying guy, whose Go concept is too old.

But the layout is backward, and the mid-game is powerful. During the mid-game battle, the annoying guy can always turn the situation around in one fell swoop by virtue of his powerful and terrifying power (computing power), and defeat the opponent in the mid-game.

Baimu Moyou couldn't help recalling that game of AI chess. She glanced at the annoying guy lightly. Could it be that he really has the potential to become a world champion?Looking at his daily performance, it seems that he has not realized his transcendent talent.

Xu Feng once said that she has no feelings for annoying guys, but in Baimu Moyou's view, Xu Feng just hasn't noticed the point that annoying guys can attract her. That point may be talent, achievement, personality, Personality, etc., etc., she doesn't know the details, because she doesn't know which type Xu Feng likes, maybe even Xu Feng doesn't know that.

But once he reveals his world-renowned Go talent, will it attract Xu Feng's attention? Baimu Moyou suddenly feels a sense of crisis in his heart.

Based on her understanding of Xu Feng, Xu Feng should not pay too much attention to how talented her other half is. Xu Feng is probably looking for a feeling in the dark, or a certain moment, a moment, a wonderful feeling of heartbeat. Feel.

But the amazing talent revealed by the annoying guy really made Kashiwagi Moyu feel a suppressed sense of crisis.

Baimu Moyou suddenly said: "Student Beiyuan, if you want to play chess during the next trip, please go back to your room and do it in front of everyone. Let me be more specific. Whenever there is Xu Feng around, don't play chess." , other occasions are up to you."

The mouse moving on the screen froze slightly, Kitahara sage turned his head to look at Kashiwagi, and sighed softly in his heart, the food protection is really strong.

He said indifferently: "Yes, but let me repeat again, your worries are too much, so I can tell you this, Mr. Kashiwagi, do you think of me too casually? Have to agree? Can't I refuse?"

"Let me give you an example. You must have heard that when the spring semester begins, a certain boy was taken to the back of the gymnasium by girls six times a week, and he also refused to confess six times, but why should someone come to him, Does he have to agree?"

Baimu Moyou frowned slightly, turned and left.

"It's good that you know it yourself. The conversation just now was just as if I was warning you not to be bothered on behalf of Amamiya Yahira."

Kento Kitahara froze when he moved the mouse, and Kashiwagi Moyu's implication was threatening him with her imagined secret relationship between him and Yu Gong.

He couldn't help thinking that the woman was just mentally ill.

The time bar in the notebook went for 8 minutes, and a game of chess was over. The Kitahara sage won a big victory, and the rank immediately reached the 9th dan.

Finally promoted to 9th rank, nothing to be proud of. For him who was able to play chess with his father four years ago, bullying amateur players is really nothing to praise.

In the next step, he set his sights on professional chess players, or national champions marked with silver crowns, or even world champions marked with gold crowns. Those are the strong opponents that can really allow him to get tempered.

But first of all, he must become famous on the online chess platform. After all, which first-line world champion is willing to spend time with an unknown little player for free.

Kento Kitahara scrolled the mouse wheel to view the platform's online chess player list. He found a golden hat world champion with an ID named "Secret Agent" who was watching the game. With a little luck in his heart, he sent a game request to the opponent, but within two seconds, The other party rejected him immediately.

The Kitahara sage tried a few more luckily. He invited all the "Golden Hat" and "Silver Hat" one by one, but the result was rather sad, and no one would answer him.

The sage of Beiyuan shook his head regretfully, let go of the mouse, put his hands on the ground, looked out at the garden, took a short rest, and his thoughts gradually diverged.

Afterwards, more or less, let’s alienate Takanashi-san a little bit, in case something happens with a small probability—Tsurumi Chinatsu is a precedent—he really likes her, and he won’t agree. A friend who is going to be missed by a "dangerous element" again, not making any money but also making a fuss, what a loss!

Kento Kitahara has made up his mind, it is easy to alienate Takanashi, after the band competition, there will be a Go tournament, he has to be busy with the game, after the Go conference, it will be summer vacation.

The two people gradually lost contact with each other, and they rarely met in the future, and they rarely contacted each other—he and Takanashi were not like Kashiwagi-san, and had no relationship foundation—if they didn’t meet for a few months, the relationship would naturally weaken. In this way Will not offend anyone.

The notebook speaker "Ding Dong" sounded, which is the sound effect of a friend going online.

Kitahara Kento glanced subconsciously, Takanashi Xufeng's account went online, and she immediately entered the game state.

Kitahara Kento thought for a while, his expression gradually became weird, and he entered the game state as soon as he went online. Could it be that he clicked into the game to see that Takanashi was playing chess with a dan opponent whose ID was a string of numbers.

The Kitahara sage didn't even need to guess. With a clear eye, this string of digital IDs must be Aoi Shobu, who has no record, and the game records are all games against Takanashi.

The sage of Beiyuan couldn't help laughing in his heart, so, what the co-author Xiang Wukui said had something to do, so it turned out that he ignored him, and turned to accompany Gaoli.

He would rather give up on his United Chess teammate halfway, and go to accompany Takanashi. Last time, Xiang Wukui called Takanashi Ou Nei-san, and the relationship between the two has progressed very quickly.

He couldn't help thinking back to the day when Takanashi first met Aoi Sangbu. At that time, to be honest, he didn't think Takanashi could enter the heart of that wonderful child, but looking at it now, he underestimated Takanashi's personality charm.

Kitahara sage turned off the online chess platform, closed his laptop, and went back to his room to rest.

Meanwhile, far away in a hotel room in Nagoya.

Gaoli Xufeng was lying on the bed. She reached out to turn on the desk lamp, hugged the pillow, and then picked up the phone. Seeing that Beiyuan had just come in to watch the game, she quickly typed with her fingers to ask about Shimokitahara's physical condition.

But before it could be sent, Beiyuan quickly withdrew from watching the battle.

Has classmate Beiyuan gone to sleep? Takanashi Xufeng deleted the text, and then noticed a message from Aoi on the public screen.

"Ou Nai-san, in half a month, I'm going to participate in the Go Tournament for High School Students."

Takanashi Xufeng thought about it. Aoi is a very introverted girl. It is the first time in her life to participate in a competition. She should be quite nervous. If she is accompanied by familiar friends, she will relax a little.

She always wanted to help that lonely child open her heart, even if she couldn't, it would be nice to let Aoi's lonely world have a little more sunshine.

"It's your first time participating in a competition, are you nervous? I will be there to watch and be your cheerleader. Come on!"


(End of this chapter)

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