Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 209 Moyou likes Beiyuan classmate?

Chapter 209 Moyou likes Beiyuan classmate?

At night, the sea breeze gently blows the curtains, and on the dark horizon in the distance, a round of bright last quarter moon quietly blooms with moonlight.

Kashiwagi Moyou was wearing a thin nightgown, sitting quietly in front of the window, she quietly looked at the moonlit sea level, the sea breeze blowing into the silk nightgown, bringing a little bit of coolness.

Recalling what happened during the day, Baimu Moyou thought about it more and more, the more he thought about it, the more he arranged the operation, and the mistakes made Xufeng's impression of the annoying guy improved.

She blamed herself and was quite anxious, and wanted to find an opportunity to make up for her mistakes with her own hands.

Dong dong dong, there was a soft knock on the door.

"Moyou, it's me, are you asleep?" Takanashi's Xufeng voice came from outside the door.

Baimu Moyu's calm expression softened instantly, and she got up to open the door.

Gaoli Xufeng looked inside the door on tiptoe, and saw that the quilt on the bed was neatly arranged. She was slightly relieved, and said with a smile: "I didn't bother you? I wanted to send you a Line message to ask you, but I was worried that you would fall asleep and call me You woke up, so just knock on the door and take a look."

"No, I was looking at the sea just now." Kashiwagi Moyu turned sideways and let Takanashi enter the room.

Kashiwagi Moyou brought the door, Takanashi Xufeng moved up a chair and placed it in front of the round table by the window, she sat down, looked at the coastline, then turned her head and said in a embarrassed tone: "Moyou, I'm sorry before , knowing that you don't like to get along with people you don't know well, I still force you to stay in the capital."

Kashiwagi Moyu shook her head softly, and sat down opposite Takanashi.

The sea breeze blew the hair around the ear, Takanashi Xufeng tied her hair again with a hair tie.

"How do you feel these days? I'm very tired and boring. I have to rush every day, go to different regions and cities by car, and it's not convenient to go shopping at night. I'm always bored in the room. How is Moyou? a feeling of?"

Baimu Moyou knew in his heart that if she agreed now, Xufeng must have prepared a plan for her to relax.

Maybe the two of them sneaked out quietly and took a walk along the beach?
She also chose the words that Xu Feng liked more, and said with a smile: "It's a little repetitive and boring, but I can help those unfortunate children with my own hands every day. In comparison, when I think of this, You will no longer feel bored and tired.”

As she expected, Xu Feng was really prepared and said: "Why don't we leave quietly, go for a walk on the coast, walk along the beach, and relax?"

Kashiwagi Moyou was very tempted, but considering that it was already ten o'clock late, the location of the resort was relatively remote, not in the urban area, and two girls were walking alone on the beach at night, it was difficult to guarantee absolute safety. It's a pity to politely shirk it.

She knows Xu Feng very well. The purpose of Xu Feng's visit tonight is of course not just to apologize and invite her to go to the beach to relax.
In fact, it was Kagawa Ningning's family who called during the day to care about her daughter's recent situation, but her parents had never contacted her. Xufeng was worried that she would be depressed, so she apologized with an excuse, but in fact she found someone who was not abrupt. way to comfort her.

Since she was a child, she has always been taken care of by Xu Feng's gentle and considerate kindness. Xu Feng has never found her troublesome, and has always been very patient and attentive. Who doesn't like such a kind and gentle person.

That annoying guy kept saying that he was not interested in Xu Feng, with an attitude of arrogance and ignorance. He had never really experienced Xu Feng's personality charm, but she would never let him be lucky enough to experience it.

Baimu Moyou withdrew his divergent thoughts, and said in a harmonious voice: "Xufeng, why don't you play chess for a while now, I brought that chessboard."

Takanashi Xufeng was quite pleasantly surprised and said: "Is that the chessboard from when I was a child?" She paused for a while, pretending to complain and joked: "I brought it here tomorrow morning, but I have been hiding it until now before I take it out. "

"Before I watched Xu Feng's concert, I didn't want to distract you and make you tired, so I never had a chance to take it out." Baimu Moyou got up and went to look through the suitcase.

She just didn't want that annoying guy to touch that chessboard.

The red-brown rosewood chessboard is placed on the small table by the window. Although the chessboard is old, it is still in good condition, and the chessboard and the chessboard have a bright luster.

On one side of the chessboard, there are [-] small pink cartoon posters with Chinese characters. She and Xu Feng pasted them up by themselves.

Kashiwagi Moyou closed the window carefully and gently, the sea breeze was humid, and the humidity would be bad for the wooden chessboard.

Takanashi Xufeng Shensi's nostalgic fingers touched the chessboard and opened the chessboard.

How time flies.

Gaoli Xufeng paused her fingers, raised her head, and said with a smile: "Don't let me this time."

In recent days, thanks to Kui's blessing, professional masters have been accompanying her to play guiding chess. She has improved a lot of chess. When she looked back and her chess strength improved greatly, she suddenly realized that Moyou had been letting her all the time. !
Hearing this, Bai Mu Moyou's mood was slightly shaken, and Xu Feng actually knew it. She quickly calmed down her inner fluctuations and stretched out her hands.

The sound of knocking on the chess pieces was heard alternately from time to time. For a moment, Baimu Moyou couldn't help thinking about the mistakes made today.

If it was just an accident, it would be nothing more than an increase in Xufeng's favorability towards the annoying guy. She was nothing more than worrying and warning him.

But this time it was the bitter fruit that she brewed by herself. She always thought about it more and more, and she always wanted to reduce Xufeng's favorability with the annoying guy today, and find a way to reduce it back, so that she could feel better.

Baimu Moyou thought about it for a while, and when it was her turn again, she suddenly said, "Xufeng, speaking of it, there are five members in our band, and half of them live at the home of classmate Beiyuan."

Takanashi Xufeng was surprised that Moyou actually talked about this matter, she thought for a while and said, "It sounds a little strange."

Baimu Moyou continued in a casual tone: "If the girlfriend of classmate Beiyuan in the future finds out about this, her boyfriend once lived with three unrelated women for two months, Xufeng, you Do you think she would mind?"

Takanashi Xufeng was very surprised again.

Last time, Moyou asked her if she had a crush on Bei Yuan.

This time Moyou was talking about Beiyuan classmate again.

In her impression, it was rare, and it seemed to be the first case in history that Moyou talked about a man so "frequently".

Is there anything special about Kitahara?Can you attract Moyou who has always been very opinionated about men?
Could it be? Could it be that Mo You had a crush on Bei Yuan, that's why he always talked about him implicitly?

Takanashi Xufeng was not sure, because looking at how the two of them usually get along, Moyou didn't seem to have any special feelings for Beiyuan.

But Takanashi Xufeng immediately denied the idea just now.

Influenced by her childhood family experience, Moyou has a slightly different personality from other girls, and has a lot of prejudice against boys. This may cause Moyou to express her affection for the opposite sex differently from other girls?
Takanashi Xufeng withdrew his guessing thoughts, and replied first: "According to common sense and human nature, she should be more concerned."

"I think so too," Baimu Moyou nodded slightly, she paused, and continued:

"Student Beiyuan easily agreed to the three girls to live in her home with their bags. They are women who are not related by blood, and they have lived together for a long time. Perhaps in her opinion, whether such a man treats men and women very casually, It’s going to feel very insecure.”

After Baimu Moyou finished speaking in one breath, he finally felt a little more at ease in his heart.

She didn't hesitate to be a villain in front of Xufeng, with a slight meaning of saying bad things behind her back, and she also wanted to make Xufeng feel a seed of insecurity towards the annoying guy, so as to offset today's improved favorability .

Xu Feng may criticize her, but it doesn't matter, the relationship between the two of them is good enough, if this price can be sacrificed, it will make Xu Feng feel that the annoying guy is unreliable, and the price is totally worth it!

But to her surprise, Xu Feng didn't criticize her for speaking ill of people behind her back, but had a thoughtful expression on her face, as if she was thinking about something.

The more Takanashi Xufeng thought about it, the weirder he became.

Moyou has nothing to do with Beiyuan, why should he care about Beiyuan's family affairs?This is seriously out of line with Moyou's character.
Moreover, Moyou said a lot in a roundabout way, with a little bit of accusation and irony.

Could it be, could it be that she minded that classmate Bei Yuan would bring so many girls home so casually?

Could this be jealousy? !

Xu Feng didn't speak for a long time, and Baimu Moyou suddenly became more and more nervous.

Could it be that Xu Feng's reaction was bigger than she expected?Xu Feng doesn't like her bad behavior of snitching?
After a while, Takanashi Xufeng raised his head and smiled.

She wasn't sure if Moyou was really in the mood for love, but Moyou seemed to have a different feeling for Beiyuan classmate. Maybe both of them lived alone and felt a sense of sympathy?
Speaking of which, Moyou's character has always made her very distressed. If Beiyuan can make Moyou more cheerful and correct Moyou's prejudice against men, it will be of great help!

Takanashi Xufeng has made up her mind, and she is going to match up the two parties, not necessarily in terms of love, it is also good for the two parties to be friends.

Of course, if the two can get along happily, think each other is good, and can be together, that's the best, and she can feel relieved.

Moreover, the two Tsurumi-students and Kuriyama-san, who lived in Kitahara-san's house, both ran away from home with helpless reasons.

Everyone can see Beiyuan's character, and everyone has heard of those deeds. Knowing that Beiyuan is definitely not a flirtatious type, Moyou's worries are a bit unnecessary.

But the matter of matching must be kept from Mo You first, in case Mo You, who has a special personality, feels embarrassed, it may affect the plan,

Takanashi Xufeng thought for a while, and explained to the Kitahara sage:

"Actually, Kitahara-san is a pretty good person, right? Tsurumi-senpai and Kuriyama-senpai are willing to live in his house with confidence, which shows that they trust Kitahara-san from the bottom of their hearts and think he is a very reliable person, otherwise they wouldn't have moved in with confidence. Bar."

Takanashi Xufeng paused for a while, and then pretended to have suddenly discovered it.

"Speaking of which, I haven't discovered this advantage of Beiyuan before."

"I don't quite understand. What is it that makes a girl so trustworthy? Maybe this is a reliable boy? By the way, Moyou, you can help me pay attention to it in the future."

Takanashi Xufeng thought for a while, worried that Moyou might misunderstand, and quickly added: "I don't mean anything else, I'm just curious."

"After all, three girls in our band have already moved to his house. Among them, Tsurumi Chinaka-senpai used to have a very bad relationship with Kitahara-san. It's very curious."

Baimu Moyou held the chess pieces with his fingers, and was silent for a while, speechless for a long time.

It seems that Xu Feng's affection for the annoying guy has increased again!
Baimu Moyou Shanshan realized that there was an important point she had neglected!
When a person has a preconceived impression of a person as a positive image, often some ambiguous minor shortcomings will be regarded as advantages.

This time, not only did the favorability not decrease, but it actually increased again!Baimu Moyou took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and reminded himself: Never be so careless again in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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