Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 210 Makes You Cry Mizuho Kuriyama

Chapter 210 Makes You Cry Mizuho Kuriyama
Early in the morning.

The weather outside the window was gray.

In the large living room where the drum kit and electric piano are placed, the quiet piano sound and the dignified drumbeat have been accompanied for a long time.

Mizuho Kuriyama was sitting on a chair, leaning against the back of the chair, with a blank expression of doubting life. Opposite her, Kento Kitahara was looking at his phone and telling her a sad story full of negative energy.

Kitahara sage glanced at the end of the story, and concluded, "Today, I introduced myself to my mother again."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Ning Ning Kagawa who was signaled, quickly wiped away tears with his small hand, and quickly changed to a heart-wrenching piano accompaniment, Tsurumi Chinatsu also cooperated very well, and then changed to a low-pitched drum beat.

Kento Kitahara raised his head, and he looked at Mizuho Kuriyama rather tiredly.

He was puzzled in his heart, he had told more than a dozen tear-jerking tragic stories, and his own mood had been messed up very badly, but in the end, that stupid girl with a single mind hadn't even started to cry yet.

The reason why he made Kuriyama feel heavy was that he wanted Kuriyama to cry when he sang.

This is of course not an intentional prank. He intends to play a card of emotion. When Kuriyama's parents see their daughter crying and singing at the scene, no matter how hard-hearted the parents are, they will be moved by it.

This is also the reason why he had a tough attitude at the beginning and had to let Li Shan choose the song that she really didn't want to sing.

Regarding Lishan's family conflicts, Kitahara Kento still tried to help as much as he could.

Kento Kitahara looked at Mizuho Kuriyama with a blank expression, and asked helplessly in his heart, "How do you feel now?"

Mizuho Kuriyama gradually gathered her attention, "Right now... my heart is heavy."

The sage of Beiyuan took a sip of water from his cup, picked up his mobile phone and continued his efforts, "What follows is a true story that happened in reality."

"When I was four years old, my father bought an xbox, which was the first generation of clumsy consoles released in 2001. In my childhood, I played many, many different games with my father. My childhood was very Happy—until my father passed away when I was six."

"For the next ten years, I will not have the courage to touch that host again."

"But when I finally turned it on again, I found something. It was a racing game that my father and I used to play. When I turned on the game and started playing again after ten years. I found A ghost."

"You know, when the car is racing against time, the fastest record holder will be recorded by the game and chased as a ghost car in the next race."

"Yeah, you probably guessed it right, my dad's ghost car is still on the track to this day."

"So I've been playing a lot lately, working on my technique, trying to get past my dad, and then I finally got past him and I stopped at the finish line."

"For my father's ghost car, not to be overwritten by my new record."

"To this day, my father's ghost car is still accompanying me on the runway of time."

After the Kitahara sage finished speaking, before he could observe Li Shan's expression, there was a sudden sobbing sound next to him. He turned his head and saw that Kagawa Ningning who was accompanying him was crying again. Kitahara sage stretched out his hands helplessly and kept kneading his forehead The cow played the piano to the cow, but the cow didn't understand, but made the people next to him cry.

Takanashi sent tissues to Kagawa Ningning, Kitahara Kento looked away and asked again: "How do you feel now?"

"I'm a little moved, and my heart seems to be heavier." Mizuho Kuriyama said truthfully.

The big stupid girl's tears were too high, and the sage of Beiyuan really had no good idea. He thought hard and racked his brains to search his music library.

After a while, he took out a piece of paper, carefully wrote the titles of more than a dozen sad light music songs, and recommended to Lishan an old movie that he thought was very touching, "Life is Beautiful", and asked them to do it at the same time. The supervisor, carefully supervise Lishan, must listen to and watch all the concerts before the evening concert starts, and must complete all tasks.

Breakfast, rehearsal, lunch, rehearsal, until the afternoon, they set off for the city to prepare for tonight's concert.

Because of the misunderstanding last time, Takanashi semi-forced him to stay on the grounds that he needed to recuperate well, and unexpectedly, there was Baitong among those who were also left behind.

While eating dinner, Kitahara sage took a sip of the soup, and glanced at classmate Bai.

Takanashi-san must have been too careful, he is not a vegetable, nor is he paralyzed, why should he always find a nanny for him.

Baimu Moyou felt very uncomfortable, and it was because of the misunderstanding that she had made herself. Now she had to stay and take care of that annoying guy. At this moment, it was as disgusting as if she had fed herself a fly.

If this continues, the annoying guy has been talking very little, maybe Xu Feng may let her stay with the annoying guy all the time!

Baimu Moyou suddenly turned his head and said, "From tomorrow onwards, you and Xufeng will talk and communicate normally."

The sage of Beiyuan was very speechless. Baitong classmates called him, but he didn't even add a certain classmate, and his attitude was serious and casual. He also said angrily: "I'm not your subordinate, can I ask you not to use this commanding tone to order me?" I, I know exactly what I want to do, and I don’t need to interfere and remind.”

Baimu Moyou turned her head lightly, did not answer, and looked at the large LCD TV hanging on the wall of the living room.

Although she really didn't want to watch TV with annoying guys, but for no reason, the TV in her room, which was still working yesterday, suddenly lost signal today. As a last resort, she could only stay in the living room and watch Xu Fengwai Will show.

Xianren Beiyuan was also very reluctant to watch the live broadcast with Baitong, and he was also very puzzled why the TV in his room suddenly lost its signal today.

The same goes for Kuriyama and the others' room.

He went to the front desk to ask just now. It seems that there is a problem with the nearby base station and it is being repaired. The TV in the living room is not connected to the same signal line, so there is no problem. The female receptionist at the front desk explained it this way.

He didn't know much about this, but he always felt that he had been fooled, as if he had been arranged, and he was dubious.

The two sat on opposite ends of the sofa, separated by a large [-]th line, and ignored each other.

After the meeting, Chiharu Tsurumi sent a video invitation, and Kento Kitahara began to operate the professional equipment next to him, and simultaneously transmitted the scene of the concert to the TV.

After everything was done, he sent a message on Line to ask Kagawa Ningning how the homework he assigned to Lishan was going.

"Senior Kuriyama has just finished watching the movie, and he seems to be in a bad mood. He looks sad, and he hasn't spoken for a long time."

Kento Kitahara nodded slightly in satisfaction, put away his phone, and after a while, the charity concert on TV officially started. Under his prior arrangement, Li Shan was the first to appear in the accompaniment.

Kuriyama on TV bowed slightly. When she began to sing, her tone of voice was very stiff, slightly mechanical and uncomfortable.

As soon as she opened her voice, Kitahara sage was completely relieved. Li Shan's way of articulating words was actually a manifestation of deliberately suppressing the turbulent emotions in his heart, trying to pretend to be calm.

Slowly halfway through the song, when it came to the climax of section B again, Li Shan's articulation became more and more unstable, and his sense of hearing was already slightly choked.

Kitahara sage slowly clenched his fists. He didn't know at this moment, when Li Shan sang this song, did she have an emotional resonance with certain plots in the play, or was it the same as what he said today? One of the more than a dozen short stories resonated emotionally, or both, which made him feel unstoppable and suddenly wanted to cry, but at this moment, his plan will soon succeed!
Finally, when the lyrics reached the point of "Under the hidden tears, pretending to be imperceptible, and longing to be redeemed today", the big stupid girl with a lot of tears finally couldn't suppress the surging emotions. He clearly heard real crying.

Kento Kitahara could see the scene from the camera. The audience in the front row also heard that Kuriyama seemed to be crying, and many people began to whisper in surprise.

Baimu Moyou turned his head and asked quietly: "Is this the result you want to see after nagging her all day?"

The Kitahara sage nodded slightly without looking sideways.

Waiting for tonight's concert to be shown on TV later, when Lishan's parents see this scene, they will always react.

Hope this helps that stupid girl.

(End of this chapter)

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