Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 214: Kao Li Xufeng suddenly mixed in

Chapter 214: Kao Li Xufeng suddenly mixed in
The sage of Kitahara moved cautiously, concentrated his energy, and meticulously smashed the small crystal, then carefully picked out the internal memory card, inserted it into a special USB card reader, and connected it to the laptop.

He operated according to the instructions, copied the recorded potential signal file, pasted it into the folder of the digital camera, and then converted and compressed the potential signal through the digital-to-analog converter and image processor of the digital camera. It took only 10 minutes before and after. It's all over.

One hundred hours of video files are quietly displayed on the desktop of the display.

The sage of Beiyuan praised it very much in his heart. Professionals are professional in this thing. Not only is it well concealed, but the operation process is also simple as a fool.

He moved the mouse, double-clicked the video file, and gradually became nervous. This [-]-hour video, whether there is an important clue about Bai Tong's classmate in it.

Kitahara sage moved the mouse and dragged it to the timeline. The video was too long, and he couldn't watch it all carefully, and the video was not marked with time.

Fortunately, the size of the crystal block is too small to install the infrared camera function, so when the video screen is completely dark, Kitahara Kento can judge that the video is in the early morning, and then push forward to find the screen of Kashiwagi Moyou.

It didn't take long for Kitahara sage to find Baitong's figure.

He pressed the space to pause, took a serious look, and immediately froze for a moment. The strange scene in front of him really surprised him.

In the video, classmate Bai hugs a cartoon puppet in his arms, and feeds the fat rabbit fodder with one hand.

The sage of Beiyuan rubbed his eyes. He carefully identified it again and again, and his expression gradually became strange.

The appearance of that cartoon puppet, no matter how he looked at it, looked like Takanashi Xufeng.

Beiyuan Xianren moved his position uncomfortably. If his good brother, the rag doll who looked like him in his arms every day, Beiyuan Xianren suddenly shuddered.

It would be understandable if it was done between opposite sex or between lovers, but between same sex...he didn't know what Takanashi-san would think, and how he would treat it, anyway, he couldn't accept it.

He stared at the video screen for a moment, and pressed the screenshot button with his finger.

"Finally grabbed your little tail."

The pinhole camera in the student union and the doll that looks like Takanashi Sukaze, as long as these two pieces of evidence are exposed to Takanashi Sukaze, he can't guarantee that Takanashi Sukaze will be convinced, but it is enough to make her feel happy. Suspect.

And doubt, even a little bit of doubt, is a devastating blow to Bai Tong's wishful thinking.

Kento Kitahara didn't think it was enough, so he continued to search for videos. Slowly, he saw not only the long skirt version of Takanashi's doll, but also the school uniform version, wedding dress version, and even the recent short-haired version of Takanashi.

Kitahara sage saved all screenshots, created a cloud disk account, uploaded all of them properly, and saved a copy in his phone.

When everything was done, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Once, Classmate Bai held a nuclear weapon that frightened him, but now, he finally has an equivalent countermeasure.

But this is not the end. On the contrary, in his view, when the two sides strategically threaten each other and each is deeply afraid, just like the US-Soviet Cold War hegemony, this is the beginning of a war without gunpowder.

With Baitong's personality, when the two parties leave the negotiating table, I'm afraid she won't sit still. It's unlikely that she will let her weakness be manipulated by others.

And it's not too late for all of this, after a week, when the band competition is over, he will take the initiative to find classmate Bai, and open the skylight to speak out.

Boom, the Line notification sounded.

Kento Kitahara let go of the mouse and touched the phone beside him, and Takanashi-san sent a message.

"Is Kitahara-san home yet?"

Kitahara sage typed back: I just got home.

In the Line chat interface, Takanashi-san didn't get straight to the point, and kept chatting with him for a few messages. Kitahara Sensei guessed that he must be looking for something.

She wants to watch the follow-up plot of "Gravity of Destiny"?Is it something about the band, or Aoi Aoi?Miss Qinyin? The Kitahara sage guessed a few points, other than that, he couldn't think of any other points of intersection between himself and Takanashi.

Chatting on Line for a while, Takanashi-san finally clarified his purpose.

"May I ask, what does Kitahara-san think of Moyu?"

Seeing the reply, Kitahara Kento was slightly taken aback, what does Takanashi Xufeng mean?He was suddenly a little confused.

If he hadn't been very clear about Baitong's attitude towards him, otherwise the sage of Beiyuan would have even suspected that there was someone who had a crush on him, so he asked his best friend to find out the news.

He looked back, did not reply immediately, continued to move the mouse, operate the video recording, waited for Takanashi to wake up in time, and hurriedly explained to him.

But after a while, Takanashi never explained, and the Kitahara sage couldn't help being even more confused.

Takanashi-san knew it would be ambiguous to say so, but she still didn't want to explain?

Kitahara Kento let go of the mouse and began to use his brain.

Takanashi didn't explain for Baitong, which means that it wasn't that Baitong had any idea, but that Takanashi came up with some kind of idea on his own initiative?

He thought it over carefully for a while, his tone was very official, and he responded with a bunch of nice nonsense in the safest way.

"Although Kashiwagi-san and I don't usually communicate much, I am very grateful for her care during that time. She is a very good girl. If you want to ask how to treat her, it is probably... Maybe we will become good friends in the future. "

At the same time, Takanashi's house in Chiyoda District, more than ten kilometers away.

Takanashi Xufeng was wearing a pure pink nightdress, with a pillow on her back, lying on the bed and holding her mobile phone.

She read Beiyuan's reply lightly again: "She is a very good girl."

This shows that Beiyuan doesn't mind Moyou's overly quiet character?

She was very worried before, if Moyou was just wishful thinking, what should she do.

But looking at it now, Beiyuan doesn't reject Moyou psychologically, and is also very grateful to Moyou.

If she is an excellent wingman, taking advantage of the relationship between the two parties, she will take the initiative to create opportunities for them in the future, so that their friendship will gradually deepen, maybe her matchmaking plan is really feasible!

Although Beiyuan's wording is more official, the actual meaning expressed should be similar.

Takanashi Xufeng let out a breath of relief.

Last time, the TV in the resort suddenly had no signal. In fact, it was the reception lady she asked.

The purpose is to let Kitahara and Moyu sit together, watch their live performance, and take the initiative to create opportunities for the two to get close to each other.

The effect seems to be quite good, at least student Beiyuan's mood has improved. Before that, student Beiyuan spoke very few words, but since then, it has obviously improved significantly.

If you look at it this way, Kitahara-san and Moyou will feel better together? "Of course not, I just thought about it unreasonably." Gao Li Xufeng covered his mouth with a smile, turned over on the bed, and held his mobile phone high.

How should I reply next? It's not convenient to confess Moyou's family situation to Kitahara-san.
If you just ask Kitahara-san directly, can you help Moyou, let Moyou become more cheerful, and jump out of the psychological shadow, although Beiyuan-student should agree, but Moyou is very sensitive inside, once she notices something and becomes vigilant, it will be easy destroy the current situation.

And when in love, the ambiguous process of the two parties approaching each other bit by bit, shyly and cautiously, this is the most precious and beautiful memory and feeling, although she has never experienced it, but it should be like this, if two people are concubines in love She didn't want to take the initiative to destroy this precious and beautiful treasure.

Takanashi Xufeng thought for a while, and replied to cover up the truth of the matter:

"It's like this. Moyou's birthday is coming soon. I want to quietly collect everyone's blessings and give Moyou a surprise when the time comes. That's why I'm taking the liberty to ask Kitahara-san."

"I'm sorry, I just got home from the car for so long. I must be very tired. I'm sorry to bother you, Kitahara-san. I'll ask someone else."

Takanashi Xufeng quickly finished typing, she put down her phone, lay down with a relaxed body, and looked at the ceiling to diverge her thoughts.

"In the future, we must seriously think of ways to match them up, be an excellent wingman, and constantly create opportunities for them to be alone." Takanashi Xufeng made a cheering gesture for himself.

"Even if you can't become lovers, it's good to help them become friends. I hope this can help Moyou get out of the influence of childhood and become sunny and lively again."

On the other side, Kitahara sage looked down at the phone with a puzzled expression on his face.

Send birthday wishes?
He felt something was wrong.

Kitahara Kento pondered for a while, what the hell was going on in Takanashi's heart.

Takanashi's sudden question and his involvement made him feel that things were going to get complicated.

Kitahara Kento turned off the computer, smashed the memory card, and then swept all the crystal fragments into the trash can.

Anyway, play it by ear later.

Kitahara sage withdrew his scattered thoughts, lay down slowly, and stared at the ceiling.

First thing, go to the band competition.

The second thing is to write a very famous song.

As for the third event—accidental injury and hospitalization—how much time has passed since the second event happened, and there is still no sign of it.

 catch up, not late

(End of this chapter)

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