Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 226 Sudden Misunderstanding

Chapter 226 Sudden Misunderstanding

The afternoon sun shone through the glass windows, and glittering golden dust floated in the air, like a quiet and peaceful warm yellow filter. In the quiet office of the Student Union, Kitahara Kento stood patiently beside Kashiwagi Moyu He turned his back and waited for her to read the photos one by one.

After a long time, Baimu Moyou gently put down the phone, she had adjusted her mood, and turned her head slightly.

"You want to threaten me with these things, fantasizing about controlling me?"

Hearing this, the sage Kitahara couldn't help laughing and said, "Student Kashiwagi is a little bit like a villain. Have you ever heard of this saying?

"We are classmates, we were teammates before, and we are teammates now. How could I want to control you? It's too alien."

"The gentleman didn't see it," Baimu Moyu said lightly, and she glanced at the photo on the phone again, "This is not something that a gentleman and a gentleman can do."

Baimu Moyou paused, and said sarcastically: "And some people seem to be virtuous and upright people with their names and appearances, but in fact they are despicable and shameless in their hearts, and they use all methods."

The sage of Beiyuan laughed and said, "Student Bai's words of righteousness almost made me regard you as a victim."

"Otherwise, classmate Bai, review that video again? See what you did secretly. At least in this respect, none of us should laugh at anyone else."

Baimu Moyou kept a cold face and ignored the Kitahara sage.

She was silent for a while, then asked, "When did you find out?"

"Four months ago."

"Four months in disguise? How insidious."

Anyway, the showdown was complete, and the Kitahara sage counterattacked without any scruples: "It's insidious for me to pretend for four months, so what are you who have been pretending for more than ten years? You are sinister?"

The Kitahara sage didn't want to continue talking nonsense, so he simply said:

"I hold your secret, and you also know what I'm hiding. Let's keep each other's secrets. How about we shake hands and make peace? From now on, we will never violate each other."

Baimu Moyou stared at the email photos on the phone, "You secretly took so many photos of my daily life, how do I know, do you have any more exaggerated photos in your hand?"

Kitahara sage glanced at her profile, she was worried that there were still large-scale photos?
Just think about it for yourself, whether you have been frank at home, can you still not know.

But how could the sage of Beiyuan admit to such a thing that could easily cause people to jump over the wall.


Baimu Moyou remained expressionless, turned off the phone, and put it into the student's purse.

The scene where she walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel must have been seen by that jerk.

Thinking of his shoulders and legs being completely seen by that bastard, Kashiwagi Moyu suddenly got goosebumps and felt extremely uncomfortable.

Kitahara sage wanted to ease the tense atmosphere and divert this not-so-good topic.

Although there is little hope, it is still necessary to take a symbolic and formal approach and try to take the initiative to reconcile.

He considered his words and said, "To be honest, I don't look at your choice with a different eye. If it's a pair of childhood friends, childhood sweethearts, and the two sides can get together in the end, I also sincerely wish you and--"

"Shut up!" Baimu Moyou said suppressing his anger.

Beiyuan Xianren's eyes were a little surprised. Baitong got angry. It's rare, really rare. This kind of tone, compared to her usual quiet demeanor, can be regarded as a loss of composure.

Baimu Moyou turned to look at him, "Who else knows."

Minister Sugawara knew it, and Hanagu knew it too, but my daughter only knew that there was such a person, and she didn't know who Kitahara Kento was, so it was impossible for him to cause trouble for others.

"just me."

Baimu Moyou quickly got up, picked up his schoolbag, turned around and left.

She unzipped her schoolbag, took out her mobile phone, and walked quickly to the door.

When Baimu Moyou walked to the door, he stopped for a while, and said in a cold tone: "This is our business, don't involve other people, you know who it is."

The door was slammed shut with a bang.

Kitahara sage withdrew his gaze.

Baitong seems to be unwilling to let it go. She is very angry. After all, it is an important secret that has been hidden for more than ten years, the secret hidden in the deepest part of her heart, but suddenly, it was exposed mercilessly and rudely.

The sage of Beiyuan was in a calm mood, he could see clearly that Baitong was angry with his students, no matter how angry he was, he still had to think about his own delusions.

Injuring the enemy one thousand and self-defeating eight hundred is definitely not the price Baitong can accept.

In the future, at most, there will be small frictions and no big fights, unless she doesn't want to ask for a wife anymore. The sage of Beiyuan shook his head with a smile, and even at certain times, due to certain circumstances, Classmate Bai had to obey him.

Kitahara sage also picked up his schoolbag and left the student union slowly.

As soon as he walked out of the door, his phone rang twice.

Kento Kitahara took out his mobile phone to check, and it turned out to be a letter from classmate Bai, sending an audio file.

"Return the gift."

Although there was no one around, Kitahara Kento cautiously plugged in the earphones on the phone and turned on the audio.

A female voice that he was all too familiar with sounded in his ears.

"Hey, what does it look like to you?"

"Of course I know it's crabapple fruit. Don't you think you know more than others by reading a few more books? It's worth showing off? Stop bragging about it."


"Must be back in 3 minutes!"


"do you want to see?"

"Beautiful thinking, but a stupid look."

After listening to the audio, the sage of Beiyuan immediately recalled that a few months ago, he accused the deer of a deer to fool the little house girl.

Beiyuan Xianren couldn't help sneering in his heart, it turned out that Baitong also left behind, since she saved this audio, she really planned to use it to blackmail him and work for her in the future, but it's a pity that he acted a little faster.

Just listening to some conversations in the audio file, the content is quite intriguing. The most ruthless thing is that this recording clearly exposes the old acquaintance relationship between him and Amamiya Masaki. His lethality is no less than those photos And the video brought fear to Bai's classmates.

Is this a warning to me, don't be too presumptuous in the future, she also holds the ironclad evidence that can make me afraid, the sage of Beiyuan put away his mobile phone in thought, and continued to walk away.

But soon, the Kitahara sage turned back, walked to the door of the student union, and looked at the rabbit cage thoughtfully.

Classmate Bai forgot to bring the fat rabbit home.

That's right, the Fat Rabbit tricked her so badly that she almost couldn't get up. If she was taken away today, "Louis XVI" would really be guillotined tonight.
The fat rabbit was still sleeping on the ground, and the sage of Beiyuan shook his head helplessly. It's fine to sleep in in the morning, and to sleep in the afternoon. Is it because you still sleep in the evening? No wonder you're fat like a snowball.

The sage of Beiyuan reached out and shook the cage, angrily told it to get up, "Hey, get up, do you know that I just picked up a little life."

The fat rabbit shuddered, and the rabbit's head looked around. When it saw the sage of Beiyuan, the little rabbit's head immediately realized cleverly that the male owner was going to take it away from this place where it would have nightmares even in sleep!

The fat rabbit seemed to be fawning, across the cage, its chubby body kept rubbing against the hand of the sage of Beiyuan.

Kitahara sage picked up the rabbit cage and walked towards the grove. On the way, he accidentally ran into Takanashi.

Takanashi Xufeng looked preoccupied.

She ran into Moyou just now and planned to celebrate her birthday together, but Moyou excused that she was not feeling well, so she went home early.

She looked up and noticed the sage Beiyuan on the opposite side, she took the initiative to say hello first, and asked pointedly: "Student Beiyuan, have you been in the student union just now?"

The sage of Beiyuan thought about it for a while, and he kept his previous plan in mind.

Let Takanashi be misunderstood, and when the misunderstanding is finally revealed, it must be a "misunderstanding that suddenly realized".

He said completely truthfully: "I came to the student union early in the class before school. I was with Kashiwagi just now and gave her a birthday present."

Hearing this, Takanashi Xufeng Shensi was quite surprised.

Kitahara went to the student union ahead of schedule and was alone with Moyou to give Moyou a birthday present.
Moyou asked me to go far away to buy croquettes, and then go to the student union alone. Moyou suddenly excused herself that she was not feeling well and went home early.
Takanashi Xufeng thought about it, couldn't help laughing, and raised his hand to cover his smile, so it was like this.

Moyou learned that classmate Beiyuan was going to give her a birthday present, maybe Moyou was embarrassed?Or is there a convention or something?That's why I was dismissed and asked me to buy croquettes, and then I went to meet Kitahara-san by myself.

And the reason why Mo You was anxious to go home on the pretext of feeling unwell might have something to do with Bei Yuan's gift? .It seems that everything can make sense in this way.

Gaoli Xufeng raised his small fist and put it to his mouth, coughed meaningfully twice, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, see you tomorrow, Beiyuan-san."

After finishing speaking, she glanced at the rabbit cage in Beiyuan sage's hand from the corner of her eye, and Moyou always gave the snowball to Beiyuan's classmate to raise it. If she didn't have good feelings, Moyou would not do this.

(End of this chapter)

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