Celebrity ex-girlfriend got revenge on me

Chapter 227 Is Beiyuan classmate hiding something from me?

Chapter 227 Is Kitahara-sensei Hiding Something From Me?

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when today's high school student Go conference finished playing rounds.

The school bus turned around the intersection, and on the way back to school, Kitahara Kento kept looking down at his phone. In recent days, he has been frantically sweeping the chess records of the tournament, and roughly understands the mainstream layout routines in today's chess world.

Although he told Takanashi that the Go tournament for high school students would not take much energy from him, it was true.

But after the competition, the "relationship match" that Grandpa Takemiya found for him was the focus.

Only by passing the instructional chess test of first-line professional chess players, becoming a professional chess player, and obtaining a "professional title", is he eligible to participate in the celebrity game.

But even if he is given a first-hand advantage, it is not easy to win the guiding chess of the first-line professional chess players.

Although the Kitahara sage is very confident in his calculation ability, he thinks that he is no worse than any professional chess player in this calculation, and even surpasses it by a lot. During the layout stage, I was very uncertain.

Think about it, facing a strange formula that he has never seen before, he has to worry about whether there is a hidden trick flying knife hidden in it. No matter how familiar he is, once he comes and goes, he will fall behind a lot in time!
So recently, he has been sneaking out of his busy schedule to make up for today's mainstream layout and formula.

The window seat in the front row of the bus.

Kitahara sage looked at his mobile phone thoughtfully. On the screen of the mobile phone was the second round of the man-machine battle between No.1 in the world of Go and AlphaGo in Wuzhen, the motherland. The white chess is a human, and the black chess is an AI. He calculated silently. Follow local changes, think about why it is so stereotyped, and apply what you have learned.

Yoshida Shouichi, the head of the Go department, has a long neck, and his eyes are always looking at Kitahara Kento's mobile phone.

As if he was afraid of disturbing the Kitahara sage, Yoshida Shouichi asked in a weak and cautious tone:

"Student Beiyuan, didn't you watch the two man-machine battles?"

"I didn't watch it at the time." Beiyuan Xianren said casually. At the time when the scene attracted the attention of the whole world, he was still dreaming and dying every day.

Yoshida Shouyi stretched out his finger, pointed to his mobile phone game record, and continued to ask cautiously: "Student Beiyuan, now white has 22 pieces, and he has climbed a step. If black refuses to give up in this part and fights hard, what will happen to both sides?" How would you go about playing chess?"`
After finishing speaking, Yoshida Shouichi looked at Beiyuan expectantly. In fact, he was very aware of the complicated changes in this part. Coulee, the eight-time champion at the time, served as the commentator of the man-machine competition, and had roughly deduced this part. Yoshida Shouichi I want to boldly test the sage of Beiyuan.

Tough combat Kitahara sage looked at the phone contemplatively. This part of the fixed style of play is quite different from the way he learned chess when he was a child.

He played chess on the Internet before, and encountered this brand-new formula many times, but at that time, both sides were friendly and chose a concise stereotype. If he asked about another variation map, he really didn’t know it and had to calculate it himself. Deduction.

The Kitahara sage felt a little challenging, "I tried to calculate, maybe it's not right, try your best."

The Kitahara sage calculated deeply, and Yoshida Shouichi rubbed his hands together, not daring to take a breath, waiting for the result with an itchy heart.

The chessboard in the mind of the sage in Beiyuan began to move quickly alternately. Various branches and changes appeared in front of his eyes, and then deleted the obviously stupid branch moves, leaving a change map that human thinking can choose.

In just 2 minutes, the Kitahara sage deduced a change map.

Limited by time, he just moves roughly with his sense of chess, unable to calculate every selected point perfectly, and whether there is a certain place on the chessboard that is not easy to detect, a certain place that violates human sense of chess, is quietly hiding a shocking Skillful, he can't see clearly for a while.

If black directly pulls the head, it is not appropriate, you need to take off first, go to black 16 and break it first, try to ask white to be handy, so as to seek follow-up borrowing, thicken the side, and then fight. `
After calculating this picture, after a rough look, White seems to be very reluctant. If he refuses to capture the black fours, insists on fighting, and insists on seeking a big change, it seems that in the end, black will take the ground, and white will take the ground. The stereotype of discarding pieces to take advantage of the situation?
The sage of Beiyuan withdrew his thoughts, clicked on the phone with his thumb, and showed the change map he had calculated. `
"Probably so. Is this the change in the chess game later?"

Yoshida Shouichi looked at the change map displayed on Kitahara Kento's mobile phone, and was completely impressed. It was exactly the same as the change that was roughly deduced by the former world No.1, eight-time champion, and Coulee!
Yoshida Shouichi continued to ask hastily: "Beiyuan-san, do you think the black chess or the white chess is better in this picture?"

The sage of Beiyuan glanced at his own chess record, and didn't dare to make a judgment, because judging a roughly two-point part, everyone's style of chess is different, and the judgment results are also different.

Some people think that it is better to invest money in the stock market, build up an external momentum in the center of the chessboard, and form potential, and it will be better for money to make money;This is a very subjective value judgment trade-off.

The sage of Beiyuan thought about it for a while, and said vaguely: "I just made a rough calculation based on my sense of chess, and I didn't carefully calculate many points. The black chess is not bad either, it has taken a lot of pieces from the white chess, and has a lot of ground, one is the future development potential, and the other is the real benefits in hand, of course, the specific situation needs to be analyzed in detail and judged in relation to the overall situation."`
The sage of Beiyuan paused, looked at the change map again, and judged: "If this is finalized, the AI's black chess is better overall, and the situation is small, but some people think that the white chess can be barely satisfied."

Yoshida Shouichi scratched his hair and said: "I like black chess in this part. The grand layout of development potential can't be mastered at all, but for us low players, we still have a handful of cash in our hands, and we have the confidence in our hearts." Confidence to win."

Yoshida Shou paused, straightened up, looked around the front row, and asked, "Takahashi-san, do you prefer white or black in this changing picture?"

"Change map?" Takanashi Xufeng turned around curiously.

"Beiyuan-san surprised me! Have you ever watched a man-machine battle, Takahashi-san? It was the second game, Ke Jie's AlphaGo formula, Gu Li's battle branch change map, and Beiyuan-san was right. That's right!" Yoshida Shou said beamingly, as if honored.

"All the calculations are correct!?" Taoli Xufeng was surprised, walked over curiously, and leaned slightly to look.

The sage of Beiyuan was quite ashamed in his heart, explained and corrected: "This is definitely not the best change, nor is it the most concise and stereotyped, and the calculation is not too difficult. As long as the calculation ability is good, and you know how to choose and change, don't think about it all. Experts face it. With this chess pattern, it is almost impossible to go wrong."

Yoshida Shouichi said flatteringly, "Student Kitahara's calculation ability is good. For amateur chess players like us, it may be as far as [-] steps away!"

Takanashi Xufeng thought for a while and said: "I like black chess more, white chess is too difficult to control, Aoi, how about you?"

Xiang Wukui turned her head when she heard the sound, and walked over. She glanced at the change chart and said firmly: "White is not good in the overall situation, and black has the advantage."`
Xufeng Gaoli raised his head, blinked his eyes, and said with a smile: "Student Beiyuan, if black and white do not fight, this is the correct way to move, do you want to continue to challenge it?"

The sage of Beiyuan was speechless, everyone took him for something, and let him challenge everything.

Yoshida Shou beamed and said, "Student Kitahara, do you know that this formula is the second round of the second man-machine war. Ke Jie and AlphaGo played a brand new formula on the spot!"

"This set style is well received by AI! This game is also the pre-AI era of world Go, the highest level game in human history! It symbolizes the dignity of human chess players in front of intelligent AI!"

The sage of Beiyuan looked around at the two people who looked forward to it, and said helplessly, "Let me try it."

He cleared the chess pieces on the mobile phone chessboard, set up the chessboard again, stared at the chessboard, and slowly meditated. `
White moves one in the 22nd move. If black sticks to the breaking point, white will open it again, forming an attacking chess pattern. `
This change is very easy to think of and very concise. The challenge given by Takanashi should not be that simple.

If the black chess still pulls the head, it will form a change in combat and can be ruled out.

The sage of Beiyuan continued to think, if the black chess had a long one, it would not be able to hold back the anger of the white chess, and the white chess could easily capture the four pieces of the black chess, and black's external momentum is not strong, a big loss! `
It seems that there is no better way for black to play besides turning the head to fight, or sticking to the breakpoint and launching a counterattack? Can you use the breakpoint of the white chess to make a switch? The Kitahara sage continued to think for a while, and suddenly his mind moved, and he can jump again after the black chess has jumped. This is a one-step jump, and it is a great skill!
He immediately began to carefully check the calculation from scratch.

Black breaks 23 pieces first, and White drops 24 pieces. White shows his attitude, I want to swallow your piece efficiently! `
And at this time, Hei 25 pieces, go back and jump one more, a masterful move! `
Hey, this move seems to be pretty good. If white hits black with 26, black will ignore it first. Black 27 brazenly goes to pull white, takes the initiative to die, and sacrifices black 27 in order to seek subsequent borrowing!

If white faces black's beating and attacking, and refuses to grow, but simply captures black's 23 stones, it will be rolled around by black and beaten into a discus, ugly and stupid!White's double seriousness in psychology and situation is unacceptable! `
In the end, black reorganized the rivers and mountains to wait for the younger generation, and black 29 combined, and the master hand ended.

After the setting is over, if the white circle has three pieces, break through at the triangular position, and stop eating the four black pieces inside-the final shape will be like this-the black piece has a good external momentum, and at the same time, it can also gain in the margin, even if the black four pieces above Zizi was killed heroically, but he was still satisfied with getting the upper hand. `
Moreover, White's capture of Black's four stones is just an official chess move in the final stage. It is better to put away and eat, and it will fall behind. In the opening stage, there are other big games with greater value. After the stereotype is over, White will greedily run to eat the black four pieces, and will recklessly lose the upper hand, which is a very unwise choice. After all, it is not yet clear who the bottom piece belongs to.

This change is wonderful!Both parties can be satisfied!
"Is that so?" Kento Kitahara raised his head, clicked on the mobile phone board, and demonstrated his thinking for Takanashi.

Takanashi Xufeng stared at him for two seconds, and then moved his gaze to Kitahara Sage's face, Shensi was very surprised.

"Beiyuan-student. This is indeed the local best response, you really figured it out."

Yoshida Shouichi was stunned for a moment, "You can really calculate it!" He suddenly thought of something, and quickly turned his head and asked: "In the man-machine battle, the move of white's main corner took ten minutes. How much time did Kitahara-san spend just now!?"

Takanashi Xufeng thought for a while and said, "...it seems like 7 minutes?"

Yoshida Shouichi fell silent for a moment.

The sage of Beiyuan pondered and said: "It's okay, after all, in the process of playing chess, before making a move, the two sides will carefully think about various changes and carefully consider each change map before making a move carefully and carefully, and I am not that big. The on-the-spot pressure, so I was able to download this picture within 5 minutes with a relaxed mind.”

He paused for a while, and then added: "And this move is not too difficult to find, as long as you are mentally prepared to abandon the piece in advance, and then make good use of the breakpoint of the white chess, you want to find the magic move of that move. With the keen sense of smell of professional masters, they should be able to detect anything."

"Beiyuan-san. You're really humble." Takahashi Xufeng paused, and said sincerely, "The person who discovered this move is the No. 1 Go in the world today. It’s really amazing to get the right solution for the first time.”

Takanashi Xufeng's gaze has been looking at Beiyuan in surprise.

All she knew before was that Beiyuan had played chess since elementary school.

It was only later that I found out that Beiyuan's father was a professional chess player. No wonder Beiyuan's chess skills are so powerful.

Now that I know again, Beiyuan's Go ability is also very good, and her impression has been refreshed once again.

But Kitahara-san is obviously talented, but she always hides it and never shows it to the outside world. If it wasn't for this accidental discovery, she would have been kept in the dark, and Takanashi Xufeng always has a strange feeling, Kitahara-san Had he been hiding it from everyone, or only from her?
Takanashi Xufeng thought about it, looked forward to it again and said curiously: "By the way, Beiyuan, there is another extremely complicated formula, Mi's Flying Knife, do you want to challenge it again?"

Yoshida Shouichi suddenly lifted his spirits, and quickly explained:
"Student Beiyuan doesn't know Mi's Flying Knife yet, let me tell you, it's much more complicated than the Great Slanting Thousand Changes and Great Avalanche!"

"Mi's Flying Knife, it comes out immediately with a knife, and the blood seals the throat! This is the No. 1 Go level in the world, and the fixed formula invented by Mi Yuting. When Mi's Flying Knife appeared, the changes were super complicated. Even the calculation power The terrifying AI has been confused!"

When the sage of Beiyuan heard it, he was taken aback. Although he didn't know whether it was true or not, it was not bad!
The intelligent AI that can calculate thousands of times in a second will be confused by Mi's flying knife. If he dares to try to calculate the correct solution, his brain will be boiling!He never wanted to taste the uncomfortable taste of coma again!

The sage of Beiyuan quickly waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I'll do my own research when I have time. I just finished a round-robin match and I'm a little tired. Let me take a rest."

Takanashi Xufeng hid her mouth and couldn't help laughing. It was the first time I saw Kitahara-san shrinking back. To be honest, she was a little cute.

When I took the bus back to school, it was just after school in the afternoon.

The bus stopped at the school gate, the door opened, and Kitahara sage got off with his schoolbag.

He glanced at the school gate that had just opened, and planned to find Minister Sugawara in his heart to discuss how to target Baitong.

During the last showdown, classmate Bai was pissed off. The sage of Beiyuan didn't think she would be indifferent. If he just let it go, she would probably make a move at the sports meeting.

But his background in the student union is too shallow. Under Baitong's subordinates, there are two directors of the Supervision Department and the Executive Department. They are outnumbered, with great disparity in strength and weakness. It is difficult for him to compete with Baitong on his own.

He needs the help of Feng Gao's gang of bad boys.

"Beiyuan-san, are you going to the student union now?" Gao Li Xufeng turned his head and asked.

Of course, Kitahara Kento would not go with Takanashi. Although after the showdown, he didn't need to go to Toriyuri to study together, but walking on campus with Takanashi was too conspicuous.

"You go first, I'll go later."

After watching Takanashi go away, Kitahara Kento lowered his head and took out his mobile phone, and edited a Line message to Minister Sugawara.

"Little classmate Beiyuan." A laughing old man's voice came from behind.

The sage of Beiyuan turned around and saw that it was Xiangwu Yilong - Xiangwu Kui standing beside him - who should have come to pick up his daughter from school.

"Grandpa Xiangwu, hello." Kitahara sage greeted politely.

Xiangwu Yilong glanced at the school gate, gently stroked Xiangwukui's small head, and said with a smile: "If you are not in a hurry, Beiyuan, how about going to the store with the old man to have a chat."

Beiyuan Xianren felt a little surprised in his heart, put away his mobile phone, and Xiangwu Yilong came to him, probably not just for chatting.

 emmm, the game book describes Kitahara sage's Go talent, the purpose is to pave the way for future celebrity battles, and a little foreshadowing by Takanashi, if you feel that even without a game book, the reading experience is still logical and realistic, then I won't write it in the future .

(End of this chapter)

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