Chapter 248 Vibrant Savannah
On the running track of the playground, the principal with white hair and a bright old face stood in front of the microphone and made a short speech.

The core four members of the student council, Kento Kitahara and Nakamura stood on the left side of the principal, and Takanashi and Kashiwagi stood on the other side.

Kitahara Kento stared expressionlessly at the shed area of ​​class G. There was a little naughty egg with ulterior motives. She kept looking around, looking at every girl around with her eyes as if weighing goods, and from time to time she stood on tiptoe to look at Xufeng Takanashi. s position.

The principal finally finished speaking and handed over the playground to the students. Kento Kitahara turned his head slightly and said in a low voice: "Nakamura, did you see that little girl who has been looking around and acting very suspicious? You must watch it later. Hold her tight and don't let her run around.

"See, she is...?"

"My sister, you can call her Haiji."

"Ah, Kitahara-kun's younger sister?!. Oh, I see!"

Kitahara sage withdrew his gaze, and continued to look at the young and beautiful girls who came up.

There will be dance performances on the day of the sports festival, creating a heated atmosphere. The sports committee elected by each class spontaneously organizes the choreography. The performance costumes are all designed by themselves, and the fabrics are purchased and sewn by themselves.

The loudspeaker in the playground played a cheerful and dynamic accompaniment, and the girls in cool clothes danced vigorously together. In the distant class shed area, there were also whistling whistles from the boys, and some girls followed The music danced and swayed together.

This is the youth of high school students! Kitahara Kento watched from afar, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He handed over the next program list to Takanashi, and Takanashi Xufeng took it over, reading the manuscript silently.

The 5-minute energetic dance ended, and the atmosphere on the scene was obviously heated up a lot.

Takanashi Xufeng walked to the front of the microphone and read an opening remark according to the script. Then she paused and cut to the point: "Next is the ensemble performance of the performance department, "The Silent Summer Night Fields."

Immediately afterwards, at the other end of the playground runway, Minister Sugawara held a baton and led dozens of people, holding large and small musical instruments in their arms, as they entered the arena aggressively.

With his back to the audience, Minister Sugawara waved his baton softly, and soon, the violin began to solo.

Nakamura Yuki asked curiously in a low voice: "Kun Kitahara, is the orchestra conductor really useful? What's the use of that little stick?"

It is an old-fashioned question that many people don't understand. What is the little golden cudgel in the conductor's hand doing? It seems that there is no difference with him or without him.

Kento Kitahara explained in a low voice: "It is indispensable for him to use various gestures, expressions and body movements to coordinate and control the performance speed, strength and emotion of as many as a dozen voice parts."

"If you think about it, there are as many as a dozen musical instrument parts. If there is no conductor to set the rhythm and emotion, everyone only cares about the beat in their own hearts. Once they get out of tune, it is easy to have a chain reaction, and a series of misleading others. That is a When there is a tragedy on the scene, there is appalling chaos, and the ensemble speed will become faster and faster."

Speaking of which, among the ranks of orchestra conductors, there are also some wonderful people full of characteristics. Their "wonderful performances" - quiet as a virgin, moving like a mad rabbit - can even overwhelm the mighty symphony.

When some conductors are directing, they are exquisite and coquettish, and their buttocks are twisted~twisted~twisted, conducting and dancing are both correct, fully interpreting what is called "dancing is worse than directing".

Some people seemed to be on high drugs, shaking their artistic explosive curly hair, punching vigorously with enthusiasm, and roaring with mouth shape, they almost shouted "move forward to victory!"

There is also a young lady who is the conductor. Her eyes are cold and she "dances the sword with her right hand", and her movements are chic and domineering. , Cool enough to fascinate and break thousands of girls.

There are even more conductors, with a ferocious expression on his face, and an overwhelming posture, like a great immortal casting a spell, with his arms open!Call the wind and shake the rain!Earth-shaking!All-powerful!
There are also people who "compete for internal strength in the void".

Someone taught "Super Saiyan Transformation" live.

Some people are suffering from Parkinson's, performing a "dementia puppet show" live.

These are all wonderful conductors who have entered a state of ecstasy. Kitahara Kento was quite amused in his heart. He withdrew his attention and continued to watch the orchestral ensemble.

The minister's commanding movements are quite satisfactory. Compared with the crazy great sages, his movements are as gentle as a weak little girl.

The first violin leads the music progressively, the clarinet joins in softly, and then the piccolo and maracas imitate the sound of the wind together, bringing the field breath of the quiet summer night to the face.

But the effect of the performance is just like that, and the goodness can be said. The Kitahara sage really didn't arouse much interest, and listened to it bored.

It wasn't until the saxophone that connected the previous and the following sounded that Kitahara Xianren suddenly realized whether this was a simple ensemble.

It was a summer night field where the evening breeze was blowing, a little wild boar suddenly jumped out, it galloped and howled freely and cheerfully, it was very refreshing in the neat ensemble, as if saying: Don't move!Now let me lead the rhythm!

The sage of Beiyuan sighed in his heart, it's over, the scene of the tragedy has come.

It's nothing more than rushing to shoot, and it's seriously out of tune, and the saxophone is played by the disrespectful saxophone.

Sugawara Mitsuhiro's commanding action froze slightly on the spot, his eyes locked on the "runaway little wild boar" instantly, and his face quickly sank.

And the "little wild boar" also realized that he rushed to shoot and was out of tune. He was extremely nervous and couldn't help but look for the beat more eagerly, but this seemed to be adding fuel to the fire, which was not helpful!

The violin part was confused on the spot, the piccolo part fell into a daze for a while, the maraca was still shaking stupidly, the rest of the saxophone players looked at each other, and the eyes communicated very quickly. Finally, they gritted their teeth and bit the bullet and played!

The first violinist watched the catastrophe coming, sweating profusely trying to pull out the correct phrase, dying, trying to save the situation.

It's a pity that everyone has turned into a wild horse, chasing the little wild boar and galloping happily.

Slowly, the principal violin also lost his rhythm with a sad face, and the ensemble was completely chaotic.

It was supposed to be a quiet summer night field, but at this moment, a group of demons danced wildly, and the demonic aura was soaring to the sky.

Mitsuhiro Sugawara's face was black, his left hand kept pressing down and down again, and the baton with his right hand changed the trajectory and reduced the volume!slow down!

But slowly, he also gave up with a weak expression, and symbolically swiped the baton a few times.

The Kitahara sage bit his lip and tried his best not to laugh. Although it was not the occasion for laughing, he really wanted to laugh at this moment. Their literal meaning was too outrageous.

He turned his head slightly and looked away, but Baimu Moyou's face was calm, calm as usual.

Gao Li Xufeng pursed his lips, still pinching his own fingers quietly, trying not to laugh.

The officials are already like this, let alone the audience, the sage of Beiyuan can't hear the distant voice clearly, but in the shed, there are already people leaning forward and backward with their stomachs covered.Some people secretly took out their mobile phones and recorded the scene.

Minister Sugawara turned his head and looked over, his eyes seemed to ask: Is there any way?

The sage of Beiyuan spread his hands helplessly: This kind of catastrophe is beyond the reach of gods.

Mitsuhiro Sugawara sighed, and turned to look at the shed area in the distance.

Those guys, have a good laugh.

Forget it, let's be happy!
At this moment, as a conductor, he also let himself go, straightened his chest, and raised his imposing left hand up and up again!The right hand beat faster, faster and faster!

The members of the orchestra breathed a sigh of relief, and the ministers have let themselves go, so what are they worried about!
Everyone immediately showed their rich skills in making troubles, and went further and further on the road of freeing themselves one after another, becoming stronger!Speed ​​up!Get the right phrase aside, and be happy!
All of a sudden, the orchestral ensemble interpreted the animal world with rich species in a mess!

Beiyuan Xianren looked at the cheerful students in the shed from a distance, thinking that maybe the performance would be better if they did this?
The atmosphere at the sports festival seems to have become lively, and they have completed the task perfectly in a rather strange way?

The 6-minute ensemble finally came to an end.

At the end of the curtain, Mitsuhiro Sugawara turned around and bowed to the audience in the shed, making it look like it was real.

Then he made a look, and the Kitahara sage understood, and handed him the microphone.

"Well, let me make a statement," Minister Sugawara cleared his throat twice, and his voice was transmitted from the playground speakers, "The printing error is purely a printing error. The repertoire of the performance department is not "The Silent Summer Night Field". It's "The Living Savannah."

"That's it, thank you."

After finishing speaking, Minister Sugawara raised his chest and headed up, and left in the lead. The members followed behind, with a high-spirited gait, and the group of defeated troops did not have the sense of decadence and embarrassment at all in a comedy.

The minister is the minister, and with this shameless spirit, ordinary people can't do it. Kitahara Kento silently slandered, took back the microphone, and looked at Takanashi, who was still pinching his fingers and winking at him Eye
Kento Kitahara understood. He picked up the microphone and said without any nonsense, "The sports festival is about to start. Athletes, please get ready."

After finishing speaking, he put down the microphone, fixed his eyes on the little naughty egg with ulterior motives and was about to move in the distance, and whispered to Nakamura: "Split up, outflank left and right, don't let her escape."

Although Nakamura Yuki didn't quite understand why Kitahara-kun wanted to arrest his sister, he still nodded energetically and said, "Okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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